‘I don’t mind other people not knowing,’ he said, ‘as long as my daughter knows.’

‘She asked me to ask you to open that letter in front of me.’

‘Did she now?’ He ripped open the pink envelope with some trepidation. The letter was computer-generated as before.

Dear Nicolas

Sorry, but I don’t feel right calling you Dad. I already have a dad. But I think it’s kinda cool that you are my father. No wonder I play the piano a bit like you. Anyway I’m glad Mum told me the truth, because I reckon I might have figured it out some day. Now look, Nicolas, it’s Mum I’m really writing to you about. She’s been very sad since you left. I mean seriously seriously sad. She still loves you and she says you still love her. Which I sure hope is true, because if it’s not, I will never speak to you again as long as I live. Which would be a tragedy of the highest order as I like you heaps. So please please ask her to marry you again. And come back to Australia to live.

Bye for now,

Your secret daughter,

Felicity Harmon.

PS. Please email me the very second Mum says yes. (Which she will.)

PPS. I’d like a baby brother or sister please. ASAP.

PPS. I still don’t want to become a concert pianist.

Nicolas couldn’t help laughing.

‘What is it?’ Serina demanded to know. ‘What did she say?’

He just handed her the letter.

Serina groaned. ‘Oh, dear. She is terribly precocious, isn’t she?’

‘I think she’s marvellous,’ Nicolas said.

‘She’s the one who found out your actual address. From that program you did on television a few years ago. She got the phone number somehow as well and rang the desk to make sure you were staying here and not in London before she booked my flights. She insisted I come in person. She said it would be cowardly of me to just email, or ring.’

‘You’re no coward. I think you are the bravest lady I’ve ever met. So will you marry me, my darling?’

‘Need you ask?’

‘Had to. Or my daughter said she wouldn’t speak to me for the rest of her life.’

‘Then yes, Nicolas. I’ll marry you.’

He smiled then hugged her. ‘So what do you think about her other request for a baby brother or sister, ASAP?’

Serina’s eyes sparkled. ‘I’m willing, if you’re willing.’

‘In that case I think we’ll go upstairs and get started on that project straight away. But first… Chad!’ he called out across the lobby as he stood up. ‘Am I right in assuming you and Serina are already acquainted?’

‘Er…yes, Mr Dupre. We had quite a long chat earlier on. That’s how I knew she was from Australia. Though I already guessed, from her accent.’

‘We’re getting married, Chad.’

‘That’s wonderful news, Mr Dupre. Mike will be thrilled. He’s been a bit worried about you. I’ll go tell him right away.’

‘You do that. Now we’ve got something we’ve got to do straight away,’ he said to Serina as he picked up her luggage.

‘Yes, I know,’ she said, standing up, too. ‘The email.’

‘The email can wait. I can’t. Come on.’

They reached the lifts, where Nicolas was about to press the up button, when Serina stopped him. ‘There’s something I want to say first.’

‘Do you have to?’

‘Yes. I want to say that I love you, Nicolas Dupre. I’ve never stopped loving you. When I was a young girl, before you even noticed me, I used to dream that one day we would get married, and have a family together. And now that dream is going to come true. Thank you, Nicolas. For still loving me. And for asking me to marry me again. Thank you.’

Nicolas couldn’t speak for a long moment.

He dropped the luggage and reached out to curve his hands over her shoulders.

‘It’s I who should be thanking you,’ he said, his voice husky. ‘For still loving me, after all these years. Do you remember my saying that there was a woman once whom I wanted to marry but it didn’t work out?’

Serina nodded.

‘You were that woman, my love. You. Never anyone else.’

‘Oh, Nicolas…’

‘No. No more tears. From now on we’re not going to look back. Our new life together is just beginning. We’re going to be the happiest couple to ever live in Rocky Creek.’

Serina’s eyes widened. ‘Rocky Creek?’

‘Yes, damn it. Rocky Creek. If we’re going to have more children, I can’t really drag them all over the world all the time, can I?’

‘But you won’t be happy living in Rocky Creek all the time!’ Serina protested.