Reese’s mouth made an O shape as she stared at the redhead. “By the way, do you prefer Red or Autumn?”

Sig’s ol’ lady smiled. “Whatever you want to call me.”

“You’re really nice.”

Autumn’s smile grew even bigger. “So are you.”

No, she didn’t feel nice. Didn’t nice people have friends? She didn’t have friends. She had two employees and she sometimes talked to Bambi at the Mill Creek Bar & Grill.

That was it.

She hadn’t even had time to make friends in school. She was too busy taking care of Reilly, working, or studying hard so she could earn college scholarships.

Even during college, it was the same. Working and studying hard to keep those scholarships. She hadn’t lived on campus so she could keep Reilly with her. The few spare moments she had were taken up by making sure Reilly was doing her homework and assignments, so she, too, could get into college.

She had gone to one college party and that was when she met Allen. Instead of drinking, they ended up talking all night and sharing their dreams of success. She had thought he was as driven as her.

She was wrong.

Now, here she sat, under a pavilion on a farm owned by a biker club. This was after she crawled out of a biker’s bed this morning.

She groaned.

“Are you okay?” Autumn asked softly, touching Reese’s forearm lightly.

Honestly, she wasn’t sure. Her life had spun out of control and until Billy was caught, she couldn’t get it back to normal. And that thought caused a rock to sink to the very bottom of the red wine pond in her stomach.

“Have you ladies always been a part of this?” She swept a hand around the courtyard.

“I only met Judge a few months ago,” Cassie answered.

“And you’re already building a house together?” Reese raised a hand. “Sorry, did that sound judgy? I didn’t mean it to be judgy. I meant, you knew he was the one right away?”

Cassie laughed. “Oh no. Not right away. I have a daughter—you haven’t met Daisy yet—I had to look out for her. I was worried about bringing her into this life. She’s not even six yet.”

“But you’re comfortable with doing so?”

Cassie hesitated for a moment. “Yes. You have to look past the surface to see the value of this club.”

Interesting. “You don’t mind her being around those sweet butts?”

“For the most part, we keep her away from The Barn and the parties. That’s why we now have Saylor as a house mouse. Plus, my sister and her husband live in town. It’s another reason why we’re building our house on the other side of the trees. To keep a bit of a separation. However, this club is a family and I want her to be a part of that. We just control what activities she’s involved in.”

That sounded like a responsible plan. Reese turned to Autumn. “I asked Sig how you two met. He didn’t go into details.”

“Fate,” the redhead said simply.

“That’s what he said.”

Autumn wore a small smile. “We saved each other.”

“I was born into the original Blood Fury,” Stella interrupted, pulling Reese’s attention to her. She had a feeling that Stella was protecting Autumn, which made her even more curious about Sig and Autumn’s story. “My father was Crazy Pete and was an Original. It’s his cut hanging on the wall in The Barn. So, this lifestyle is nothing new to me, even though I left it for a long time. Though, in truth, I really didn’t leave it because I married a musician and the life around a musician isn’t much different. This life isn’t for everyone.” The last sounded like a warning.

Did they think she was considering it? “I’m more curious than anything.”

Stella and Autumn exchanged looks and Cassie stared at her red plastic cup with a knowing smile on her face.

“I noticed on the run, you ladies wore vests, but yours claimed you were property of your men. You don’t mind being considered property?”

“That’s typical for an MC. To be an ol’ lady your man has to claim you at the table. Not all women wear the vests, it’s not required.” Stella shrugged. “And we only wear them on the runs. Like Cassie said, you have to look past the surface, Reese. Not everything is what it seems.”

“You wear a vest that says Trip owns you. How is that not how it seems? It’s a pretty clear statement.”

Stella took another sip of her beer and, when she lowered the bottle, asked, “Do you think Trip owns me?”

“You seem pretty powerful in your own right.” Stella didn’t seem the type to be easily owned or manipulated. Neither did Cassie, who was also outspoken.

“Trip respects my opinion because we both witnessed the Blood Fury implode all those years ago. We were both victims when our lives fell apart due to how the club was run. Trip doesn’t want to make the same mistakes his father, the president at the time, did and I want to help him avoid those same mistakes. He’s invested in this club. We all are.” Stella made a sweeping motion with her hand, encompassing the other two women. “One thing I need to clarify... The MC life isn’t a life you choose, it chooses you. Then it’s up to you to decide whether to accept it or not.”