“That’s dumb. This boat is fab.”


“That’s what Uncle Ronnie says when he likes something.”

I nodded. “I agree. The Nauti Kitty is fab.”

We cruised along in amiable silence until Grady said, “Do you like my mama? ’Cuz I think she likes you.”

My tongue felt glued to my palate. I had to tread cautiously. I didn’t want Grady getting hurt by anything I might inadvertently set in motion, but I wasn’t being dishonest when I answered, “Hell yes. She’s pretty cool. Kinda cute, too, but don’t let her know that. I wouldn’t want her to get a big head or else she won’t fit in the narrow corridors below deck.”

Grady giggled and I warmed at the sweet sound. “She likes you a lot.”

“Yeah? And how do you know?” I asked, curious.

“Because she looks at you funny.”

“Ah, the telltale funny look. Maybe she thinks I smell?”

“Not that kind of funny look,” Grady said, laughing as he twisted to illustrate, “this kind of funny look.”

I guffawed at the googly eyes Grady was making on his mom’s behalf. “Boy, I must be blind because I’ve never seen that particular look on your mama’s face.”

I’d seen her eyes roll up into her skull as I made her come and I’d seen her eyes squeeze shut with total pleasure as I bent her in half, but I’d never seen those googly eyes.

Grady nodded with the confidence of a six-year-old who already knew his letters and how to write his name, saying, “Yep. She does,” and who was I to argue?

“I’ll bet it’s fun just being you and your mom all the time,” I said, fishing for a little intel. “No one to share your mom with or tag-team for extra TV privileges, right?”

Grady shrugged. “I guess.”

“You guess?”

“Well, most times. I like when we have movie night. She makes kettle corn and orders pizza. She even lets me drink soda on those special nights, but I overheard Auntie Claire tell Mama that if she doesn’t get a man soon her angina was going to fall off.”

I nearly fell over from laughing so hard. “Her angina? Sounds serious,” I said when I managed to catch my breath.

“I know! I don’t know what that is, but I don’t want my mama to lose anything just because my real dad is a jerk face and doesn’t want to be with her and me. Can you help my mama find a boyfriend so that doesn’t happen?”

The earnest request was so sweet that I almost readily applied for the job until I caught my mouth before making an ass of myself. I wasn’t boyfriend material. I was a commitment-phobe with an insatiable appetite for the new and undiscovered. I would only break this little family into pieces, but I didn’t want Grady worrying about his mom’s parts so I said, “Don’t worry about your mom. She’s one tough cookie and I don’t think she’s in danger of anything falling off, okay?”

Grady seemed relieved and I resisted the urge to kiss the crown of his head. He was such a great kid. How could Houston not want to be a part of his son’s life? I couldn’t possibly picture Lauren and Houston together—and I didn’t want to—but Houston never should’ve abandoned his son just because things didn’t work out between him and Lauren.

Lauren called out from below deck, saying the sandwiches were ready. I lowered the sails, dropped the anchor so we could enjoy lunch on the calm waters and headed below deck with Grady.

Just as we slid into the bench-style seats at the small table, Grady assured his mom, “You don’t have to worry, Mama. Nico says your angina is going to be just fine even if you don’t get a boyfriend,” and I wanted to slide under the table and die.

Right after I quit laughing.



I WAS MORTIFIED to my toes, but Nico’s laugh was infectious, especially when Grady was beaming at me as if he’d single-handedly solved all my problems.

“You two seem to be partners in crime,” I said, shooting Nico a look as I shook my head. I knew I should’ve put a stop to whatever was happening between Nico and Grady, but sue me, was it wrong to let my kid enjoy some traditional male energy? I mean, I loved Ronnie from his glittery fingernails to his diva updo, but sometimes I wondered if Grady needed a break from the things Uncle Ronnie accidentally let slip.

Like learning how Uncle Ronnie’s boy parts never showed through the shiny, skintight dress that he wore for his act.

But Grady sure seemed to like Nico. Perhaps more than was healthy. I’d always assumed that because he never talked about not having a dad around that he really didn’t notice or care.

Maybe I’d been naive to think his silence meant he was unobservant. Honestly, I should’ve known better—Grady noticed everything.

Finished with lunch, we headed back up top and while Grady helped Nico take the helm, I stretched out on the comfy bench seats, content to let the wind ruffle my hair and the sun warm my face.

The ocean was calm and the winds light. It was a perfect day in so many ways.

A subtle pulling in my chest reminded me that Grady wasn’t the only one who needed to remember that this was all temporary. Nico wasn’t looking to sign on for the long haul, and I didn’t want Nico in that capacity either.

I smiled ruefully to myself at my own meandering thoughts. Nico, as a father? He was like a giant kid himself. My gaze drifted to Nico and Grady, and that subtle pull deepened to something far stronger. Nico was really good with Grady and Grady thought Nico was the cat’s meow.

As if hearing my thoughts, Nico swiveled his gaze toward mine, that sexy smile sending ripples of excitement in its wake. Hot potato, he’s delicious. I bit back a shy smile, afraid he might be about to read my thoughts with a single shot of that hot stare.

But Nico just grinned, his dimple flashing, and returned to teaching Grady the ropes about sailing when it was likely Grady would never have the opportunity to sail on a boat like this again as it wasn’t exactly within my budget.

“So, I have this dinner thing I have to attend,” Nico said, surprising me. “And I’d like you to go with me.”

“What kind of dinner thing?” I asked, curious.


He shrugged. “The usual kind—pretentious food and even more pretentious people—but it would make an interesting chapter in my book.”

“How so?”

“Well, seeing as my brothers, Luca and Dante, handle the actual business operations, usually I get thrown the appearances when a Donato is required for networking.”

“You’re the face of the Donato company?” Lauren asked.

“Well, to a point.”

I laughed but shook my head. “I wouldn’t know what to wear or how to act. I’m not sure I would be your best choice for a date.”

“And what if you’re the only choice I want?” he said, stunning me with his counter.

All jokes aside, Nico was serious. He wanted me to be his date? “What if I get in the way of your networking?” I asked, and by networking, I meant something else entirely.

Nico didn’t pretend to miss my meaning. “As I said, I only want you.”

Stop it, I wanted to growl, because my heart was fluttering dangerously like that of a lovesick idiot and I didn’t need the heartache of rejection or betrayal later down the road when everything went sour or when Nico decided he was finished with whatever game he was playing. “I don’t have anything to wear,” I said, hoping my excuse ended his interest, but I should’ve known better.

“Tell me your favorite color and I’ll have ten dresses delivered for you to consider.”

Grady piped up. “Mama’s favorite color is vanilla, like the ice cream.” The little coconspirator.

“Thank you, little man,” Nico said, smiling down at Grady in a way that made my heartbeat quicken. “Vanilla it is.”

And just like that, in Nico’s mind it was settled—I was going to be his plus-one.

I should’ve protested more vehemently, putting my foot down, but a part of me didn’t want to. I was intrigued by the idea of attending a dinner on Nico’s arm, not as the reporter skimming the edges of the room, watching body language and keeping an ear open for possible juicy news I could spin into a story.