“It is. So trust me, Reed’s not letting Aaron near you.”

“I feel so bad for Kyle.” I stared at my hands.

Juliet tried to reassure me. “He knew what he was doing when he shoved Aaron. He’s not stupid.”

“But he didn’t deserve a broken nose.”

“I think his nurse for the evening will more than make up for it.” Juliet laughed.

“Oh, Lacy? She’s a little bit all over him, isn’t she?”

“A little?” Mallory laughed. “But he definitely doesn’t mind.”

“I want to drive to Baltimore.” I wanted to be with Chase more than I’d admit. It wasn’t about sex. It was about the way I felt when we were together. I needed to get lost in his arms.

“Uh, Baltimore?”

“To see Chase, but I can’t. I know that.”

“No, you can’t, but maybe you can call him? Talking could help.”

“Aren’t you girls staying with me?” I didn’t need them for protection, but I needed them around. The sting of Aaron’s words and anger started setting in. Being alone sounded unappealing.

“Text Chase’s sister-in-law back, and then let’s go put on some Gilmore Girls upstairs.”

“Yes!” My roommates always knew how to put me in a good mood.

Chapter Twelve

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked Kyle over the phone the next morning.

“I’m fine. You really don’t need to worry.” His voice sounded a little off, and I hoped it wasn’t from a broken nose.

“Did you go to the doctor in the end?”

“It’s not as bad as it looked last night. I promise I’m okay. I’m more concerned about you.”

“Why? I’m fine.”

“Fine? Your ex-boyfriend is a psycho. That would scare most people.”

“He’s going to get over it. He was a jerk to me, and I just want him out of my life.”

“Are you taking steps to protect yourself?”

“Reed came by last night and assured me Aaron would be keeping his distance. Reed isn’t the kind of guy who makes promises he doesn’t plan to keep.”

“Have you talked to Chase?”

I set aside my phone and hit speaker so I could finish getting ready. I was running late to meet Rachel for coffee. “Yeah, he sounds a lot like you.”

“Meaning he’s normal.”

I sighed. “Listen, if you want to press charges, I am completely behind you. You shoved him, that didn’t mean he had any reason to punch you. I’ll back you up completely if you decide to do that. But I can’t do it for myself. He didn’t hit me, he didn’t even attempt to. All he did was call me a bad name. I just want him to move on, and I think he will.”

“I can’t tell you what to do, but just be careful. Anger can do funny things to people.”

“What’s happening here? I’m the one who’s supposed to be fussing over you.”

“I’m fine. I’ve told you ten times now.”

“Do you want me to stop by? I can bring you anything you need.”

He laughed. “You sound like Lacy now.”

“Okay, not those kind of needs.”

“You know nothing happened last night, right? I mean, I was bleeding profusely, and I don’t know the girl.”

“Are you real?”

“Uh, I think so.”

“You would actually pass up on hooking up with a beautiful girl because you don’t know her well?”

“Just focus on the nose thing. It’s less complicated.”

“At least let me pay you back somehow. I can get you dinner, do your laundry. Just let me know.”

“Chase is already getting me free tickets. We’re good.”

I tossed my keys and wallet into a purse. “You’re awesome.”

“Yeah, so are you. By the way, Abby called four times already, and showed up at my apartment last night.”


“I guess she regrets dumping the hero.”

“And what happened?” I turned off the speaker phone.

“I told her thanks for the concern and politely asked her to leave.”

“Nicely done.” I grabbed my purse and walked out of my room.