Page 96 of The Double

And stopped. What was I going to say? I’m not Christina, I just look exactly like her? Even if they believed me, once they found out I was an FBI agent, they might just kill me.

I couldn’t tell them.

The SUV started up and we roared off.

The horrifying reality of it set in. I was trapped living Christina’s life. And the only person who could save me, the only other person in the world who knew we’d switched places... she was probably cuddling up to Konstantin right now.



“AND THEN I ran in here,” I told Carrie. “And you know the rest.”

I was still sitting on Carrie’s desk, with Hailey pressed tight against my side, her arm around my waist. I’d just given Carrie the short version of everything that had happened. She’d stayed standing throughout my entire speech and with me sitting, that put us eye-to-eye. We stared at each other, her face emotionless and unreadable. I knew she didn’t want to let me go. This was the closest she’d ever got to putting me behind bars.

She could have claimed she didn’t believe me, pinned the assassination attempt on me just to see me go down. But she was that rare thing: an honest cop.

“It isn’t over between us,” she warned me.

“I don’t doubt it,” I told her.

“I’m putting a hold on your passport. Don’t try and leave the country... and you’ll give us any help we ask for in tracking down Ralavich.”

I nodded.

She stared at me for another long second. Then: “Fine. You’re free to go.” She turned to Hailey. “And as for you…” She looked between the two of us, her expression troubled. I could see how much she cared for Hailey... but an active FBI agent dating a known criminal? That couldn’t be allowed.

“I’ll make it easy for you,” said Hailey. And she pulled out her badge and handed it to Carrie. “I quit.”

I glanced across at her. You’re sure?

She nodded and pressed even tighter against me. I stood up, wincing a little at the pain in my arm. The sniper’s bullet had sliced a line across my triceps, not deep but painful. An FBI medic had put a dressing on it but had warned me to avoid moving it. I had no problem with that. The most strenuous thing I intended to do was hug Hailey. At least, until we got back to the mansion. Then I was going to fuck her all night long.

In the elevator, I hit the button for the first floor. As we descended, I stood staring at the button below it, the one for the basement. They’d told me that Grigory was down there, in an interrogation room. When I was arrested, he’d panicked, knowing his betrayal might come out, and he’d made a run for Russia. The FBI had stopped him at the airport and when he’d heard that the assassination had failed and that his beloved Christina was gone, taken off by Ralavich, he’d broken and confessed everything, which helped to prove our story.

He’d betrayed me. Slept with Christina. Plotted to kill me. But...part of me wanted to forgive him. Not now. The wounds were too fresh. But one day. Before Hailey, I wouldn’t have understood, but now….

I looked across at her. Grigory had been in love. And love can make you do stupid things.

We reached the first floor and strode out through the lobby. This time, the guards stepped back and gave us a respectful nod. Calahan had run off to lead the search for Ralavich: a pity, because I would have liked to say goodbye. I was slowly growing to like the man.

Outside, one of my guards was holding open the rear door of the Mercedes. Hailey and I climbed into the back seat and we sped off towards the mansion. As the adrenaline slowly left me, I realized how exhausted I was. I need a vacation.

The idea would have seemed unthinkable a month ago, but now…. I’d never taken a real vacation, just business trips to Italy or London: endless meetings in darkened bars and hotel rooms while Christina shopped for clothes. Now, with Ralavich on the run, his plans foiled, maybe I could just...stop for a week or two.

I looked across at Hailey and smiled. The future was bright.

I reached out, took her hand and squeezed it. I was still getting used to doing that. It felt good.

But Hailey didn’t react the way I expected. Instead of just squeezing back, she swung a leg across me, straddling me, being careful not to jar my injured arm. I blinked at her, smiling uncertainly. As her pubis ground against mine, I could feel myself getting hard. But this wasn’t like her, she wasn’t usually so confident.

She leaned forward and her breasts pressed against me through her wet blouse. I realized I could feel her nipples through the thin fabric. She’s not wearing a bra?