“Exciting news, huh?”

“It turns out Chase is friends with Maddox Trance, and supposedly when we stop to get tickets, if we tell them who we are, they’ll get us backstage.”

“What!” She jumped up and down. “That’s awesome.”

“Chase thought this would give you a chance to talk to him about the show.”

“Awesome! Hopefully, Maddox is the type who stays up so late that five a.m. isn’t a problem.”

I laughed. “Chase seemed confident Maddox would be cooperative. Whatever that means.”

“Even if he says no to doing the show, meeting him will be cool.”

I had never heard Maddox’s music, but I took Jade’s word that he was good.

The night was warm, and we both dressed comfortably in jeans and sneakers, so we decided to walk over to the Tin Oak for the show.

“Without going into details, what was your night with Chase like? How are you feeling about everything right now?”

“It was good.” My body warmed thinking about the hours we spent together. “Almost too good.”

“Too good?”

“I mean I miss him already, and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why is he so determined to be with me? I mean, he can’t stay interested forever.”

“Why not? You’re gorgeous, smart, and funny. What more would he want?”

“He doesn’t seem to care that we don’t have much in common, but maybe he will eventually.”

“What do you mean you don’t have much in common? Just because you’re not into music?”

“Partly. I mean his show was the first one I’d been to that wasn’t in a giant stadium, and even then I’ve only been to a handful.”

“And this is your second in a few weeks. You were excited to come. That should tell you something.”

“Yeah. You’re right.” I’d been listening to more music than I had in my life. Admittedly, it was mostly Chance of a Lifetime so I could hear Chase’s voice, but still it counted for something.

“Of course I am.” She pushed the button so we could cross at the cross walk. “Now we just have to find me a hot musician.”

“You mean you aren’t holding out for Len?”

She shook her head. “He’s a nice guy, but I’m not the one night stand type. He figured that out—and he’s actually texted me a few times with stupid pictures. I get the sense he wants to be friends.”

“Well, that’s cool. I mean you’re so into music, being friends with a guy like that could be fun.”

“And he’s funny. We can all use guy friends. Like you have Kyle.”

“Yeah. Although that’s still pretty recent. I feel horrible about his nose.”

“He’s loving the bragging rights. He’s a really nice guy.”

“I know. He mentioned you two know each other.”

“Yeah, and he’s going to be taking over as the student manager at the station next year.”

“Really? But he’s only going to be a junior.”

“It’s pretty much unprecedented, but I’m glad it’s him. He’ll do a good job.”

“And give you a better time slot next year.”

“He better.”

There was no line outside this time, so we went right up to the desk. “Two tickets please, and my name is supposedly on a list to let us backstage.”

“What’s your name?” The guy looked up.

“Cara Winters.”

“Oh yeah. Right here, and is this Jade Cambridge?”

She nodded.

“Great. Put your wallet away, your tickets are free. Enjoy the show.”

Jade and I exchanged looks. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” The guy gave us a long look before handing us what looked like bright green business cards with our names on it. “Nice to meet you, Cara and Jade.”

“These get us backstage?” I asked.

“What were you expecting?”

“Nothing.” I followed Jade in.

“Not the backstage passes you imagined.” Jade bumped her shoulder into mine.

“Not exactly, but at least it’s a pretty color.”

Jade laughed. “See, I bet that’s part of what Chase sees in you.”