“I’m not getting more anytime soon.”

Felix hesitated and turned back. A look of frustration flickered over his face but he pulled his hands from his pocket and ran his fingers through his dark hair.

“And why’s that?”

“This one was in Vincent’s desk drawer, but it was a bitch to break in there and I almost got caught. I’m not risking it again until they’re not paying attention to me again.”

Felix smirked. “Vincent’s laid up in the hospital, or didn’t you know that?”

“Of course I know. Dante’s been watching me like a goddamn hawk. That man doesn’t trust me.”

Another short silence. Felix looked toward me and tilted his head. “Is this guy full of shit or what?”

“He’s telling the truth,” I said, and I heard the quaver in my voice. I hoped Felix would see it as nerves, and not as a lie.

“I’m sure you think he is,” he said, shaking his head. “But this man’s a professional thief. He bends the truth for a living.”

“In this case, I’m thinking about keeping my ass alive,” Ren said. “I got no reason to turn on you. I’m not a part of this bullshit war.”

“True enough,” Felix said, frowning thoughtfully.

“All I want is to get the fuck out of this city without having to look over my shoulder every day.” Ren gestured over at me. “And I want her to come with me.”

Felix walked forward suddenly, closing the gap between the two men. I took a step back but Ren didn’t move. He was an inch taller than Felix, but Felix was muscular and built like a tank.

“You sure that’s what you really want?” Felix asked, voice soft. “You sure about that, Ren? This is your city. You’re something of a celebrity around here. You leave Philly and you’re a nobody.”

“I’m a nobody that’s alive. I care more about breathing for another day than I do about some bullshit notoriety.”

Felix snorted. “Living is overrated if you’re just passing time.”

“Good one. Where’d you read that? Hallmark card?”

Felix sneered and held out a hand. “Give me the code.”

“Promise you’ll cover our asses if we leave tonight.”

“The deal was for all the codes. This is only one.”

“Felix,” Ren said, sounding annoyed. “This is the best you’re going to get right now.”

“Then I’ll be patient. I’m a patient man, did you know that?”

They stood in silence. Ren looked frustrated as hell, and I genuinely couldn’t tell if it was put on or real, which was probably a good thing. I was willing to bet he didn’t really know, either.

“Fine,” Ren said, pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and shoving it into Felix’s hand. But he didn’t let go right away. “I want more time.”

“If this pans out, you can have more time.”

“I mean it. Another couple weeks. Stop attacking the Leone family.”

“Can’t do that.” Felix narrowed his eyes. “Why would you care either way?”

“The more heat you put on them, the hotter it is around the house.”

“I’m distracting Dante from watching you every second of the day.” Felix yanked the paper from Ren’s hand, glanced at it, then shoved it into his back pocket. “You got two more weeks, but I’m not stopping shit.”

“Then you’re making my life impossible.”

“I’ll slow down. That’s the best you’ll get from me. No big attacks, no more hits on the top brass.”

Ren grunted once and nodded. “Fine. That’s a deal.”

“Two weeks, and I want the rest of the codes. You hear me? You get me those codes, and I’ll make sure you get out of the city without any trouble. I’ll make damn sure the Leone family doesn’t come after you.”

“I’ll get the codes.”

“I’m sure you will.” Felix grinned then looked at me and winked. “You’ve got a real winner here, girly. I hope you know that.” He turned, walked to the car, and got inside.

Lukas moved away from the hood and sneered at me before getting behind the wheel and driving off. We moved onto the sidewalk and watched them pull down the street, their headlights popping back on and illuminating the crumbling, broken-down building lining the silent block.

“That went well,” Ren said.

I looked at him and thought I might puke. My hands were trembling, and he laughed a giddy, heady laugh. I couldn’t resist joining in. We stood there and laughed for a second before he pulled me against him and kissed me, lips and tongue and hands on my hips. We held that for a few moments before he walked back to the car, my hand trailing in his.

“What’s the chance they’ll take the bait?” I asked as he started the engine.

“They’ll take it,” he said. “Sometime in the next two weeks. We’ll have that place crawling with guys from here on out. Whenever they show—we’ll be ready.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I have to be.” He pulled away from the curb and began to drive back.