She threw herself at me again. I grunted from the sharp pain in my ribs but her kiss pushed that pain away. I held her tight, kissing her, feeling her body, the warmth of her skin and the weight of her arms, before she pulled back.

“I love you too,” she said, breathless.

“Let’s get your stuff. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”

Fortunately, she was already packed. I slung her bag over my shoulder and headed out into the hall again, looking both ways before gesturing for her to follow. “Down the stairs and out the back,” I whispered. “We’ll make a break for it. Door guy won’t know what hit him.”

“Are you sure?” She chewed her lip.

“I’m positive. Come on. Trust me.”

She nodded and we moved forward. I led her down the hall toward the staircase that wound down the spine of the house. We took the stairs, hesitating at the first landing, then turning down and walking to the bottom. On the left was a hall that led into the main artery that cut down the length of the structure, and on the right was the kitchen. It was still bustling even so late at night, and a lonely radio played salsa music.

I walked fast. She followed close. A few cooks in hairnets and white uniforms were gathered around a small table, smoking and playing cards. I grinned and nodded at them, a few young guys, and one even waved back, looking confused. None of them moved though, and as we reached the back door, they looked away as if it wasn’t their problem.

The door guy leaned back in an alcove. He looked half away, arms crossed over his chest. I moved fast, running at him like a bull. Amber didn’t know this part of the plan, since it was the least elegant and relied on even more good luck. She let out a strangled, surprised yelp as I smashed into the guard, kneeing him hard in the gut and smashing my elbow on his shoulder.

He groaned in shock and pain, but slammed his head into my nose. I felt a wet crunch as I staggered back. The guard bashed a button on the wall and a blaring, wild scream broke out as an alarm ripped through the space.

I attacked hard. I jabbed him in the throat then grabbed his wrist, twisted, and turned him, throwing him against the wall. He hit face-first and slumped forward, moaning. I kicked him once for good measure as blood poured from my nose.

“Come on,” I shouted, pulling Amber into the alcove and shoving her toward the door. She stumbled and opened it. I threw the bag toward her. “Run south.”

“What are you doing?”

I turned as two thugs barreled into the room and the kitchen guys scattered, looking for hiding spots. I met the thugs and smashed a fist into one face, elbowed another. I fought like an animal, ripped a pan from a rack and bashed one guy in the skull until he dropped, and kicked another in the mouth until he slipped in his partner’s blood and hit the floor hard.

“Ren!” Amber screamed.

I turned and sprinted after her. We hit the ground outside and kept going. I heard shouting behind us, but I wouldn’t let her slow down. Block after block flashed past, and although the sounds of pursuit died down, we couldn’t slow.

“This way.” I tugged her through streets, down a few side blocks, and into an alley. “Stay here.”

We crouched down beside a dumpster and I watched as a few black cars rolled past along the street, going slow, guys hanging out the windows.

“They’re looking for us,” she whispered, eyes wide.

“We’re not far.” I stood, waited to make sure no cars were coming, then start walking away, tugging her along behind me.

“What are we going to do?”

“Don’t worry.” I squeezed her hand. “We’re almost there.”

She chewed her lip, but didn’t argue. We moved in silence, and once I had her duck down a tree while a car rolled past. Two more blocks and I took a set of car keys from my pocket.

My car was a small silver sedan parked up against the curb in a line of similarly boring vehicles. My bags were in the back, packed and ready to go.

“Can’t go to my apartment,” I said. “They’ll look there first.”

“This is yours?”

“Procured it a few days ago, right before we caught Felix. Figured it would come in handy.”

“You stole it?” Her eyes were wide.

“Don’t worry. I had it cleaned. Changed the tags, shaved off the VIN, all that good stuff.” I climbed in behind the wheel. “Come on. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

She jumped into the passenger side, tossed her bag over the seat, and leaned up against my shoulder as I pulled out and drove.