“So this is the famous Cara?” A guy who looked a whole lot like Chase walked in.

I scrambled to stand up and hold out a hand. “Hi, you must be Riley.”

“Glad to know my brothers mention my existence.”

“We talk about your graciousness at housing our sorry asses a few times a year.” Len laughed. “This is Jade.” He nodded toward where she sat nervously.

“Pleasure to meet both of you.”

“I’m sorry if this is too late to be over,” Jade quickly apologized.

“Not at all. I’m just getting some work done and Rachel’s a night owl.”

“It’s nice to have company that doesn’t relate to Riley’s work for a change.” There was something almost lonely about the way Rachel sounded that didn’t quite fit with the outgoing personality she wore.

“Okay, just checking.” Jade visibly relaxed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t make it out to the show tonight, guys.” Riley seemed to feel legitimately bad. “I had plans to, I even told Rachel to wait, but this is a crazy week at work.”

“That’s fine. You’ve seen us play enough to last a lifetime.” Chase smiled reassuringly.

“I heard you’ve got some new material. Any chance I could get a preview?” Rachel set her doe eyes on Chase.

He laughed. “I did promise these girls I’d play something anyway.”

“It works out great then.” Rachel handed him an acoustic guitar.

He took the guitar and repositioned himself. This time, he left more room. I curled up my legs under me as he started to play. There was something mesmerizing about listening to him play completely acoustic. Without any other accompaniment, his gravely low voice took over. The emotion in his voice and the care with which he handled his guitar made my chest clench. I already knew Chase was attractive, and I’d seen him perform live at the show, but this was different. I found myself wishing it was just the two of us in the room.

I closed my eyes and tried to just live in the moment. I got so lost in the music that when he stopped playing, it was like he was jerking me back.

Riley laughed. “I think she liked it, bro.”

I fought off the blush I knew was coming when I opened my eyes. What was I embarrassed of? They already knew I hooked up with Chase.

Jade glanced at her watch. “I hate to do this, but I need to go.”

“Really? Already?” Len seemed disappointed.

“Now?” Chase sounded downright distraught.

“I’ve got my radio show at five a.m. tomorrow.”

“You do college radio?” Riley asked.

“Yeah, I’m a freshman, so I have the worst possible slot.”

Riley laughed. “Yeah, that was me too. Good luck with it.”

I stood up and tugged down on my skirt. “Well, it was nice meeting all of you, and seeing you again, Chase.”

“You don’t have to come with me, Cara.” Jade stared at me long and hard. “I’ll get a cab, and you can do the same when you’re ready.”

“Are you right over on campus?” Rachel grabbed her keys. “Let me drive you.”

I hesitated. It was already well after midnight. Staying behind made it highly likely I wasn’t going home until the next morning. Did I want that?

Chase put a hand on my hip in a familiar way I wasn’t expecting. Still, I instinctively leaned into his hold. “All right, but call me when you get in.”

“I can say the same thing to you.” Jade gave me a hug. “You need to give this a chance.” She pulled back and walked to the door.

“See ya later.” I waved.

After the door closed, Chase turned me so I was looking at him. “I’m glad you’re not leaving.”

“Me too.” I pushed some hair behind my ear.

“So, Len, let’s go hang out on the balcony for a little while.” Riley grabbed Len’s arm, and they left. Len winked at us as he walked out.

“Want to go for a walk?” Hearing those words brought me back to the night on the beach. The last time I accepted the invitation, I ended up having sex on the sand. Admittedly this time he was inviting me to move further away from his bed.