I laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Kyle was waiting for me outside. “What was that about?”

“Just Grayson worrying about me.”

“That was quite the show today.” He adjusted the straps of his backpack.

“Yeah. I guess I got my claws out.”

He laughed. “How are you doing? I heard about you and Aaron.”

“Oh. News spreads fast.”

“A few guys in my house were pretty happy about it.” He smiled lightly.

“Oh, really?” I tried to be polite, but I wasn’t interested in dating anyone else on campus. I had no idea where things were going with Chase, but getting back into the Greek dating scene sounded horrible.

“How’s Juliet doing? I haven’t seen her around much.” Kyle had a major crush on Juliet growing up, but she dated his brother and it hadn’t gone well. I’d accepted that Kyle wasn’t the jerk his brother was. We were both English majors, so we inevitably had a few classes together each semester, and we’d fallen into a loose idea of friendship.

“She’s doing really well. Still with Reed, still working at Al’s.”

“Nice. Dylan asked about her over the holidays. I think he’s starting to understand what an ass he was to her.”

I rolled my eyes. “Took him long enough.”

“Yeah. It did. Hopefully it won’t take Aaron as long.”

“Either way, I’m not dating him again.”

“Yeah, I get that.” He turned toward me. “Don’t read this the wrong way, but is there any chance you’d go to a party with me next weekend?”

“How would I read it the wrong way?”

“I don’t want you to think I’m being a jerk trying to ask you out right after a breakup. Even though I guess I am, but it’s just as friends.”

“In other words, you need a date and want to know if I’m available?”

“Yeah. Are you? I just broke up with that girl I was dating, Abby, and she’s already with one of my brothers. I’m pissed at them both, but what can you do? Showing up with a date like you would make it a lot easier.”

“Because I completely understand how you’re feeling, I’ll go as friends. Is there a theme?”

“It’s Country Western themed.”

I laughed. “Nice. Text me all the details.”

“Great. Thanks a bunch.”

Chapter Seven

“Spill, now!” Juliet didn’t even let me get into my seat at the student center before starting in. “We’ve been going crazy waiting to hear from you.”

We’d had a standing lunch date at the student center for well over a year, so I didn’t consider skipping, but I hadn’t fully prepared myself for that welcome.

“Can’t I at least eat lunch first?” I eyed my chef salad longingly. My cereal bar had worn off hours before, and I’m convinced anger makes you burn calories faster than usual.

Mallory slipped into the seat next to me. “If it was one of us who stayed out all night after leaving a cryptic message, would you let us eat?”

“Fair enough. Jade took me to a show and it turned out Chase was the lead singer.”

“How is that possible? Isn’t that a really big coincidence?” Juliet asked.

“It’s pretty crazy. I guess up until recently, they were an indie band, whatever that means exactly, but they’ve definitely got fans and they’re on some big tour right now.”

Mal laughed. “Cara dating an indie musician. Are there pigs flying too?”

“I didn’t say I was dating him exactly….” It was more like sex and conversation.

“But you spent the night with him.” Mallory eyed me warily. “That has to mean something.”

“It means I’m incredibly attracted to him and wish he actually lived in Charleston.” I couldn’t keep stuff from my friends. It’s like being around them meant I’d flipped on the ‘way too honest’ switch.

“Was it good this time?”

“Which time?” I grinned.

Juliet laughed. “Oh boy, quite a night, huh?”

“The best.” I opened the plastic lid to my salad.