“Uva Persa...what does it mean?” I asked, intrigued.

“It means ‘lost grape,’” she answered, smiling with pleasure.

I knew she had a hit on her hands. I could feel it in my bones. A success of this sort would make wrestling Castello di Baroni out of the Baroni family’s hands nearly impossible. If that happened I would have to face my father without his prize.

I swallowed, my supportive smile frozen. I didn’t want to hurt Alessandra but Uva Persa succeeding...would mean my failure.

“That’s pretty impressive,” I said.

“I’ve done small tastings here and there, and so far it’s been a huge success. Sophia tasted it for the first time, without knowing it was my label, and she raved about it.”

“Does Sophia have good taste?” I teased.

“The very best,” she answered with a resolute nod. “Sophia’s palate is sophisticated. She and Enzo would’ve made a formidable team in the wine business.”

I drew her to me so I could kiss her forehead. “That’s pretty damn incredible,” I said without guile. Why did she have to be so amazing? “I’m sure you have the next big thing on your hands.”

“I hope so,” she said, worrying her lip. “The truth is, my father was not supportive of my desire to cultivate the tenerone. He refused to invest with me. If it weren’t for my grandfather, I never would’ve been able to put my dream in motion.”

“Why didn’t your father want to invest?”

“He is very old-school. He doesn’t believe a woman can have such big ideas. If the idea had come from Enzo, he would’ve praised him for being innovative, but because it came from me, it was reckless and foolhardy.”

I prickled at Alessandra’s sharing. I couldn’t imagine anyone treating her so poorly. She was a force of nature. The fact that her own father... Hell, this was a fight I knew too well. My father rarely took anything I said to heart either. “Sorry, but that’s bullshit,” I said with perhaps too much of an edge. At her sharp look, I added, “Look, I know you love your dad and he’s probably a great father but if he’s too narrow-minded to see what’s right in front of him, fuck him.”

Was I still talking about Alessandra’s situation or my own? I wasn’t sure, to be honest. Alessandra’s slowly spreading shy smile warmed me in places that I hadn’t known existed. She squeezed my hand in solidarity and we dropped the topic.

She’d finally shared something of incredible value with me. Alessandra trusted me.

Now the question was, what was I going to do with that information?

Did I find a way to exploit it or did I walk away, forgetting all about leverage and my need to please my father?

I didn’t have an answer—but I needed to make a decision fast.

The launch might be my only chance, and that window was closing.



I TOOK A chance sharing my secret with Dante but I didn’t regret my decision. With Sophia by my side and the launch around the corner, I was confident that nothing could throw me off on this venture. Besides, the more time I spent with Dante, the less I saw him as a threat. I was starting to think of him as much more than that.

“Did you really take a walking tour of Siena?” Sophia asked, incredulous. “You?”

I shared her incredulity, hardly able to believe it myself. “Yes, and you know, it was quite lovely. I’ve always taken for granted the beauty of the city. Seeing it through someone else’s eyes really opened mine to the splendor that we are blessed with.”

Sophia chuckled. “Okay, you practically have stars in your eyes. Are you going to try to tell me that you still don’t have feelings for Dante? I mean, you can try but I’ll see right through your nonsense so why bother?”

Sophia was right, I couldn’t hide the fact that I’d not only come to care for Dante, but that I might be falling for him. I couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment my feelings had deepened, but I knew yesterday’s walking tour opened my eyes to more than just the beautiful architecture.

“It felt good to share with him my journey with Uva Persa,” I said, shocking Sophia. “I know I haven’t known him long but I wanted to tell him, and I felt I could. He’s a good man.”

There, I’d said it. I hadn’t wanted to fall for Dante. I’d fought my feelings tooth and nail but some things were out of your control. Like when my nonna and nonno fell for each other. It was fate.

“I’ve never seen you so lit up. Your face is glowing. It’s a good look on you,” Sophia said. “I’m assuming that Dante feels the same?”

I shook my head, still trying to find my footing. “Well, I’m fairly certain he feels something for me. We haven’t actually talked about it. We don’t do too much talking when we are together.” I frowned as I heard myself. “Which probably means that we should do some talking before things roll out of hand. I need to know if we’re on the same page or reading a different book.”

“Oh, I just love when you use metaphors,” Sophia said, laughing. “Reminds me of university.”

I chuckled but Sophia had drawn attention to a very good point. Dante and I hadn’t talked about our feelings for each other in actual words. I felt our bodies spoke eloquently to one another but there was plenty of room for misinterpretation when basing feelings only on the strength of one’s orgasms.

Oh goodness, just thinking of Dante’s touch made me weak. No, focus. Words. “I’m supposed to meet him at his hotel tonight. I am thinking of inviting him to the Uva Persa launch. I’d love for you to meet him officially.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Sophia said. “But if he’s not good enough for you, I won’t hesitate to be honest.”

God, I loved her. “You will adore him. He’s dreadfully charming,” I admitted. “Seems like a deadly skill. I’m sure he’s left a swath of women in his wake.”

I didn’t want to be one of those women crying after Dante. If he didn’t feel the same way about me, I wasn’t going to chase him.

We attended to our tasks but my mind was elsewhere. It should’ve been with the launch—confident as I was, everything I’d ever cared about was tied up in the success of Uva Persa. Yet all I could think of was how Dante would react to my admitting that I had feelings for him.

Would he push me away? Would he laugh? Or would he admit that he, too, had fallen for me?

My ego assured me that Dante had fallen as hard as I had, but that kernel of insecurity planted by my father that I somehow wasn’t good enough worried at my confidence.

By the time I left for Dante’s hotel, I was a nervous wreck, which was unlike me.

I didn’t like this uncertainty. I wasn’t accustomed to feeling off-kilter or out of control. I prided myself on being in control of any given situation and I excelled at grabbing the upper hand.

Not so now, and I hated it.

I might’ve been a tad grumpy by the time Dante opened his room door, all smiles and sexiness, which became evident when I snapped, “I’m starving, please say you ordered food.”

“Hello, honey, nice to see you,” he said, grinning at my sour attitude. “The question is, do I fuck the bad mood out of you or just stuff your face first?”

I couldn’t quite stop the smile threatening. Why was he so damn perfect? “Kiss me, you idiot.”

“How can I resist?” Dante closed the distance and pulled me into his arms, sealing his mouth to mine. His lips were perfection, the absolute best combination of firm yet soft. I’d never noticed a man’s lips before Dante’s. His tongue touched mine, encouraging a dance, and I eagerly obliged. It wasn’t long before the heat between us ignited and he was carrying me to the bed.

I knew I came to talk, to have a serious conversation, but it was so difficult to remember why it was better to talk first, have sex later when he was devouring my body and I was writhing in his arms, happily losing m

y sanity.

“I missed you today,” he said against my thigh as he nipped at the sensitive flesh. “I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I love fucking you. I got so hot and bothered I had to jerk off just so my cock didn’t split in two.”

“You poor thing,” I said, sucking in a tight breath as he traveled toward my aching pussy. My slit was already damp and ready. “And did you come hard?”

“I’m surprised I didn’t put a hole in the wall.”

I managed a laugh before he descended between my legs, feasting on the tender flesh with the skill of a master. My fingers curled into the sheets, my breath coming faster as he worked me without mercy. I craved this release only Dante could provide.

He pushed me to that edge and I tumbled into my climax, crying out as I shook like a leaf in the wind. Without giving me a chance to recover, Dante flipped me to my belly and worked his cock between my cheeks, sliding his length inside me. I groaned as he filled me completely. There was always a bit of savagery in Dante’s lovemaking that thrilled me senseless. He took complete control, even when I was riding him, and I found that incredibly sexy.

“Alessandra.” My name exploded from his mouth as he came and I quickly followed with a second orgasm, rasping into the sheets as I drew great, big shuddering breaths. Dante rolled off me and we were both left breathing hard but sated. Dante rose slowly to get us bottled water, something I’d come to find very sweet of him, and gazed with unabashed interest in his naked body. He was magnificent. I accepted the water bottle and cracked it open, drinking deeply. I was wondrously relaxed. I didn’t want anything to ruin this bliss. Perhaps our conversation could wait.

“Are you busy this weekend?” I rolled to my side to ask, loving how well formed and masculine Dante’s body was. I could spend a lifetime staring at that body. Dragging my gaze back to his eyes, I smiled when he caught me adoring his manhood.

“Depends. What did you have in mind?” he asked.