“I kind of owe Jade. She’s the reason I found Chase again, so I’ll start there. If I like it, maybe I’ll visit you too.”

He laughed. “How you found Chase again? I’m sure there’s a good story there.”

“There’s a story all right.” I smiled.

“Any chance I can hear it?”

I glanced around at the crowd. “Probably not here.”

“Want to get coffee or something? I don’t think either of us really want to be here any longer than necessary.”

“Did you really show up just to save face?”

“Kind of. I’m actually… well.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I can’t talk about that here either. What do you say to that coffee?”

“Sure, that sounds good. Let’s walk by Abby and make sure she sees us leaving early though.”

He laughed. “You’re too good at this.”

I leaned in. “Now put your arm around me and let’s get out of here.”

After a slow walk by Abby who shot me a look of hatred, we made our way outside and over to a coffee shop down East Bay Street. I loved the place because they made the best flavored lattes. I ordered a Vanilla Hazelnut while Kyle got himself a coffee.

We took a seat in two high back chairs by the window. “You go first.” I wasn’t in a huge rush to admit my escapades.

“It’s not all that exciting.” He sipped his coffee. “But do you promise this stays between us?”

“Of course.” I shifted in my seat, eagerly waiting for him to continue.

“I’m thinking of dropping out of Omega.”

“Wow. Really?” I’d never heard of anyone leaving their frat before. It wasn’t an easy thing to do.

“I just don’t fit there. You know? I joined because it’s where my dad and brother pledged, but I don’t think it’s the right place for me. Like tonight, I only went because I had to. I’d have rather been out doing something else.”

“Glad I’m such an amazing date,” I teased. I knew what he was saying.

A look of horror crossed his face. “Of course I don’t mean because of you. I just wish we could have been doing something more enjoyable.”

“Like having coffee.” I held up my cup. “It worked out.”

He laughed. “I guess so.”

“Is your dad going to be mad?” I knew my mom would be disappointed if I left Delta Mu. Not that I had any plans to. It was definitely the place for me.

“Probably. Which is why part of me wonders if I should just stick it out.”

“Is there anything about it you like?”

“I like a lot of the brothers—but then watching one steal my girlfriend from under me, that was a low point. I know Abby was at fault too, but he’d been trying to get with her the whole time we were dating.”

“Are most of your friends non-Greek?”

“I have a few in the Iotas, and the rest are independent.”

“I’m not an expert, but I think you just have to do what feels right. At least you don’t live in the house. That would make it hard.”

“I didn’t even consider it. I wanted my own place.”

“Can I ask one question?” I rested my arm on the chair.


“How did you feel about Omega before the Abby thing? I know you weren’t loving it, but does most of this stem from that one brother?”

“A lot of it.”

“And how did the other guys respond? They all thought it was cool?”

“Guys aren’t like girls. They don’t take sides in something like this, but a few told me they thought he was an ass.”

“Just make sure you aren’t quitting for the wrong reasons. That’s all.” I hated when one bad apple spoiled the bunch. I didn’t want Kyle to throw away his experience because of one jerk.

“I know. That’s why I’m making myself wait until at least the end of the semester. I’ve already paid dues, so what’s the point?”

“Good luck either way.” I took another sip.

“Now your turn. What’s the long story?”

“It’s really not that exciting.”