We waited in line about fifteen minutes until we reached the small desk. “Hi, my name’s Jade Cambridge and there should be two tickets here for me.” Jade was way more in her element than I was.

“Okay, here you go.” The guy taking tickets smiled at her. She smiled shyly and looked down. Interesting. I’d never seen a guy have that effect on Jade before.

I eyed the bar on our way into the surprisingly small space.

Jade must have caught me looking. “It’s okay. You can get a drink.”

“No, I’m doing tonight alcohol free. But I could use a water. Want one?”


Jade waited while I bought two bottles of water from a busy bartender.

“Now, where do we go?” There was open space in front of us and a staircase leading up to a balcony. The place was fairly empty, but we were early. My guess was it was going to be far more crowded by the time the show started.

“Are you up for standing?” She eyed my flip flops.

“Absolutely. I’ve never been front row at a concert. I might as well experience it.”

“Okay, cool. The opening band is pretty cool too. It’s a group of three sisters.”

Opening band. No wonder the place was still nearly empty. Most people waited until closer to the main act to show up. “Oh, cool. I always think it’s interesting when bands are made up of family members.”

“The lead singer and drummer in Chance of a Lifetime are brothers. The other members are friends of theirs from college.”

“It sounds like you know a lot about them.” I twisted off the top of my water and took a long sip.

“Yeah, they’re one of my favorites. My friend introduced me to them about a year ago, and I’ve seen them play a few times.”

I followed Jade all the way up to the front of the room. We were literally standing right by the stage. “Cool.” I glanced at my watch. It was show time, so hopefully the opening act would be on soon.

As if in answer, the lights dimmed. The screaming crowd got me excited even though I had no idea what kind of music this sister trio was going to perform.

The girls were dressed kind of punk rock, so the more alternative sound of the music surprised me. One sister each played guitar, keyboard, and drums, and they all sang.

It turned out they were pretty good. It was more chill than what I usually listened to, but the girls were pretty badass, which I could respect. Jade seemed somewhat into them, but I could tell she was just biding her time before the main act. I wondered if opening acts knew that, and if it bothered them. Maybe it was a rite of passage they didn’t reflect on much.

Before long, the girls finished their set. The crowd thinned a little behind us, and I was positive the line to the restrooms was out the door. One of the benefits of not drinking alcohol was that I wasn’t in that line.

After a set change and a quick sound check, the lights dimmed again and the crowd went wild. I looked back at the stage. Hopefully Chance of a Lifetime was even better.

I craned to see in the near darkness, then slowly the lights came up, and I needed to pass out. “Oh my god.”

“What?” Jade grabbed my arm. “Are you okay?”

It was hard to hear her over the screaming crowd and the rushing in my ears. “What’s the name of the guy holding the guitar?”

“That’s Chase. He’s the lead singer.”

I groaned. Chase, as in blazer guy from the beach, stood at the mic. “Seriously? How is this even possible?”

“Hey, guys. Thanks for coming out!” Chase spoke and any doubts I could have pretended to have about his identity were officially gone. I’d never forget that sexy voice, or the body that went with it.

“It’s possible because he can sing…” Jade yelled to be heard over the music that had suddenly started.

“I slept with him,” I shouted. I’m not sure why I even admitted it.

“What? You slept with Chase Denton?” Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

Thankfully the music drowned it out for everyone near us.

“So, that’s his last name… yeah, we hooked up on the beach over break.”

“I don’t even know what to say.” She looked at me like I’d just admitted to having super powers or something.