‘And where do you think you’re going at this hour?’ he asked.

Serina thought her nonplussed expression was of Oscar-winning standards. ‘Home, of course,’ she said coolly.

‘But why? Felicity’s not there. And you don’t go into the office on a Saturday.’

‘I have to this morning,’ she returned crisply. ‘Emma’s having the day off. She’s going to a wedding.’

‘You still don’t have to go this early. It’s only ten past six. Have coffee with me first. I have something I want to discuss with you.’

Her heart leapt, not with hope, but with fear. Surely he hadn’t changed his mind about not disclosing the fact he was Felicity’s biological father? ‘What about?’ she asked somewhat warily.

‘Nothing for you to worry about. Look, I’ll go put on the kettle,’ he said, and turned away, giving her a perfect view of his perfect rear.

‘Only if you put some clothes on first?’ she called after him.

He just laughed.

By the time she dared to leave the bathroom and join him in the living area he’d pulled on a pair of black satin boxer shorts.

‘So what is it you want to talk to me about?’ she asked whilst he opened a couple of the coffee bags supplied and popped them into mugs.

‘I’ve been thinking,’ he replied slowly, then stopped to pour in the boiling water.

‘About what?’

‘You take milk and one sugar, don’t you?’

‘Yes,’ she said grudgingly. ‘Now what’s all this about?’

‘My, my, but you are not such a happy chappy in the mornings, are you?’ he said as he proceeded to take his time, getting the milk out of the fridge then slowly opening a packet of sugar.

‘Nicolas, you’re driving me mad! I have to get going. The neighbours will wake up soon and they’ll see me coming home still dressed in this.’ And she indicated the white dress she’d worn the night before.

His eyebrows lifted. ‘Oh, I see. I forgot that people noticed such things in Rocky Creek. Not only noticed, but cared. Now don’t blow a gasket,’ he added when he saw a dark frustration fill her face. ‘This won’t take long. The thing is, Serina, I’ve changed my mind.’

Oh, no, she thought in a panic.

‘It’s not what you’re thinking.’ He frowned suddenly. ‘Why must you always think the worst? What I’ve changed my mind about is leaving today.’

‘But last night, you said…’ She broke off, not sure if she was happy now with his change of heart. Amazing how things could work out in your head when they were romantic fantasies. Everything became much more complicated in real life.

‘I know what I said. But I’ve had more time to think things through and there’s no reason for me to leave today. Look, I’m not going to say anything about being Felicity’s father. I gave you my word on that. I can see how cruel that would be, and pointless. Felicity would probably hate me, as you said. And you, too. Which is not what I want. Not at all,’ Nicolas added, then came forward to draw her into his arms. ‘You said there was a danger you’d fall hopelessly in love with me again last night. Dare I hope it might have happened? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?’

Serina groaned as her heart began to battle with her head. To tell him that she loved him was a big step and, perhaps, a foolish one at this juncture. After all, he hadn’t said he loved her and he’d had plenty of chances last night.

‘Nicolas, I can’t afford to have my heart broken by you again,’ she said carefully.

‘You think I would do that?’

‘I don’t know what you’d do. Like you said, we don’t know each other anymore. On top of that, we come from different worlds.’

‘That’s not quite true. We’re both Australians. If you’d ever spent time living overseas, you’d realise that Australians are a breed apart. Look, I appreciate that you think I hate it here in Rocky Creek and that I prefer living in New York, et cetera, et cetera et cetera,’ he said as he pushed her coffee across the kitchen counter towards her. ‘But do you know what? I’m not so sure I hate Rocky Creek as much as I thought I did. Frankly, I enjoyed yesterday’s talent quest more than I’ve enjoyed anything in years. But all that pales into insignificance against what we have together. Do you honestly think I’m going to let you get away from me for a third time? Okay, so I probably wouldn’t like to live here full-time,’ he went on. ‘But there’s no reason why I can’t visit on a regular basis. No reason why you can’t visit me as well. I’ll pay all your expenses, of course.’