“We got a run later,” Trip reminded him. “You gonna go? We can leave Tater and Possum with the ladies.”

“Tater and Possum?” Reese asked, her brow dipping low.

“Two of our new prospects,” Trip explained. “Tater Tot and Possum.”

“How’d they get those names?” Reese asked with a straight face, but Reilly rolled her lips under. She most likely knew what the BFMC’s newest prospects looked like already.

He wouldn’t be surprised if those two, or any of his other brothers, had hit on Reilly. Hopefully Judge had put the word out, like Deacon asked, about Reese’s baby sister being off-limits. Not only to prospects, but to anyone with two eyeballs and a functioning dick.

“When you see them, you’ll know why,” Cage answered. “It’s why I gave them those stupid fuckin’ names. One’s the shape of a tater tot and the other’s got a face only a possum’s momma would love.”

“Oh.” Reese glanced toward Deacon, pinning her lips together. He shrugged. “So, what’s this ‘run?’” she asked, staring directly at him.

“When the whole club rides together,” he explained. “When the weather’s good, we try to do one at least once a month. If you want, you can ride with me.”

All eyes sliced toward him. He ignored the surprised looks. That was because his brothers rarely had a backpack other than their ol’ ladies. Bringing a woman along wasn’t a normal thing to do on an official club run.

You trying to impress pussy? Take her on a solo ride. But don’t bring her along on a club run until you bagged her. That spot on the back of their sleds wasn’t for just anyone. And once a bitch was in that spot, it was hard to get her out without causing a whole bunch of headaches.

“I wouldn’t want to leave Reilly by herself,” Reese murmured with a frown.

“She can come along,” he quickly offered.

Trip choked. Stella smothered a laugh. Cage only shot him a toothy grin.

Autumn, aka Red, said with a hint of amusement in her voice, “That’s really nice of you, Deacon.”

Yeah, wasn’t it? Fuck.

“We can’t both ride on your motorcycle. Plus, I’ve never even been on one.”

“It’s easy,” Cage told Reese. “You just hang the fuck on. Me and Rook’s been takin’ your sis back and forth to the garage on the back of our sleds. She got the hang of hangin’ on really quick.”

Reese’s head spun toward her sister, not looking happy with hearing that. Though, it was hard to look happy when your face was all busted up, even when you were. “You’ve been riding on their motorcycles?”

Reilly sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t have a car, Reese. And they live downstairs. It’s just another form of carpooling.”

“Yeah, carpoolin’.” Cage’s grin grew even wider. “Tell you what, big sis, you wanna ride with Deke, sissy can ride with one of us.”

“Oh. I would love that,” Reilly breathed. “Come on, Reese. It’ll be fun and after the night you had with that asshole, you need to clear your mind. And, anyway, you’re way too serious all the time.”

That was for damn sure.

“It’s also relaxing,” Autumn added. “It’s beautiful out today, too.”

“Couldn’t be a better day for a run. Not too hot, not too cold,” Stella said.

Now that the women were encouraging Reese, Deacon was beginning to regret his invitation. “Hey, if you don’t wanna go—”

“No. Reilly’s right. I... It might be good.” She turned toward Cage. “You don’t mind taking Reilly on the back of your motorcycle?”

“Fuck no. Who’d fuckin’ mind a hot, young blonde smashin’ her titties—”

Deacon clapped his hands really loud and shouted, “Alrighty then! Guess that’s settled.” He gave Cage a look he hoped to fuck the man picked up on. Though, sometimes he wondered about Cage’s thought process. Or lack of it.

The club’s Road Captain glanced at Reese and back at him, giving him the slightest chin lift.

“Right. That’s settled. Thank fuck,” Trip muttered as he grabbed Stella’s arm and pulled her from the apartment. “We got things to do before the run.”

Sig dropped an arm around his ol’ lady’s shoulders and also steered her toward the door.

Autumn called out, “If you ladies need anything, we’re right next door.”

“Yeah, but give us at least twenty before you need anything. We gotta get a couple things done before the run, too.” He shot Deacon a smart-assed grin before disappearing out the door.

“Yeah, me, too,” Cage said. “But I need more than twenty.”

Deacon shook his head as the man walked out and shut the door behind him.

Then it was only the three of them. Reese, Reilly and Deacon.

Reilly’s head swiveled between him and Reese. Wearing a sly expression, she said, “I’ll go shower and get ready,” before heading down the short hallway.

“Is that,” Reese raised her eyebrows, “normal before your ride?”

“Before, after, sometimes even durin’.”

Those eyebrows shot up to her hairline. One a little crooked due to the butterfly bandages. “During?”