Nicolas had faced several crises in his life but none had ever affected him the way this had. Serina claimed he had no real bond with Felicity. That clearly wasn’t true. The rush of love and protectiveness he felt for his daughter was very real indeed. As was his fear for her safety. But he had to keep a cool head. Nothing was to be gained by panicking.

‘We can’t be sure yet where the fire is, Serina. Or how close it might be to Felicity. But let’s not dillydally. Let’s go get your daughter.’

Serina lifted her big brown eyes to his.

‘Our daughter,’ she choked out.

Keeping a cool head suddenly became more difficult. Action came to Nicolas’s rescue.

‘We’ll take the four-wheel drive,’ he asserted. ‘You can phone the people that Felicity’s staying with on the way. Do you have their number?’

‘It’s in my menu. Yes.’


Her mobile didn’t work till they were out of the basement car park and on the road.

‘There’s no answer,’ she said, alarm in her voice.

‘That might be good news, Serina. They might have made the sensible decision to get out early.’

‘Then why didn’t they put a message on their answering machine? And why didn’t they call me? No, this doesn’t feel right. Something’s wrong. I’ll try Felicity’s mobile.’

It rang but there was no answer.

‘I feel sick,’ Serina said.

‘That makes two of us,’ Nicolas said. ‘But we have to try to stay calm, Serina.’

‘Yes, that’s what Greg used to say.’

‘Sounds like a sensible man. Now what else would he have advised in this situation?’

‘He’d say to ring the local bushfire brigade. Find out exactly where the fire is. Now why didn’t I think of that earlier?’

‘Do you have their number?’

‘Yes. Greg used to be president, remember?’

‘Then hop to it.’

The fire was in the state forest, she was advised, but not near any dwellings at this time. The wind was changeable, however, and people were advised to keep a sharp watch, and to keep in contact with the authorities for advice.

‘We’ll still go and get Felicity,’ Nicolas said.

‘We certainly will,’ Serina agreed.

‘Try ringing Kirsty’s mother again,’ Nicolas advised.

This time Janine answered.

‘Oh, Janine! I’m so relieved. I tried ringing earlier but there wasn’t any answer.’

‘I was outside, looking for the girls.’

That sick feeling came rushing back into Serina’s stomach.

‘And did you find them?’

‘No, I didn’t. I made them promise not to go into the forest today but you know those two. They have minds of their own.’

‘But isn’t there a bushfire out your way?’

‘Yes. That’s why I went to find them. Ken’s just phoned me to tell me to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. He’s been out helping fight the fire all morning. He said there wasn’t any imminent danger, but in this weather he didn’t want us to take any chances. I was just about to call you when you rang me.’

‘I’m on my way to your place now.’

‘Look, I’m sure the girls will be back any minute. They wouldn’t want to stay out long in this heat.’

‘You don’t think they could be lost?’

‘Heavens, no. They know that place like the back of their hands. Besides, all the walking tracks are well marked.’

‘I tried to ring Felicity on her mobile but there was no answer. Does Kirsty have her mobile with her?’

‘I’m afraid not. I found it lying on her bed.’

‘Darn. We’ll be another fifteen minutes getting to your place, Janine. We’re coming from Port Macquarie.’

‘Who’s we?’

‘Me and Nicolas Dupre.’

‘Oh…I see.’

Serina doubted it.

‘You have my mobile number, don’t you?’


‘I won’t ring anyone. Call me the moment they get back.’

Serina hung up on a deep shuddering sigh.

‘Where have the little devils gone?’ Nicolas demanded to know straight away.

‘Into the forest.’

He swore. Then swore again, banging the steering wheel at the same time. ‘I’m going to strangle that girl.’

‘You’ll have to get in line,’ Serina quipped.

They both laughed but they were just fear-covering laughs. They quickly fell silent, Nicolas putting his foot down every chance he got. Soon Wauchope was behind them, then Rocky Creek. Serina kept staring at her mobile, which she was gripping tightly in her lap, but it didn’t ring. With each passing minute, her fear increased, horrible thoughts entering her head. She could not bear it if she lost Felicity. It would be the end of her.