“Scout’s honor.”

“Something tells me you were never a scout,” she muttered but took a seat and accepted the plate. She made sure her robe was securely tied around her, then took an exploratory bite of the eggs. Of course, they were fantastic, she wanted to groan. She’d half hoped they were disgusting so she could excuse herself with good reason. No such luck. “Where’d you learn how to cook like this?” she asked.

“Here, there…” he answered, tucking into his own plate without hesitation. “When you’ve been kicked off the family teat, you learn how to fend for yourself pretty quick and since I enjoy a good meal, my only choice was to learn how to make things myself.”

Kicked off the family teat? “What do you mean? Were you disowned or something?”

He cast her a wry glance. “Something like that.”

She shouldn’t ask. It wasn’t her business. What would Nolan and Vince think if they knew she was prying into their private family affairs? But the temptation was too strong. At her worst, she was a terribly nosey thing. Perhaps she should’ve went into journalism instead of accounting, then she would’ve had a valid reason for prying into people’s lives. But before she could ask another question, Dillon had one of his own. “Are you sleeping with Vince or Nolan?” When Penny blushed and looked away, he chuckled and surmised with a surprised grin, “Both? Damn, my brothers have upped their game in the time since I’ve been home.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, frowning.

“It means exactly what you think it means,” Dillon said, his mouth twisting. “Let me guess, you’re in a contract for your services…”

Penny squirmed, terribly embarrassed at their secret business arrangement being discussed casually over eggs. “It’s not all about money. I care about them and they care about me. They’re very good to me.”

“Of course they are,” he said, not surprised. “You’re their pet. Masters are always good to a pet they’ve just purchased. It’s all about the novelty. Eventually, they’ll tire of their newest acquisition, probably right about the time your contract is up.”

Suddenly, her eggs tasted sour in her mouth. Penny dropped her fork and moved to leave but Dillon stopped her with an apology that sounded really close to sincere. “Listen, let’s start over, okay? We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot. I’m Dillon Buchanan and you are…?”

Penny regarded him with open uncertainty. Don’t trust him, her instincts screamed but there was something about him that drew her, something she ought to ignore but she didn’t want to. “Penny McDaniels,” she answered softly. “Why did you say that about your brothers? Is it true? Have they done this before with someone else?”

At that Dillon’s gaze shuttered but his mouth widened in a bright smile. “No more talk of serious stuff over breakfast. What does your day look like?”

“I-I have the day off but I don’t think Vince or Nolan would appreciate me spending time with you given your difficult relationship.”

“Do they own you body and soul?” he asked, his tone lightly teasing but there was something starkly serious about his question as well. “Surely, you get a day off from them as well as your job?”

His question only drove home the point that she belonged to the Buchanan brothers. It was an odd thing, one she was still becoming accustomed to, particularly when she’d been used to flying solo most of the time. Not that she was complaining, of course. Vince and Nolan were kind, generous, and made her toes curl on a regular basis. What more could a girl want? “They will be here in an hour,” she answered, adding with a bright smile. “We’re going sailing.”

Disappointment showed in his gorgeous eyes but he recovered well, saying, “No worries. It’s probably best. I have some details to attend to as well. But I confess, the idea of spending the day with you is far more appealing.”

She smiled in spite of her misgivings. One thing was for sure, Dillon had that Buchanan charm and he wielded it well. “Why are you here?” she asked. “Something tells me it wasn’t to cook me breakfast.”

His enigmatic smile faded around the edges and for a split second her heart ached for him, as if he were actually hurting inside. Perhaps he was simply misunderstood and isn’t the villain Vince and Nolan believe him to be. And perhaps she was being completely naïve by hoping that was the case. Her Buchanans had been quite clear about their feelings about their older brother and she trusted their judgment. She had no business feeling anything for Dillon, no matter how he made her insides flutter with a simple glance, or worse, that crooked half-smile that nearly broke her heart each time.

“You’re a dangerous woman,” he said, startling her with his sudden observation.

“M-me? Hardly. I’m just an accountant who somehow…” Penny blushed and glanced away. “Sometimes I’m afraid they’re going to realize they could’ve gotten someone better for their business arrangement.”

“And why is that?”

She forced a laugh. “I’m not exactly model material and the Buchanans are…well, they’re filthy rich. They could have anyone they want, why would they settle with me?”

“From what I can see, whatever they offered you, it’s not enough,” he said in a low, sultry tone that caused the air in her chest to disappear. “And judging by the soft swell of that beautiful tit, I’d say they shouldn’t leave you alone for a second…especially when I’m back in town.”

It took a moment for his comment to truly register then she realized her robe had gaped open, giving Dillon a perfect glimpse at her left breast. She gasped and pulled the robe closed, her mortification mingling with a breathless arousal that was so highly inappropriate she didn’t know how to react. “Oh God,” she said in a high squeak that was hardly dignified at all. “I’m so embarrassed.”


“Because you just saw my boob!”

“I wasn’t complaining.”

She sent him an exasperated look, though a grin teased her mouth just the same. “That’s not the point, it’s not appropriate. Thank you for breakfast but,” she said, rising and tucking her robe tighter around her “I really need to ask you to leave. Vince and Nolan will be here soon and I need to get ready.”

Dillon chuckled, not the least bit put off by her request, but he countered with a shocking suggestion. “How about we save water and shower together. I wouldn’t mind spending the day on the water. It’s been awhile since I took in the sea air. If I recall, it’s quite refreshing.”

The idea of showering with Dillon caused a shudder that she tried to suppress but the gleam in Dillon’s stare told her he’d caught it and was reveling in her reaction. That was just fantastic, she thought sourly. “No we cannot shower together,” she snapped. “Now go.” She didn’t wait for him to agree or disagree this time and simply turned on her heel and marched to her bedroom. “And don’t you dare just pop up in my shower either or you’ll find sensitive areas under attack with a loofah,” she called out stridently. The nerve of that man. What a cheeky suggestion.


Dillon was playing with fire but the succulent Penny McDaniels had thrown a wrench in his carefully thought out plan. He wanted her. And not just because she belonged to his brothers, although that was certainly a bonus. His little brothers could use a little payback for the stunt they’d tried to pull with Granddad. No, his fascination with Penny had less to do with his plan than his desire to feel her beneath him. She had curves in all the right places, from her big, soft breasts to the rounded swell of her hips, and he was interested in discovering all the sensitive places that made her shiver and gasp. He enjoyed the way her eyes flashed with indignation yet still couldn’t hide the flare of arousal and it was that hidden spark that intrigued him most.

He’d traveled the world, making his own way, while his brothers swam in corporate waters. He’d never wanted to be a suit-wearing stiff, but granted, he could’ve handled things between himself and his overbearing father with a bit more tact. Hindsight being twenty-twenty, he probably

shouldn’t have told the old man to “go fuck yourself” when the big stand-off had gone down all those years ago. But Dillon had never been good at taking orders, even if there were dire consequences attached to his refusal.

He and the old man had never patched things up — a private regret he carried — but when he realized it was time to stop being a wanderer and put down some roots, those little fuckers had maneuvered him right out of the family estate for good. Granddad, bless his dotty heart, certainly hadn’t realized what he’d been signing and Vince and Nolan had taken full advantage of that fact.

But Vince and Nolan didn’t know who he’d become over the years. No longer the brash and angry youth they remembered, Dillon was as cold and calculating as the most dangerous corporate shark and Dillon wanted what had been taken from him.

The bonus, of course, was that Dillon was going to enjoy teaching his little brothers the value of never underestimating their opponent. They made a grave misstep in assuming that Dillon hadn’t changed over the years, that he wouldn’t notice their underhanded shenanigans until it was too late. Unbeknownst to them, Dillon had been quietly building his own empire, separate from the Buchanan stronghold, as well as keeping on an eye on Vince and Nolan’s every move. He knew their dirty secrets, their private escapades. Yet, they were completely in the dark about him. Laziness and arrogance, Dillon smirked. Two qualities that made easy bedmates but disastrous partners. Well, well little brothers…time to learn the most valuable lesson of all: never underestimate your opponent and always, always guard your investments.

Dillon’s smile spread as he left the apartment.

Penny McDaniels would be his first acquisition from Buchanan Enterprises.

A laugh rumbled from his chest. Oh, Miss McDaniels…you have no idea that soon…you will belong to me.


Dillon is up to no good — or is he? Maybe everything isn’t as it seems. When Penny finds herself pulled in three separate directions, she doesn’t know if she should listen to her heart or her head. One thing is for certain, in the glittering world of the ultra rich, it’s dangerous to take anything at face value — even the appearance of love.


Here’s an excerpt from Alexx Andria’s hot, new erotic stories, DOMINATED BY HIS GHOSTLY TOUCH: http://amzn.to/LL7kvg

He tossed me to the bed and I landed with a soft oomph on the pillowy, dense comforter and I giggled as he pulled my panties off with his teeth. At that moment I was glad I’d slept in a nightshirt only, not that it would’ve mattered, right? Dream clothes probably just faded like mist in the dreamscape. I was impressed with my own attention to detail. Of course, I’d always been accused of being a bit of a control freak, or Type A as they called it. So it stood to reason that—“Ohhh!” I gasped in shock as he plunged his cock deep inside me without warning. My pussy lips stretched around that huge cock almost painfully and it felt as if he were about to pop out through my throat. I felt stuffed to the gills with man meat like never before. “Oh God,” I breathed, my nipples pebbling into hard points, begging to be sucked as he pushed himself deeper still into my throbbing body. This felt incredibly…real. Even down to the rhythmic pulses deep within my channel as he rubbed the head of his cock against my G-spot, teasing and coaxing it into ringing my bell. I groaned, loud and desperate, as he thrust into my hot and greedy core, almost impossibly large and domineering as he worked my body, lifting my hips and tossing my legs over his beefy shoulders. I cried out as he pinched my nipples and then nearly bent me in half with his big body, shoving into me hard as his balls slapped against my ass.

“Nice and tight little pussy,” he said in approval as he grunted with each thrust. “So good! Arrrghhh! I love a good fuck!”

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as a flush stole over my body at the first sizzle of a spark tingling through my body, tightening my muscles as I tumbled helplessly into an orgasm that took my breath away. Everything clenched inside me until I was gasping, almost crying, from the intensity. It took several moments before I could speak and I realized with a start that I was still in the dream — or more specifically — someone was still inside me!

“Not bad for a dead guy, eh?” he said, swiveling his hips with a lascivious expression even as his cock was still firmly lodged inside my drenched pussy. I squeezed my eyes shut and willed my dream to end but when John shifted and quickly rolled me to my stomach I realized with a cry that I was not dreaming.