“Hey, uh …” I began. “I’m going to have to find something else quick.”


“Falyn’s moving back with the kids.”

Tyler’s mouth fell open, and he stepped back, socking my arm with the side of his fist. “Are you serious, brother? That’s awesome!”

I shifted my weight, crossing my arms across my middle. “The kids aren’t happy in the springs. I told her to take the house.”


“So I’m on the hunt for an apartment.”

He made a face. “That’s not as good of news as I thought.”

“Me neither.”

Tyler put his hand on my shoulder. “You want to stay with Ellie and me?”

“Nah,” I said. “Thanks, though.”

“You guys love each other. You’ll work it out.”

I looked down, chills running over my entire body. “If she loves me, then why did she leave me?”

That gave Tyler pause, and he squeezed his fingers into my skin. “We’re crazy as fuck. It takes balls for those women to love us. And … sometimes it takes losing someone to finally have the courage to grow into the person they deserve.”

My chest concaved, and I puffed out a breath as if Tyler had just punched me. Taking that kind of truth felt like falling on my own sword.

“Just … don’t tell anyone she’s coming back,” I said. “I want to try to have a few good conversations with her before the mayor’s son finds out. Arrogant prick.”

“He can’t steal your wife, Taylor. She doesn’t want him.”

I made a face. “She doesn’t want me, either.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. We’ve all reevaluated at some point and realized our wives are getting tired of our crap. We straightened up, and it’s all good. You were just a day too late.”

“Something like that,” I grumbled as we walked into the living quarters.

We stopped just short of the closest row of recliners. Every seat was taken by the guys from our shift. All of them were former hotshots like us, waiting for the alarm to sound so we could get a taste of the adrenaline and power that came with fighting something unstoppable and inhuman—and winning.

Tyler glanced at me and nodded toward the crew. I clenched my teeth and looked to the floor; shame and the feeling of letting my firehouse family down were unbearable.

Jubal sat up, recognition in his eyes. “Baloney. I don’t believe it.”

“I—” Before I could finish, the alarm bleated through every speaker in the building. We waited for the dispatcher, Sonja, to tell us the location and nature of the fire we were about to be called to.

“Box alarm at the Hickory Warehouse, 200 North Lincoln Avenue. Possible occupants.”

“Inside?” I asked. “It’s been vacant for years.”

“Fuckity,” Jubal said. “No, it’s not. The Hickory family sublet it to Marquis Furniture five or so years ago. It’s full of their inventory.”

“We’ll need the ladder and the two larger engines. Tender on standby!” Tyler said. He backhanded my shoulder. “Ride with me. Last one.”

My eyebrows pulled in. “I told Falyn I would meet her in the springs tonight to help her pack up the kids.”

Tyler grinned in understanding. “No problem. Patch that shit up so you’ll stop whining, would ya?”

I half-heartedly smiled, watching my twin brother grab his commander’s hat, jacket, and keys before jogging to the ambulance bay where his truck was parked.

The rest of the guys followed behind him to the fire trucks and ambulance, and I stood alone, feeling my jaw tense. Something didn’t feel right.

“Goddammit, Tyler,” I said under my breath, running out to put on my gear. I stepped into my bunker gear, grabbed my hat, and yanked open the door just as Tyler was backing out.

Tyler frowned at me as I pulled on my seat belt. “What are you doing, fuckstick? Go get your wife.”

“Last time,” I said, sitting back and putting on my game face.

He stepped on the gas, leading the crew to the outskirts of town so fast the haunting sound of our sirens trailed behind. He was already on the radio, speaking to the other brass who would arrive and communicating with dispatch about shutting down any way in or out to the public. We all knew the warehouse would be one hellacious fire, but I could see a flicker of nervousness in my brother’s eyes. He had the same bad feeling I did.

The brakes of Tyler’s truck screeched, and the tires dug into the gravel as he slowed in front of the warehouse. The south side of the looming three-story structure was nearly engulfed in flames. I rolled down the passenger side window, and even from a hundred feet away, I could feel the heat on my face. The flames whipped up into the sky, reaching with their glowing, misshapen fingers as they devoured and digested the steel and lumber that had withstood five generations of grueling Colorado weather.

Tyler leaned forward, pressing his chest against the steering wheel to get a better look. He had to yell over the roaring orange monster. “That’s one big bitch!” He radioed into dispatch, requesting a shutdown of the roads leading to the warehouse. Consistent water pressure would already be a problem. We didn’t need traffic running over the hoses, too.

For the first time before a fire, an ominous feeling came over me. “I gotta bad feeling, Tyler.”

He puffed out a breath. “Gimme a break, big brother. You’re too fucking mean to die.”

I looked up at the fire. “I hope so. I haven’t held my wife in three months.”



“IT’LL BURN FOR DAYS,” I said, tugging once on my door handle.

“I’d better call Falyn,” Taylor said. “Let her know I’m not coming tonight after all.”

We had both climbed out of the truck, standing on opposite sides of the hood. I point at him. “Don’t you fucking dare. We’re going to restrain this hungry whore, and then you’re going to pack up my niece and nephews and bring your family home.”

Taylor glanced at his watch while jogging to Engine Nine. “I’ve got two hours!”

I glanced at the warehouse and yelled back to my brother, “She won’t be out, but we can beat her back!”