“Nothing. He wouldn’t have hurt me.”

He put a hand under my chin so I’d look up at him. “How do you know?”

“Because he’s not the kind of guy who hits girls.”

“First of all, I didn’t just mean hit.”

I shivered at the implication in his words.

Chase wrapped me up tighter. “I’m sorry to worry you, but I’ve seen this enough. And are you sure you know what kind of guy he is? When you were together, would you have expected him to punch a guy?”

“No.” Chase was making complete sense, but that didn’t mean I wanted to hear it.

“Riley offered to walk you through the restraining order process.”

“I can’t do that. I just can’t.”

“Then what can you do? I care about you, Cara. How am I supposed to leave tomorrow if I don’t know that you’re protected?”

“Reed’s going to keep him in line, and I never walk anywhere alone at night. Besides, he wants to go to law school. Harassing me isn’t worth not getting in.”

“Will you promise me you’ll be careful? And you can always crash at Riley’s if you feel safer there. He wants you to know that.”

I ran my hand down Chase’s chest. “I’m going to be fine. I live in a house filled with people. I’m safe.”

“Will you do something else for me then?” He looked at me nervously.


“Please don’t get mad and say I’m sexist and controlling or anything like that. Remember, I’m saying this as your boyfriend who cares about you.”


“Yes. What else would I call myself?”

I grinned.

“Okay, now that you’re in a good mood, I’ll continue. I know we talk every night at some point, but could you just call or text me when you’re in for the night?”


“Yeah. Even just to say you’re home.” His face was so open and honest.

“Does that really matter to you? Is it that important?”

“Very. My only other option is to hire a PI to follow you. I figured you’d prefer this.” He smiled.

“You can hold off on the PI. I agree, but no freaking out if you don’t hear from me until late. I go out sometimes.”

“I know. And that’s a good thing. You’re supposed to have an active and exciting social life. Well, if it involves girls.”

I swatted at him.

“I’m kidding, but you know I get that. I want you to enjoy college. Just tell me you’re going out late. You don’t have to tell me why or where you’re going. I’m not trying to play psycho stalker. Just give me a heads up that you’ll be late. If it makes you feel better, I’ll do the same thing.”

“You’re going to text me to tell me you’re home?”

“I already call you when I get in at night. That’s why you never get sleep. But I can check in and tell you when I’m going to an after party or something.”

“I love that you’re offering that.”

“I can play fair. I want you to get the fact that this is not an attempt to be controlling. It’s just the only way I’m going to be able to handle being apart from you.”

“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”

He sighed. “I know. I’ll have more down time soon.”

“Good.” I snuggled into his side and closed my eyes.

“Oh no. No sleeping. We haven’t even had dinner yet.”

“Oh, dinner. What are we having?”

“We’re making eggplant parmesan.”

“You remembered that was my favorite.”

“I remember the important things.”

“Just the mention of it has me hungry.” I sat up, ready to get dressed.

“Here, wear this.” He got out on the other side of the bed and dug through his bag. He tossed me a t-shirt.

I read the front. “A Chance of a Lifetime shirt?” I slipped into the shirt and put my panties back on.

“You look too good in that shirt.” He came up behind me and squeezed my ass. “Please tell me I can get a picture of you in it.”

“How about I let you get a picture right before you take it off me?”