She's addicted to sex. He's addicted to booze...the only way out is rock bottom.

No one would suspect shy Lily Calloway's biggest secret. While everyone is dancing at college bars, Lily stays in the bathroom. To get laid. Her compulsion leads her to one-night stands, steamy hookups and events she shamefully regrets. The only person who knows her secret happens to have one of his own.

Loren Hale's best friend is his bottle of bourbon. Lily comes at a close second. For three years, they've pretended to be in a real relationship, hiding their addictions from their families. They've mastered the art of concealing flasks and random guys that filter in and out of their apartment.

But as they sink beneath the weight of their addictions, they cling harder to their destructive relationship and wonder if a life together, for real, is better than a lie. Strangers and family begin to infiltrate their guarded lives, and with new challenges, they realize they may not just be addicted to alcohol and sex.

Their real vice may be each other.

One-click ADDICTED TO YOU to read now!

* * *

Want to read about Jane’s parents — Rose Calloway & Connor Cobalt? The entire Addicted & Calloway Sisters series are now available and it’s possible to start with the Calloway Sisters series! Rose & Connor’s story begins in Kiss the Sky.


A virgin "ice queen" heiress & The arrogant god-like man who wants to melt her

Rose Calloway thought she had everything under control. At twenty-three, she's a Princeton graduate, an Academic Bowl champion, a fashion designer and the daughter of a Fortune 500 mogul. But with a sex addict as a sister and roommate, nothing comes easy.

When Rose's fashion line is in peril, she plans an unconventional solution to save it. Making matters more intense, she agreed to be in a real relationship with her "godly" college rival.

And now they're living together.

For the first time.

At twenty-four, Connor Cobalt bulldozes weak men. Confident and smart-as-hell, Connor vows to help Rose outside of the bedroom and inside. But melting this ice queen is a challenge no one has been able to win.

This Romance can be described as Friends meets The Real World. Expect fist fights, sex of varying degrees, crude humor and competitive alpha males. Definitely for mature audiences only.

One-click KISS THE SKY to read now!

* * *

For release alerts subscribe to Krista & Becca’s NEWSLETTER and follow their BookBub page .

Also by Krista & Becca


Addicted to You


Addicted for Now


Addicted After All

The Addicted Series Box Set


Kiss the Sky

Hothouse Flower

Fuel the Fire

Long Way Down

Some Kind of Perfect


Damaged Like Us

Lovers Like Us

Alphas Like Us

Tangled Like Us

Sinful Like Us

Book 6 (Maximoff & Farrow)

Book 7 (Oscar & Jack)

Book 8 (Sulli & Akara)


Amour Amour


About the Authors


Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.


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Pronunciation Glossary

The Italian used in this book is an Italian-American language developed by Italian immigrants. It is an incomplete language and uses Italian, English, or both. Different Italians speak different dialects in certain areas, and what is used in the Like Us series is prominent on the East Coast. Words may vary in pronunciation and spelling in different communities.

agita : pronounced AA-jih-tuh (Origin: aciditá)

braggiol’ : pronounced BRAAJH-oel (Origin: bracciole)

cornic’ : pronounced kor-neek (Origin: cornicello)

cumare : pronounced KOO-mar (Origin: comare)

gabbadost’ : pronounced gaa-baa-dahst (Origin: capa dura/capa tosta)

gomesegiam’? : pronounced go-maa-say-GYAM (Origin: come si chiama?)

ma che bell’: pronounced maa-KAY-bell (Origin: ma che bella)

maliocch’ : pronounced maal-YOAK (Origin: malocchio)

mannaggia : pronounced MAA-NAA-juh (Origin: male ne aggia/male ne abbia)

mapeen : pronounced maa-PEEN (Origin: moppina)

menzamenz : pronounced mehnz-AA-mehnz (Origin: mezza mezza)

scustamad’ : pronounced skoo-stoo-MAAD (Origin: scostumato)

statazitt’! : pronounced stah-tuh-ZEET (Origin: stai zitto)

vaffangul’ : pronounced VAA-faan-GOOL (Origin: vai a fare in culo)

veni qua : pronounced veh-nee-kwaa (Origin: vieni qui)


Usually, our acknowledgments are filled with a list of people we need to thank and all the outpouring of gratitude to the people who made this book possible. Writing Tangled Like Us was different, and so this section is also going to be a little different, too.

Each of our books has a piece of ourselves in them. Personal, always. Even if we don’t come out and publicly say what specific part came from our lives, it’s there. Tangled Like Us has so much of ourselves in it. But the most important—it has our family. Our big, loud and loving Italian-American family.

It has our grandma.

Her spirit and love exists inside of Thatcher’s grandma. When we were writing Tangled Like Us, we talked with our Grandma Lou about her childhood and the Italian she grew up with in her home. Our long conversations discussing how to pronounce words like gabbadost’ and cumare , and how her mom traveled to America alone at twelve-years-old with jewelry sewn into her panties will be some of the things we cherish most about writ

ing this book.

We didn’t expect her passing. It came suddenly and unexpectedly while we were finishing the last part of Tangled, and it rocked our world to its core. One of our last conversations with her was talking about the cornic’ and how it would play an important role in the story.

Her excitement and enthusiasm over this book, which she never read but knew would exist, was such a fuel for us. She would say, “my Italian will be in the book, right?” Yes. Your Italian, Grandma, is in this book. She never believed that the way she spoke was “correct” because it was a broken Italian that those in Italy wouldn’t understand. But the Italian-American immigrant language is so very special and close to our hearts. It’s what we heard growing up, and since we didn’t know any other Italians in the area, it felt like only our families understood the words.

Our grandma was a light in the world. Now she’s a spirit in the sky, but she has impacted so many people with her love and generosity. And when our mom needed her when we were born, she packed up her bags and traveled hundreds of miles to be with our mom. Without hesitation.