“Hey, would you girls like to hear some of the new stuff Chase has been working on?” Len was asking us, but he was looking at Chase.

“That sounds great.” Jade looked at me. “That is if Cara’s up for it.”

Chase looked hesitant until Len nodded toward me and Chase’s expression changed. “I guess I could play something. What do you say?” His gaze was penetrating and impossible to avoid.

“Sure, why not.”

“Awesome.” Chase put down a few bills on the table to cover the meal, and we got up and headed out. I wasn’t sure if heading back to some unknown apartment was the best idea, so I fell back on an old trick. I texted Mallory and Juliet. Hanging out with Chase, turns out he’s the lead singer of Chance of a Lifetime. Jade’s with me.

Of course, my phone immediately went off with reply texts from my roommates. At a party or not, they were worried about me and had their cells close.

I laughed at the What??? they both replied with.

I could feel Chase looking at my screen but didn’t try to hide it. I’ll call you later. I pocketed my phone.

“You think my name’s enough that they’d be able to find you?” Chase’s arm brushed mine as we walked down the dark street.

“It’s a start.” The truth was I trusted Chase. Maybe that would end up being a huge mistake, but at the moment I decided to follow my gut, and it was telling me that he wasn’t going to do anything I didn’t already want. I also sensed Jade knew what she was doing. If she ended up messing around with Len, it would be by choice. For the second time that night, I reflected on how glad I was that we hadn’t been drinking.

Riley lived on the top floor of a renovated old house near Rutledge Street. I swallowed down some nerves as Chase pushed open the door. Would his brother think we were groupies? The thought made me sick. But then again, was I any better?

I glanced around the mostly open space. A small hallway shot off along the side.

“Hey, guys.” A girl, probably in her early to mid-twenties, walked into the room. She was wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt, but somehow she wore them in a way that made them look like more.

“Hey, Rachel. This is Cara and her friend Jade.” He specifically separated Jade’s name from mine. Was he trying to get something across?

Rachel’s face brightened. “Cara? As in the Cara?”

I assumed Rachel was Riley’s fiancé, and there was just no way Chase had told her about me. It had only been a few weeks.

“Yes, the Cara.” Chase put an arm around me.

Len laughed. “And before you ask, no she didn’t know who he was. Her friend’s a fan and just brought her along tonight.”

“Wow. Maybe it’s fate.”

She was the second person to use that word. I used to believe in fate. I’d thought that’s what made me get picked for the hazing activity where I met Aaron for the first time. Considering how that relationship turned out, I was doubting fate’s existence.

“And she’s in the right house.” Rachel gestured to my tank top. “I was Delta Mu at UNC.”

“Wait, seriously?” I loved meeting other Delta Mu’s.

“Yeah. Alpha Beta chapter.” She turned to Jade. “Are you Delta Mu as well?”

“Yeah. I just got initiated.”

“Chase dating a Delta Mu. Nice. Maybe you do have good taste.” She patted Chase on the shoulder. “Let me get your brother. He’s still working.”

“Now?” Len asked. “It’s after eleven.”

“You know Riley.” She rolled her eyes.

I smiled. I already liked the girl.

She walked off down the hallway.

Chase pulled me against his side. “Did you see that? I associate with sorority girls.”

I pushed his side. “What you mean is your brother does.”

“Hey, I like Rachel.”

Chase and I followed the others into the living room. Jade and Len were already sitting on a red sectional couch. I took a seat on the other end, and once again, even though there was plenty of space, Chase sat down nearly on top of me. Either he didn’t understand personal space, or he didn’t care about it when it came to me. I had a feeling it was the latter, and I was perfectly fine with it. The feel of his leg against my bare skin constantly sent a thrill through me.