“I’m sorry. That was dumb. I shouldn’t have ordered wine.”

“Oh, don’t apologize,” I quickly reassured her. “I’ll be doing the same thing in a few more years.”

She smiled. “Now that’s a positive way to look at things.”

As we waited for our food to arrive, I decided to ask some of the basics. “How’d you meet Riley?”

“A friend introduced us almost two years ago now. At first, I wasn’t sure. Lawyers aren’t really my cup of tea, but those baby blue eyes of his had me.”

I smiled. Chase’s eyes were brown, so the blue trait didn’t run through the whole family. “Sweet. So, it was kind of love at first sight?”

“I wouldn’t say that exactly… more lust at first sight…. Love at first morning after.”

I laughed. “Nice. I think it’s funny that you didn’t want to date an attorney.”

“Why? I figured he’d be uptight—and he kind of is.” She picked up a piece of her Rainbow roll with her chopsticks.

“I’m the opposite. When I hear attorney, I think stable. Dating Chase is as crazy as possible for me.”

“Chase managed to find the one girl who wasn’t excited to date a musician… figures.”

“If I’d known what he was when I met him, there’s not a chance I’d have hooked up with him.” At least if alcohol hadn’t been involved. But either way, musicians definitely weren’t my type.

“Really? His charm and good looks weren’t enough?” She grinned over her glass of wine.

“I just like safe… or I did.”

“I’m guessing the ex-boyfriend was on a more stable path?”

“Yeah. He’s planning to go to law school.” I poured some more low sodium soy sauce into the dish.

“Maybe Chase is just what you need. I know his career doesn’t seem stable, but he is. He’s not the kind of guy who sleeps around. You got under his skin.”

“I’m not sure why or what he wants. We barely know each other.”

“Then get to know each other.”

“That’s impossible right now.”

“Is it? Haven’t you guys talked on the phone?”

“And video chat too.”

“It’s kind of perfect. Get to know each other without jumping into bed every ten minutes. It’s amazing how sex can get in the way sometimes.”

I choked on my iced tea. “You’re blunt.”

“Just being honest. He’s coming back for a festival in Savannah in March, isn’t he? Until then, use the space to decide whether you’re compatible.”

“As strange as that idea sounds, I kind of like it.” Maybe space and time were exactly what we needed. It was the opposite of how things started out with Aaron, and that made it even more appealing.

“Look, I have an ulterior motive, clearly. I’d love to see you guys work things out, but selfish thoughts aside, I think he might just be what you need. If there’s ever a time to step outside your comfort zone, it’s college. Life gets more complicated after you graduate.”

“You’re kind of good at this pep talk stuff.” I finished the last of my California roll.

“I’m in PR. I’m supposed to be good at spinning things.”

I laughed. “Now the truth comes out.”

“There’s always different ways to look at a situation. You have to find the one that works.”

“Is there always one that works? I mean, aren’t there times when there’s no positive spin?”

“You’re nineteen. You’re not allowed to sound so jaded.”

“I’ll be twenty in April.”

“Big difference.” She took a long sip of wine. “Breakups hurt. I don’t know all the details, but I gather your ex really did a number on you. That sucks. I’m not going to sugar coat it, but you know what’s going to feel good? When you let yourself fall in love again. That’s when you’ll be able to walk past the guy without it even affecting you.”

“It sounds like you’re speaking from experience.” I set aside my chopsticks.