“Do what?”

“Play this game.” She waved a hand vaguely. “Whatever he wants.”

“I’m not sure you understand how the family works in this city.”

She shrugged. “Probably the same way it works in Chicago, but I also know Vincent’s drowning in whatever’s going on, so you could probably walk away.”

I took a step closer to her and her eyes tracked me, the phone forgotten. “You want that? Think I should walk away?”


“You know that he’ll replace me with someone else. Probably someone much less charming and handsome.”

That should’ve gotten a smile. Instead, she looked even more annoyed. “Arrogant and a thug. My least favorite combination.”

“I’m not a thug,” I said, feeling my anger rise. This girl didn’t know me one goddamn bit.

“Then what are you doing working for Vincent Leone?”

“He pays good.” I shook my head. “I don’t need to justify myself to you. We’re going to be working together, and that’s all.”

“You mean, he hired you to follow me around, right?”


She laughed. It was bitter, surprisingly bitter for a girl so young. “Yeah, right, bodyguard. Like you’ll be much use. You’ll spy on me for him, keep me out of trouble, and generally get in my way.”

“That’s what you’re used to, huh?”

“Pretty much.” She turned back to her phone.

I walked to her, closing the gap between us. She stared up, surprised, as I looked over her. Up close, she was small, petite really, though full where it counted, and I was willing to bet she’d skated through life without so much as a single man pushing back on her. Hard to push back when she looked so good.

“Understand this,” I said, voice low enough that she had to lean closer to her me. “I don’t work for Vincent or anybody. I’m taking this job because it pays good and I’m hoping it’s easy. You play along and don’t get in my way, then I’ll play along and won’t get in yours. No bullshit, no fucking around. There’s a war out there, and I’m going to keep your ass safe.”

She gave me an angry stare for a few long seconds and I felt a strange thrill, returning that glare. I liked the way she stood up to me and didn’t back down, though I was bigger and looming and probably looked like I’d just been in a fight—because I had.

“You understand me. I’m not interested in you or whatever game you think we’re playing here. So how about you fuck off and leave me alone.” She turned back to her phone and held it up, tapping away at the screen in what was so clearly meant to be a dismissive gesture.

I was tempted to fight with her. I liked that she was tough, maybe a little feisty—but before I could speak, the door opened and Vincent stepped inside.

“Chen’s on his way,” he said, frowning at the way I stood over Amber. “Everything okay in here?”

“All good,” I said. “Just getting to know each other.”

She snorted. “Yeah, he’s a real nice guy.”

Vincent frowned, clearly uncertain, but gestured at me. “Why don’t you come with me and we’ll wait for Chen in the lounge. He’ll get you cleaned up and give you whatever medications you need.”

“Works for me.” I glanced down at Amber. “Looking forward to spending a lot of time with you.”

She gave me a sweet smile. “Go fuck yourself.”

I laughed as I walked over to Vincent. He gave Amber an annoyed look, but shook his head and led me back out into the hallway.

“Now you see why I’m paying so well,” he muttered.

I only grinned at him and let him take me back downstairs.

I liked her, liked her a lot. Not just because she was pretty, although, shit, that helped.

It was that look in her eye. There was an anger inside her, a fire that lit her up and made her shine. She clearly hated me, although I didn’t think it was me she hated, but the idea of me. Something happened to her, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it—the delicious bottom of her.

Maybe this was going to be a good job after all.



Vincent hustled me out to his house in Mt. Airy the next day, accompanied by my hired goon babysitter.

I ignored him. It wasn’t easy though. He was a big guy, broad shoulders, stubble on his face and chin, but he held himself with this strange grace that I couldn’t totally understand. He commanded a room, and I kept sneaking glances in his direction, and caught him looking back at me, seemingly unashamed at being caught. I didn’t know what his deal was, but it annoyed the hell out of me, and drove me wild at the same time.

The Mt. Airy house was Vincent’s wife’s place, a nice, pretty girl named Mona. She met us out front in black pants and a white button-down shirt. She was a few years older than me, with dark hair cut short, and dark brown eyes. She smiled, hugged me, glanced at Ren, then held me by the shoulders.