“I don’t have a ring or anything,” he murmured in mild distress. “You deserve more than this.”

“I don’t need a ring…I only need you.” She met his gaze and said with complete honesty, “I can’t promise it’ll always be easy. You got a taste of what it’ll be like with strangers dogging our every step and intruding on our personal moments. Do you think you can handle that?”

“I won’t like it,” he admitted, then grinned as a newfound joy filled his soul that made him realize that he’d stand by Dani no matter what obstacles were thrown their way. “But we’ll figure it out. If you can put up with my long hours at the clinic, I can put up with your paparazzi.”

She grinned through a wash of tears and caressed his face, her voice breaking to ask, “So does that qualify as a yes?”

A well of emotion burst from his chest, choking him up and rendering him unable to speak so he did the next best thing, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, churning up sand and causing her to squeal as he kissed her again and again until neither could breathe and the realization skidded across his brain that the bungalow was much too far away and the beach wasn’t private enough. “I will marry you, Danielle St. Claire. I will marry you right this second if that’s what you want but first,” he helped her up as they stood. “We have to make a pit stop,” he told her, determined to add a little tradition that would mean something to them forever.

Dani laughed and followed him as they practically ran to the Jeep, hand in hand. “Where are we going?” she asked, her gaze sparkling with the mystery.

“You’ll see,” he promised, his heart as light as hers. He drove too quickly and possibly a bit recklessly but within moments they were out of the car and walking back into that jewelry store in the plaza. He went straight to the larimar display and motioned to the jeweler. He pointed at the ring that Dani had first admired and said, “We’ll take this one, please.”

The jeweler murmured, “nice choice,” and then pulled the ring and gave it to Miles, sensing something big was happening. Miles turned to Dani, his heart in his mouth and his hands trembling. “I know it’s not a diamond and I know this is kinda backward but…”

“I love it,” she whispered, her eyes swimming with tears as he slipped the ring on her finger. “And perfect.”

And it was. Everything was perfect, even if it wasn’t, it didn’t matter. He knew they had issues but they were stronger together than they ever were apart. Too bad it took them over a year to figure it out.

“I love you, Miles,” she said against his lips as they twined their fingers together, completely in their own world, no matter that they were still in the jewelry store and certainly not safe from prying eyes but neither cared who saw. “I love you so much. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

“I’ll never give you a reason to doubt me ever again,” he vowed, loving her desperately. “Ever.”

From that moment forward, he would always have her back and together they could face anything.

Even the paparazzi.


Miles clasped Dani’s hand as she trembled with fear and anticipation. He caught her chin and smiled with love and adoration but it was the pride that she needed most. “You got this,” he said with complete confidence. “It’s yours to lose. And I’m not just saying that because I’m sleeping with you.”

She giggled at his joke and nodded, trying not to fidget and keep her smile fixed while the announcer fumbled with gilded envelope. A year ago, she never would’ve imagined that she’d be here, sitting beside the love of her life, a man so good and kind and true that he made her a better person every day, and unbeknownst to anyone but she and Miles, a tiny life grew inside her, the fluttering heartbeat in her womb, a delightful secret that she carried beneath her breastbone as she waited the answer printed on that envelope.

“And the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress goes to….Danielle St. Claire for her portrayal of Hattie Rollins in the screen adaptation of the novel, Falling From Grace!”

The music swelled as the applause thundered and the announcer overhead stated “This is Danielle St. Claire’s first Golden Globe win…” and Miles kissed her sweetly before whispering, just for her ears, “But not her last…” and she could barely hold back the tears as she rose on unsteady feet to walk to the stage, the music from the iconic movie playing as she ascended the steps and took her place at the microphone as it rose from the floor soundlessly. The teenage Golden Globe girl, the daughter of some celebrity, handed her the statuette with a sweet smile and then faded into the background.

The lights blinded her but when she spoke it was directed to the one person out there that mattered — the man whose heart beat in time with hers and was the second half to her wayward soul.

“There are so many people I need to thank but it would take all day and I know no one wants to spend their time listening to me yammer on. But in all honesty, I can’t leave this stage without dedicating this award to my husband and best friend, Miles Lassiter…a man who is as giving as he is loving because without him, I wouldn’t be here. He is, and always will be, the man of my dreams and the keeper of my heart. Thank you Miles,” she rose the statuette and gave it a small celebratory salute, “we did it!”

The music swelled and she realized in that moment, the lights of fame would never blind her again because her one true light and grace, would always shine brighter and would always lead her home.