Reese was starting to see that this club was much more than simply a group of bikers. The inner workings were more complex than what was shown to the rest of the world.

However, it still had some crude practices most women in a serious relationship might not agree with. “The men seem loyal to each other but are your men loyal to you?”

Stella smiled at her beer. Autumn’s expression turned soft. Cassie threw her head back and laughed openly.

How these women didn’t start throwing things at her and chasing her away with a pitchfork, Reese would never know. They took her questions in stride. Luckily.

“We don’t have to worry about them being loyal to us. They’re too busy worrying about us being loyal to them. You’ve seen them all. Besides the newest prospects, have you seen one you wouldn’t climb like a beanstalk?” This coming from Autumn surprised Reese. Maybe the woman wasn’t as sweet and innocent as she looked.

Reilly muttered, “Dutch.”

“Well, okay. But, whether you believe it or not, the old man has no problem getting women, either. I remember Dutch in his prime,” Stella added. “He might’ve always been rough around the edges but he wasn’t hard to look at. He also made two very good-looking sons.”

Cassie glanced around quickly, then leaned forward and whispered, “Hey, I’ve seen Dutch naked. He has an impressive... asset.”

Stella snorted. “We’ve all seen Dutch naked.”

“I haven’t,” Reilly volunteered.

“Just give it time,” Stella assured her.

Time. With what the guys were meeting about upstairs, whatever they decided would hopefully mean it wouldn’t be much longer until Billy was captured and delivered to the bail bondsman in Philadelphia.

“You know,” Cassie started with what sounded like a wine-induced giggle, “we should have them do a BFMC calendar. For charity, of course.” She did an exaggerated wink. “All profits donated to the Kids Can Do Foundation. Wouldn’t that be a good idea? I know we have the Poker Run planned in June, but I want to do more.”

“The club does charity work?” Reese asked, surprised.

“We’re just getting started,” Autumn answered. “You ladies won’t mind other women ogling your men?”

“I don’t mind sharing if it’s for a good cause.” Stella laughed. “And there’s a difference between looking and touching. We get to see plenty of eye candy ourselves. As long as we’re not tasting that candy...” The black with blue stripes-haired, tattooed woman raised her bottle and both Cassie and Autumn clunked their plastic cups with it.

“I only peek. I try not to be too obvious about it,” Cassie announced with a grin.

“The men would mind you looking?” Reilly asked, again surprised. Especially when they had naked sweet butts wandering amongst them.

“My man would,” Cassie said. “Judge has this mistaken notion that he’s the only man on Earth I should look at.” She slapped her own knee and bent forward with uncontrollable laughter.

The other two ladies howled along with her.

“Well, the guys certainly don’t hide anything, which makes it about impossible to avoid seeing their... goods,” Reese mumbled.

“Yes, you got to experience an eyeful while you were in The Barn last night,” Stella said, still laughing while tipping her almost empty bottle to her lips. “Before you rushed out.” She finished the last swallow of her beer.

Reese didn’t want to confess to the “eyeful” she got last night with Easy in the bunkhouse. Or the peeks she got this morning while sneaking out. She was getting to know these men better than she’d ever expect to in ways she never expected.

Her gaze sliced to Reilly, who sat at the next picnic table over, also drinking a beer and looking like she belonged.

Reese felt a flash of envy. Her sister could fit in anywhere, unlike Reese. She needed to work on that more. Maybe when she had more time she’d make more of an effort to find a hobby... And some friends. Like the women she was currently sitting with.

“Speaking of an eyeful,” Stella said under her breath, just loud enough for them to hear. “Yours is coming our way.”

Who was she talking to? Reese twisted her head in the direction Stella was staring. Her chest tightened when she realized Stella was talking to her.

Deacon was headed toward them with Justice meandering behind him at a distance, stopping to smell and mark things along their path.

“He’d look great on a calendar,” Cassie said on a sigh before guzzling down more wine. “He reminds me of a Viking ready to conquer a village with his big sword.” The blonde might need to be cut off from the box of wine. “Has he conquered your village yet, Reese?”

“You just made my sister blush!” Reilly crowed way too loudly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her blush! And hell yes, that Viking’s ship has been pounding the shores of her village.”

The heat in her face turned another degree hotter. “Reilly! Stop before he hears you.”