I called, ignoring the disappointment when I got his voicemail. “Hey, I need to tell you something. Give me a call when you can.”

“Were you intentionally trying to make him think you’re dumping him?” Colt asked.

“What?” I pushed away my seatbelt slightly so I could look around at Colt. “That’s how it sounded?”

“If Mallory called me and told me she had to tell me something, I’d think either I messed up or she was pregnant. I guess he might assume the second one too.”

“Oh my god. I need to call back.”

“So you can make him sweat it more? If he sees two missed calls, he’s just going to worry more.”

I sighed. “Next time I’m having someone else leave the message.”

Colt laughed. “Or try just saying ‘Hey, it’s Cara. Call me.’ That’s all you needed to say.”

Thirty agonizing minutes later, we were still hours away, and my phone was still silent. I was about to try him back when my phone finally rang.

“Sorry, I was in sound checks. What’s going on? Are you okay?” He sounded just as worried as Colt predicted.

“Nothing, I just. Well, I was originally calling to see if you could set some tickets aside for me tonight, but it doesn’t look like you’ll have to now.”

“Tickets? Why would I do that? Are you in Tennessee? And why shouldn’t I do it anymore?” His voice was a mix of alarm and slight excitement.

“We’re stuck in traffic. We’re not going to make it.”

“Not going to make it to the show, but you’ll still be here in Nashville tonight?” Now his voice was all excitement.

“That’s the plan.”

“Wow, that’s awesome. I got so nervous when I heard the message.”

“Colt thought you’d think I was dumping you or telling you I was pregnant.”

“My mind actually went immediately to Aaron. I was afraid he did something to you.”

“Ugh. No. I’m safe and sound with my friends.” I hated even hearing his name.

I heard muffled talking before Chase continued. “Is Jade with you?”

“Why? Is Len asking?” I winked at Jade.


“She’s here.”

“I’ve never seen Len this excited to see a girl he’s not going to sleep with, so that’s cool.”

I laughed. “Where should I meet you? We got rooms at the hotel you’re at.” It sounded stalkerish, but Chase usually kept me in the loop in case of an emergency. Really he was worried about Aaron. He’d also given me Len’s number for the same reason.

“I guess it depends on what time then. Call or text me as soon as you’re here.”

“I can’t wait to see you.”

“Me either. I miss you like crazy.”

“I miss you too.” I hung up.

“Awww, you guys are so cute it makes me sick.” Juliet made a face.

“I’m not going to argue. We are cute.”

She laughed. “Doing long distance last summer with Reed was hard. Spending the early stage of a relationship apart would be even harder.”

“Tell me about it.” I leaned back in my seat.

Colt turned on the radio as we continued to crawl. A few songs later, Chase’s familiar sexy voice filled the speakers. Sex on the Beach was flying up the charts.

At nine o’clock, the traffic finally opened up and we started to move. We stopped for food and restrooms about an hour from the city, and I discovered that I still had one problem.

Finally we reached Nashville and found the hotel. I’d been sending Chase text updates over the past hour, but I happily sent one last one as we pulled into the lot. We’re here. He’d assured me he was leaving right after the show to head back to the hotel.

Without waiting for a response, I got out and went around to the tail gate where Colt was pulling out our bags.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Chase’s arms came around my waist and his face nuzzled in my neck. “I’m not dreaming, right? You are actually here?”

I turned in his arms. “Considering how many hours we’ve been in the car, no it’s real.” I kissed him lightly on the lips.