And that worried the hell out of Nolan.

He couldn’t lose his twin, it would be like losing a piece of himself.

Nolan tightened his arms around Shannon.

In the end, all he could do was have faith that fate had bigger plans than mere mortals could understand.


The night ended and Vince shepherded Emma from the restaurant and into the Towncar but instead of instructing the driver to take them straight to the penthouse, he gave him an alternate location, a place with privacy and a spectacular view.

They pulled up to an area known as The Widow’s Peak, a bluff that overlooked the city and parked. “Where are we?” Emma asked, accepting his help from the car to look around. “You’re not bringing me out here to kill me, right?”

He cut her a sidewise glance. “You watch too many movies. Besides, if I were going to kill you, would I bring my driver as a witness? I’m no expert in the crime of homicide but I would imagine that’s something you’d want to do without witnesses.”

“He could be your accomplice,” she suggested but she allowed him to draw her closer to share his warmth as he took them to the highest spot with the best view. “Oh…that’s pretty,” she exclaimed softly, settling against him. If she felt his rock hard cock pressing against her backside, she didn’t mention it. “I never knew this was here. How did you find it?”

“My father owned the property with the hopes of building a hotel but he never got around to it and the land just sat empty and unused. Nolan and I used to come out with friends and get drunk.” And other things.

“You were really bad boys, weren’t you?”

“I could deny it but we both know I’d be lying. Yes, we were bad boys.”

She turned to him, wetting her lips. “Are you still a bad boy?”

“The worst,” he answered quietly, drawn by the sweet promise of those beautiful, pouting lips. He wanted her so badly he shook with it. Why had he brought her here? He should’ve had the driver take them straight to the penthouse. She shivered and he gently rubbed the bare skin on her shoulders. “Are you cold?” he asked.


“Do you want to leave?”


He reached up and pulled the pins from her hair so that it tumbled in loose, bouncy waves down her back. Vince buried his hand into the soft hair at the nape of her neck and pulled her closer. She came without resistance but her eyes had widened. “Are you still in pain?” he asked.

“A little,” she admitted a bit breathlessly. “Nothing a little ibuprofen won’t take care of.”

“Good.” And then he couldn’t wait a moment longer before he tasted her lips, felt her tongue against his. The petal soft press of her lips gave way to the invasion of his tongue as he swept her mouth with an expert, almost feather-light touch meant to explore and excite. She shuddered and he tightened his grip on her, needing to feel more of her body against him. A wild rush whooshed through his veins and the need for more seized his ability to think rationally and stomped it into pulp. Their tongues twined and danced, sliding against one another in a symphony of awakening desire and soon he was practically holding her up as she’d literally gone weak in the knees. He grinned and scooped her into his arms, stalking for the Towncar. So much for the grand plan to slowly seduce her until she was putty in his hands. He deposited her on her feet at the door of the Towncar and instructed the driver to take them to the penthouse — immediately.

But he didn’t think he could wait. His eyes were crossing with need and his vision had narrowed to Emma and only Emma. Her breath had become shallow and her pupils were dilated, betraying her desire as well. He was thankful for the privacy shield on the Towncar for he didn’t want an audience for what he wanted to do to her. With a growl, he pulled her onto her back and lifted the hem of her dress, sliding the fine fabric up her thigh until he reached the apex and caught sight of the tiny square of panty hiding what he wanted most. “What are you doing?” Emma asked as if embarrassed and tried to push her dress back down.

“You still owe me that kiss.”

“You lost the bet,” she said with a shake to her voice. “And what do you mean you didn’t get your kiss? What were we doing outside? Felt like kissing to me.”

He cocked his head at her and gently pushed her hand away. “I did not lose. You and I both know you lied, which means you forfeit and I win either way. But that’s not the kiss I was looking for. Now stop trying to be in control and let someone who knows what you need, give it to you.”

“Oh God,” she said, clapping her hand over her eyes. “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m not really into this sort of thing. I’m sorry, I’m sure you’re very talented but I’m just not into this…you know, type of thing.” He ignored her and tugged her panties free, tossing them to the floorboard as he feasted his eyes on the lovely little mound and sweet, dewy cleft. Had he ever seen a more beautiful pussy? He couldn’t wait to taste and explore those secret feminine folds but he soon realized Emma was babbling and he smiled, eager to hear her words turn to gasps. “I mean, I know guys feel obligated to go down on a woman but— Oh!” Vince parted her nether lips and dipped his tongue inside for an exploratory taste, wanting to savor every second of her essence on his tongue. His eyes slammed shut as a wave of intense lust overtook him, rocking against his ability to remain cool and in control, even in his most intense sexual encounters. He wanted to own every moan, every gasp, every sensation rioting through Emma’s body starting with this moment. He buried his face between her damp folds, inhaling the beautifully feminine musk, loving it more than any expensive perfume ever dabbed along a female’s flesh. Vince found the rigid fleshy nub and began to mercilessly tease and coax it into swelling beneath his tongue.

“Oh God,” she whimpered, her hands clutching mindlessly at the black leather, her hips jerking as he held her down, anchored to his marauding mouth. “V-Vince…oh God…Ohh! Ohhhh!” Sweat dampened his hairline as he pushed her to that edge, needing to know that he’d made her cum. It mattered to him unlike ever before that he was the one to make her shatter. Within seconds her thighs began to shake and he crowed silently, driving that tempo to its final conclusion. Cum for me, baby, he thought, lapping at the tiny, engorged little clit, and then she stiffened and her strangled cry was music to his ears as she thrashed against the waves rocking her body. He pulled away slowly and watched as she rolled to her side, curling into a limp ball as she gasped with the pleasure. Finally she flopped to her back to stare at him, almost uncomprehending of what had just happened. When she could speak again, she slowly sat up and tried to push the wild hair from her eyes. She looked adorably disheveled and it occurred to him that she looked more beautiful now than all dolled up. Perhaps he would keep her in his bed at all times. “I never knew…” she said, then as if realizing she’d spoken outloud, blushed and looked away. “I don’t even know what to say. This is embarrassing.”

“Nonsense,” he disagreed, shocking her when he pulled her into his lap. “There is nothing embarrassing about satisfying one’s desire. Haven’t your lovers brought you to climax before?”

She looked away, biting her lip. “Um, not like that.”

“Did you like it?” he asked gently, completely enchanted with the soft and vulnerable expression on her face, knowing she was anything but soft. He snagged her chin when she refused to look at him. He shared in a low husky tone, “I liked it very much and I will do it again…very soon.”

Emma’s breath caught and he captured her lips, wanting her to smell herself on his lips. In Vince’s opinion, there was nothing more sensual than the smell of a woman’s musk and Emma’s scent in particular drove him wild. Vince sensed beneath that prim exterior was a passionate woman dying to live life to its fullest. The fact that she buttoned herself down to satisfy some sense of forced responsibility made him want to tear down every wall and introduce her to untold pleasures. When he pulled away they were both breathless and nearly tearing at ea

ch other’s clothing but before they could get very far, the Towncar stopped and Vince all but jerked Emma from the car and rushed her to the penthouse elevator. The second the doors closed, he was at her again, needing to taste every inch of her skin before the night was through. Don’t think, just feel, he told himself. Emma hopped into his arms, her dress hiked up to her hips, exposing the sweet ass that he couldn’t wait to slap as he pounded into her tight body, and he carried her through the door, slamming it shut behind him with his foot.

They reached the bedroom and he set her down. “Dress off. Now.” It was all he could do to utter the words, his throat was strangled with the need to fuck her senseless. She fumbled with the zipper and with a growl, he turned her over and relieved her of the dress with a jerk. She gasped and went to roll from her belly to her back but he was on her before she could finish the rotation. “Not so fast. I like you right like this,” he said against her ear. He loved the vulnerability of a woman on her belly, her soft, feminine parts, lifted for his perusal. Fucking a woman doggy-style was his favorite and he was nearly shaking with his desire to have Emma that way. He divested himself of his own clothing and palmed his thick, swollen cock. “On your hands and knees, little dove,” he instructed and she rose, looking back at him, her gaze going straight to his cock. “Do you like what you see?” he asked. Her cheeks burned brighter but she nodded. “Say it. Tell me you want my cock,” he said, going to her, bracketing her hips with his hands, his mouth going dry at the lovely sight until he saw the bruises someone else had left on her smooth skin. He would make that bastard pay for daring to mar Emma’s body. He would rip the fucker’s head clean from his shoulders if he got the chance. Vince rubbed the cleft where his mouth had been only moments prior and gently inserted his finger but the moment he pressed, she yelped and collapsed on her stomach with a shudder, clenching her legs shut.

“I’m sorry,” she cried, scrambling to a sitting position, her eyes glazed with more than arousal. “I can’t.”

And he knew why. She started to babble an explanation but he didn’t need one and immediately shooshed her, instead pulled her close, more intent on calming her than anything else. His heart beat with the urge to commit murder at seeing Emma react like that because of what had happened. Emma buried her face against him. “I want to,” she said, almost mournfully. “But the minute you touched me like that…it reminded me of what he’d done to me without my consent. I’m sorry…”

“There’s no need to apologize,” he said gruffly. “It’s understandable.”

He should’ve been pissed at being denied. Vince had never suffered a rejection of this kind without finding an immediate alternative outlet but he felt no desire to fuck anyone but Emma. Emma intrigued him, he told himself when an alarm sounded. How could he not be? She was a contradiction in all things: smart yet reckless; sexy yet naïve; and defiant yet vulnerable — all wrapped up in the hottest body he’d ever seen.

And her eyes were pretty spectacular, too. Not that he was the kind of guy who waxed poetically about a woman’s eye color. But, yeah, Emma was hot in all sorts of ways.

Vince was not a patient man but he found himself willing to wait for Emma to be ready. For the moment, anyway.


Emma felt hot and scratchy and wretched. She’d been fully prepared to let Vince ruin her for the night and then, suddenly everything had been really ruined by her unexpected reaction. It’d just been Vince’s finger yet suddenly, she’d been right back in that cursed dungeon being beaten and violated by a stranger and every hot, slippery feeling in her downstairs area had evaporated, leaving her crying and trying to get away from the man who’d given her the single most amazing orgasm she’d ever experienced.

How embarrassing.

“Where did you learn how to do that,” she asked, when both their breathing had calmed and they were simply lying in each other’s arms (and yes, she was tripping a little at that even but she really liked it just the same.) “I mean, you must’ve done that a lot of times to get that good.”

He shrugged. “Practice does make perfect.”

“So modest. Do I want to know how many women you’ve…you know.”


“Dumb question,” she muttered to herself, then added. “Well, I really liked it. I guess I never had it done well enough to know what I was missing.”

A low chuckle rumbled from his chest and she smiled. “So you mean to tell me that none of your beta boys liked eating pussy?”

“I don’t know if they liked it or not but they weren’t very good at it. I think I told myself that I didn’t like it much to spare their feelings so they didn’t feel inadequate.”

“And what do you think about it now?”

“I think I don’t want to go back to not having it,” she admitted, adding sheepishly. “When do you think you might want to do it again? Just the oral part, I mean.”

He stilled and she thought perhaps she’d inadvertently offended him. He rose above her, his gaze finding hers in the dim moonlit room and what she saw made her breath squeeze from her lungs. He was so powerful, so virile — and yet, when it had mattered — so gentle. “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you,” he said.

She swallowed, her entire body warming at the instant heat generated between them. “I want you to do that thing to me again…” she whispered.

“Tell me.” Emma blushed. He wanted her to talk dirty to him, to tell him how much she loved the feel of his mouth on her most sensitive parts, making her cry out like a beast in heat. She twisted against the shamefully erotic feelings bouncing through her body, igniting the engines and chasing away any remaining terror. He captured her mouth gently, coaxing her lips open, teasing her tongue with his as he murmured against her mouth. “Say it, little dove. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

“I want you to…eat me,” she said, squeezing her eyes shut at the wild lust that pounded through her at the dirty words. “Eat me, Vince. Make me cum again and again!” Any other time she would’ve cringed at the words dropping from her mouth but she was consumed with the need to experience that internal explosion that freed her from the need to think and if it meant talking dirty, she was willing to do it. With some practice, she might even get good at it.

And then Vince was sliding down her body, kissing and sucking as he went, creating a fire in the pit of her belly that threatened to consume her if she wasn’t careful. But she didn’t want to be careful. She wanted to forget everything that’d happened in the last six months — including what’d happened to Lana and how her life had changed in an instant.

“You taste so good,” he said as he buried his face between her folds, sucking and licking, teasing and nipping until she was gasping and crying with pure, unadulterated pleasure. This was insanity and she welcomed it with open arms. “Yes,” he murmured when she clutched at his head, urging him on, any lingering shyness trampled by the wondrous need crashing through her body. She clamped her legs around his neck and he gripped her ass tightly as he drove her to that edge without mercy once again. And like a well-oiled machine, he rang her bell a second time, leaving her gasping and crying and shuddering all at once. But this time she wanted more than to lie limply as she recovered, she wanted more than she could possibly imagine that she would want to take from Vince Buchanan. When he pulled away, she pushed him down to the bed and anchored herself on his cock, closing her eyes at the delicious sensation of being stretched to accommodate his thick length. This was no finger. And thus, she had no reservations about taking it all the way. She quaked as her body exploded with riots of pleasure, the head of his cock rubbing against a sweet spot that she’d only experienced glimpses of pleasure from in the past. She moaned and rocked against that spot, losing herself to the pleasure of having her G-spot stimulated and when she hazily opened her eyes she saw the most erotic vision she’d ever seen — Vince, straining, the cords popping in his neck as he groaned, his hands anchored on her hips as she rode him. She

could feel him surging against her and she imagined the mushroom head of his cock blooming as he lifted his hips in time with her rocking thrusts. “Oh God, yes, Vince!” she cried out, barreling toward that cresting moment, everything shaking and tingling as her entire body went on high alert until her mouth dropped open and her eyes rolled into her head with a different climax than the clitoral explosion she’d experienced earlier. This time, she nearly lost her mind with the pleasure rocking her insides, melting her will and turning her into a gasping, crying, moaning porn star with all cameras trained on her for the money shot. “V-Vince…” she whimpered as she fell forward on his chest, trying to catch her breath but he wasn’t finished. She was barely aware when he rolled her to her back and began pounding into her, his face a mask of carnal focus. His muscles stood out as he lifted himself above her, his hips thrusting as his cock continued to drive her and she wrapped her legs around his torso as he lifted her into his lap, cock still buried inside her. “I can’t take anymore,” she said, losing her mind to the pleasure beginning to build inexplicably again.

“You were made for sex, baby,” he said, nailing her to the wall, ravishing her neck as he filled his palms with her ass. “I could fuck you all day and never tire of the feel of your pussy clenched around my cock.”

She thrilled at his dirty words, wondering how she’d ever thought sex was hardly something to get worked up about. Clearly, she’d been wasting time with those beta boys. “Tell me how you’d like to fuck me,” she said, tugging on his earlobe with a light nip of her teeth. She’d like to bury her teeth in his luscious ass! What would it be like to stick her tongue…she could barely say the words even in her head but she found the idea incredibly hot.

“I’d like to bend you over and fuck you so hard it jars your teeth,” he growled and she loved the sound of it.