“I’m telling you, it’s true.”

“Maybe, but here’s the thing. If you were going to attack the Leone family mansion, would you tell some random guy about it first?”

He hesitated. “No, I wouldn’t, but, Ren—”

“You wouldn’t, because it would be very, very stupid. Then again, nobody said the Dusters were smart, and they’re clearly pretty confident right now if things are going their way.”

“These guys were drunk and talking to each other, man. I overheard it. I shouldn’t have, but I did. I’m telling you, it’s coming, man.”

“I appreciate the warning.”

“Look, I can’t be in this anymore, okay? That whole thing spooked me and now I’m worried they’re following me.”

“They’re not following you.”

“You don’t know that.” He laughed a little. “I feel like I’m in a spy movie.”

“Go home, Joey. Get some sleep. Stick to your normal spots for a while and keep your head down. You did more than enough already.”

He gave me a look then abruptly stood up, jostling the table. I managed to catch my drink before it toppled over.

“Thanks, yeah, I’ll do that.” He walked toward the door. I watched him go, and as he slipped out, he glanced back at me.

I saw it then, a guilty look in his eye.

He didn’t tell me the full story, I was sure of it. I didn’t know what he was holding back, or what he might be lying about, but he definitely didn’t tell me exactly what he knew.

I drank my coffee and thought about that for a little while. The whole situation swirled around my brain: Amber, Vincent, the Chicago family, the war, Joey. All the little pieces in their own little spots, but none of them coming together, not yet at least.

I got up and left. I took the long way back, doubling back once or twice, feeling paranoid. Fucking Joey got me looking over my shoulder.

Back at the mansion, I headed in through the front and got a dirty look from Vincent’s security goons. I went upstairs, Joey’s warning still in my head, knocking around in there.

If he was wrong, or if he was lying, then nothing would happen here. I could keep Amber right in her room and do all the dirty, filthy things I wanted with her, hour after hour, day after day, until this shit blew over.

But if he was right, and something big was coming, I had to get her out.

I’d hate myself if I got warned but didn’t act on it.

I headed into her room and found her curled up in bed with her phone. She perked up as I lingered in the doorway and watched her for a few seconds.

“How was your meeting?” she asked.


“Yeah? Who’d you meet with?”

“Guy named Joey.” I watched her for a few seconds, still torn. “He told me something.”

She put her phone down. “You look upset.”

“Not upset. Just—” I stopped myself. “Trying to make a decision.”

“What happened?”

“This guy told me that the Dusters are making a move soon, a big move on the mansion. Which means we could be in the line of fire all over again.”

Her face turned white. “Are you joking?”

“I’m sorry. I’m not telling you to freak you out. It’s just—Joey might be wrong, you know? And Vincent doesn’t want us to leave. But if he’s right, then fuck what Vincent wants.”

“How much do you trust Joey?”

“He’s lying about something, or leaving something out, I’m not sure which.”

She leaned her head back and let out a frustrated breath. “Why is this happening?”

“I don’t know.” I walked a few paces into her room. “I want you to know what’s going on. I can handle it myself, but you should have a say in your future.”

“I know.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I just wish I could have a few days where I didn’t worry about getting killed.”

“I know.” I felt like a bastard for telling her, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

She opened her eyes again and looked at me. “What happens if we leave?”

“Vincent won’t be happy. He’ll send some guys to bring us back, most likely.”

“Slap on the wrist?”

I shrugged and walked over to her. I sat on the edge of the bed and put my hand on her leg. “Probably. Might be worse for me than for you.”

“And if we stay, we risk getting caught in the crossfire of some big attack.”

“Exactly.” I let out a breath. “I think it’s pretty obvious, right?”

“I think you’re right.”

I nodded, hesitated, then leaned toward her. I kiss her and pinned her to the bed, letting my body press against hers. I wanted to keep her there in that bed forever and get my fill of her, over and over, sliding my fingers over every inch of her skin until her moans and my groans became the only language we spoke.