“Then do it,” she said with a wicked laugh. “Fuck me raw, Vince Buchanan!”

“My pleasure,” he said and as they tumbled to the bed, there was a resounding crack from beneath them, but Vince didn’t seem to care. And in fact, when she said, “I think your bed just broke” he shrugged and flipped her to her stomach, saying he’d buy another. His answer caused her to laugh giddily. If it’d been her bed, she’d have freaked out. She couldn’t afford new sheets much less a new bed. But before she could say something to that effect, he’d grabbed her hips and pulled her backward so that her ass was in the air, ready for him. She shivered but had little time to do much more before he’d seated himself deep inside her channel with a good thrust. In this position, he could go much deeper and a groan popped from her mouth. Good God, she felt impaled — and it felt better than she’d ever imagined it would.

Now she knew why women trailed the Buchanan’s like lost sheep.

Hell, anything that felt this amazing should be against the law because two seconds later, she was lost to rational thought and her sense of self just left the building.

All that mattered was that Vince’s cock never stopped fucking her.


Vince awoke slowly and realized Emma was curled into his side. For a long moment he remained, the memory of last night dominating his waking thoughts and causing a warm smile to follow. Emma’s body next to his felt right. He didn’t want to examine that reasoning too closely, not just yet. There was plenty of time to dissect it to pieces later. For now, he wanted to savor whatever this was.

Emma stirred and her hand slid across his chest as she burrowed closer to him. Her small body fit like a puzzle piece against his and it took everything in him not to pull her right on top of him for an early morning romp. His third leg was certainly willing as evidenced by his hard-as-iron erection that was practically tenting the sheets but he wanted to give Emma a chance to recover, considering she was still healing from her ordeal.

Speaking of…he sighed and grabbed his cell phone, turning it on. He’d purposefully shut off his cell last night so he could focus all of his attention on Emma but he had to return to the real world eventually. As he’d expected, he had multiple voicemails but it was the one from Nolan that had him bounding from the bed.

Emma peered at him as she yawned, saying, “What’s going on?”

“Shit!” He stubbed his toe on the dresser as he ran by picking up clothes and jerking them on. “I missed a really important phone call from my brother. Get dressed. Hurry.”

Emma frowned and rushed to find some clothes. She grabbed the first thing she could find of the clothes Vince had brought to her and followed his lead. “Is it about the club? Have they found who attacked me and Lana?” she asked.

“No, it’s Penny….she’s in labor. Or at least she was around 10 p.m. last night. Hell, how long does it take to pop out a kid? Maybe the baby’s already here? Crap. I’m going to catch shit for not taking that phone call.”

“Baby? Wait a minute…you want me to come with you to the hospital?”

“Yeah,” he answered, running a toothbrush across his teeth. “I can’t leave you here.”

“And why not?”

“Because I don’t trust you not to run off. Regardless of what happened between us last night, the fact remains that I need you here with me until we figure things out about the club.”

She stared, openly wounded. “Oh, I get it. Last night was just sex. Nothing has changed between us. I’m still a prisoner and you’re still an asshole.”

“C’mon, cut the crap. I never promised a happily-ever-after after one night of sex. Get over yourself.”

“You get over yourself,” Emma shot back but her eyes glittered. “I can’t believe I thought for a second that you weren’t the cold-hearted dick that you seem to be. I was wrong…you’re worse than a cold-hearted dick — you’re an unfeeling bastard!”

“That’s right sweetheart,” Vince said, fighting against the feeling that he was fucking something up that could be really great. Screw that. He didn’t need this kind of entanglement in his life. Besides, it was better to douse that sappy look in her eyes now than later when she’s more attached. He was doing her a favor, which she would realize after she’s had some distance. “Now get dressed. I want to leave in five minutes, no later.”

And then he walked away as if he’d already forgotten she was there, even though his heart was telling him he was making a huge mistake.


Rotten, arrogant, bastard!

Everything she’d ever discovered about Vince Buchanan was true and yet she’d somehow been blinded to the plain truth. It was her own damn fault for being so gullible and a closet romantic. She dashed angry tears from her eyes and dressed quickly, hating him for awakening a part of herself that she hadn’t known was there and yet craved all the same. She stared hatefully in his direction, until he gestured with a curt motion to hurry up and then she flipped him off.

“Is that an invitation for angry sex when we return?” he asked with a smirk and she wanted to throw something at him. “No? That’s a shame. Angry sex can be hot.”

“Fuck off.” She shouldered past him, too wounded and shamed to offer anything more scathing. Her mind was screaming at her for being so stupid as to allow Vince past her mental defenses when she clearly knew him to be a wretched human being.

They rode in the Towncar to the hospital and it was difficult to forget what they’d done on this very leather last night. In fact, Emma took a delicate sniff, was that sex she could smell? Oh good Lord, please no. Could her mortification be any worse than it was now? Maybe her brain was playing with her nose. With as many women as Vince dallied with, he probably had instructions to his driver to swab the seats regularly to avoid leaving any tell-tale evidence behind. Ugh. The thought made her queasy. She was just one more notch in his belt. Nothing special or different. Had she thought that she would be? Maybe a little. The truth stung.

“You will be on your best behavior around my family,” he instructed as the Towncar pulled into the hospital parking lot. “Do you understand?”

“I’ll just wait in the car so as not to feel compelled to ruin your family get-together,” she countered sweetly. He scowled and she followed with a small smile. “I mean, there’s no need to explain our awkward relationship to anyone. I would imagine it might look bad for you.”

“They already know about you and nothing I do surprises my family.”

“Oh? Do they know you’re holding me hostage? Prisoner? And that to compel my cooperation, you’ve kidnapped my sister as well?”


Her mouth snapped shut. Of course they knew. Wretched bastards, the lot of them. “Ugh. Whatever. You’re all going to hell.”

“Maybe. But in the meantime, you will behave yourself. Got it? This is a big day and I don’t want it ruined for Penny.”

“And who is this Penny?”

“Dillon’s wife.”

“And if I don’t behave?” His menacing glower actually sent an excited shiver down her spine. Even when he looked mean enough to strangle kittens in his spare time he was ridiculously handsome. Oh, damn her hormones. He was pure evil with an angel’s body. “Oh fine. I’ll behave myself but not because you’re ordering me too but because babies are a blessing no matter who their parents are. So you can stop glaring at me like that.”

“Good.” They climbed from the Towncar and entered the hospital, detouring to the gift shop where Vince attempted to pick out a present but after several moments of total uncertainty, ended up looking less formidable and more panicked. “I have no idea what to buy for a baby,” he admitted, looking to her with what looked like a plea for help.

She ought to let him twist in the wind for being such an insufferable jerk but in spite of herself, she sighed and decided to help. “The present isn’t for the baby, it’s for the mom. Here,” she walked over to the large walk-in freezer and selected the biggest bouquet there and thrust it at