But I hadn’t wanted Lauren to leave. I’d wanted her right by my side. I wanted to feel my cock nestled against her backside, my arm wrapped tightly around her midsection.

But I hadn’t been relieved at all. I’d been miffed.

Which was why I had to see if my reaction was a one-time event or something else. I needed firmer footing beneath me because right now, I felt as if the world had just tipped over and I was left standing on my head.

The door opened and Lauren returned. I could sense her nervousness, as well. The best way to handle a situation like this was to simply rip the bandage in one fell swoop. Without giving her a chance to think, I met her at the door and kissed her hard, demanding every ounce of her attention, every breath in her body.

Instant arousal burned through me, incinerating all the rational thought and careful planning in my head. All I knew was I needed to be inside Lauren again, and I wasn’t about to wait.

However, Lauren was the one who managed to hold on to her senses long enough to gasp, “Wait!” pushing her hand against my chest, wrenching her mouth away.

I blinked away the haze of sexual fog to stare quizzically. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know...this feels...it’s too intense. This can’t be normal.”

I couldn’t agree more, which was why I needed to figure out why. I reached for the buttons on her blouse and began plucking them open. “Define normal,” I suggested with silky intention, biting my lip on a groan as her breasts came into view. “Has anyone ever told you you have gorgeous tits?”

Lauren blushed, her breath catching. “Not lately.”

“Well, they are.” I pushed the halves of her open blouse from her shoulders and filled my hands with her full breasts. “A perfect handful—” adding with a look “—and a delicious mouthful.” To demonstrate, I sucked a sweet, soft nipple into my mouth and suckled gently.

“Nico,” she gasped, the sound like music to me. I spent a little time on her other nipple, and after, I wasted no time in shucking my jeans to stand naked and ready. Lauren sank to her knees in front of me to nuzzle my cock, her reaction twisting me in knots with instant arousal.

“I love the smell of a man’s body,” she murmured, cupping my balls with tender care before bringing the head of my cock straight to her mouth. I fed my shaft down her throat, and she willingly took every inch, teasing me with her tongue and adding a zing of danger with the graze of her teeth. Her hands worked in tandem with her mouth, sliding up and down my shaft as she worked the head with her mouth. Before long, my legs were shaking and sweat beaded my brow as I got ready to blow.

“I’m going to come,” I said from between gritted teeth, trying to hold back, but Lauren didn’t back away. She wanted me to come in her mouth. That was the final straw. I broke loose, coming with a shout, my knees nearly buckling and sending me sprawling to the sofa. With a final swipe of her tongue against the ultrasensitive head, she grinned up at me as I rested against the wall, breathing hard.

Lauren rose, went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottled water from the fridge. Then she drank deep before sinking down onto the sofa. I joined her and she offered me a drink, which I gladly slugged down. “Give me a minute,” I promised, my throat still dry from breathing so heavily. “Girl, you’ve got some skills on lock.”

Lauren laughed, taking the compliment for what it was—genuine—and actually reached for her notebook. “I thought we’d go over some notes, maybe come up with a framework for your autobiography so we can figure out how to structure the book.”

Was she really talking about business? Oh, hell no. I tugged the notebook from her fingers, ignoring her mild protest, and tossed it before reaching for her pants and yanking them free from her body. Lauren laughed as I parted her legs to feast on her lovely pussy. “We have to do some work,” she said, trying to close her legs, but I wasn’t having it. I hadn’t had my breakfast yet.

“Oh, I told you I planned to work you,” I said, grinning. “By the time I’m finished with your body, you’re going to have to walk bowlegged to the kitchen to make me a sandwich.”

Lauren pealed with laughter until I buried my face between her slick folds, eager to reacquaint myself with the unique taste of her sweet pussy. I was a quick study. Within moments I had her dialed in. I knew just where to push, press, lick and suck to have her twisting and arching against my mouth, keening a cry so hoarse that I was sure my neighbors were going to lodge a noise complaint.

And I loved it.

Free to cut loose, Lauren did exactly that—the sound of her coming was the most erotic thing I’d ever encountered, and I wanted to bottle it up in my imagination so I could listen to it whenever I needed to stroke myself.

She shuddered and bucked, but I held her in place, locking her hips with my arms so I could tease and torture that swollen little nub. Ringing Lauren’s bell had just catapulted to my No. 1 favorite pastime, and I never wanted to stop.

But after her third orgasm, Lauren weakly pushed at me, begging me to let her breathe. “Please, Nico...no more... Ohhhhh, God!” Another orgasm rattled her bones and she went limp, whimpering as the pleasure buffeted her on its way out.

I turned her loose and swiveled her around so that her ass was bent over the sofa, her face turned sidewise as she gasped for air. I ripped a condom open, tossed the packaging and quickly sheathed so I could drill her as hard as ever.

Her groan as I slowly entered her from behind was like gasoline on a fire. I pushed myself deep, going to the hilt, until I was buried inside her, her pussy clenching around me in slick, hot, welcome.

“Fuck, Lauren,” I gasped. Now it was my turn to lose it. My eyes rolled back as I pumped against her, trying for finesse, but I was desperate to plant myself inside her. My hips worked furiously as I pounded against the soft give of her ass, and it didn’t take long before I was coming, too.

I spent myself inside her until I was bone-dry. I slowly pulled out, careful to keep the condom from spilling, and tossed it before dropping to the floor, exhausted.

Lauren rolled to the floor to land beside me, her head rolling to the cushion. There was something so incredibly beautiful about her when she looked rode hard. Her hair was wild and her cheeks flushed. She wasn’t wearing a stitch of makeup, and I’d never seen a woman more stunning.

“Why are you staring?” she asked, a rueful smile following as she tried to fix her hair. “I know I probably look like a crazy person.”

“You look amazing,” I said, reaching to pull her to me as I brushed a tender kiss across her lips. After the kiss, we simply held each other’s stare, unsure of what was happening between us, both of us a little afraid to draw attention to it. “Are you hungry?” I asked, breaking the moment and climbing to my feet. “I was just kidding about the sandwich. I’ll make us something.”

Lauren reached for her panties and retrieved her blouse from the foyer, dressing quickly, much to my disappointment. I would’ve rather Lauren stayed naked. Easy access and an awesome view, if you asked me.

For myself, I remained naked.

“Ham and turkey panini?” I suggested, already moving to grab the fixings.

“Sounds good.”

I made quick work of the panini and returned with the sandwiches.

“Are you going to get dressed?” she asked, accepting her plate, trying not to stare at my cock. “I mean...it might be a good idea.”

“I like being naked.”

She laughed. “I bet you do.”

“Don’t you?”

“I have a six-year-old son. Being naked isn’t an option.”

I shrugged. “He’s not here now. Go ahead, be free, go naked.”

Lauren laughed, her eyes sparkling. “But if I’m naked I have a feeling we won’t get much work done, and we only have so much time before we have to pick up Grady and go sailing as you promised.”


; “Good point,” I admitted, reaching for my pants. As much as I wanted to fuck Lauren at least a few more times, I wasn’t going to disappoint Grady by being late.

Dressed and enjoying our sandwiches, I couldn’t help but wonder what the story behind Grady’s father was. Lauren didn’t like to talk about it, but my curiosity didn’t much care about boundaries.

“Is Grady’s dad dead?” I asked bluntly. “Is that why you don’t like to talk about him?”

“He’s not dead,” Lauren answered. “Though that might make things easier. At least if he were dead, I wouldn’t have to explain to Grady that his father had abandoned him without a second look.”

“He knows about Grady?”

“Of course he does.”

“Does he pay child support?”