Deacon pursed his lips.

Reese’s flattened out. “Thought so. You’ve probably been banging your way through all the available women in this town, right? And maybe even surrounding towns. Not to mention, all those sweet butts your club keeps around to use like whores or slaves, or whatever. Women you use when it’s convenient. So, you have no room to talk, Deacon. None. Why can’t a woman do the same as a man? Why is it that when a man sleeps around and doesn’t settle down, it’s okay. When a woman does it, it’s not. Tell me.”

His brow was pulled so low, his brown eyes appeared almost black. “Tell me what made you.”

“What made me,” she repeated, once again dumbstruck. What did that have to do with anything?

“Yeah. Why you’re so goddamned driven and have a hard time lettin’ loose. Reilly ain’t like that. If you didn’t look so much alike, I’d doubt you were even related, forget bein’ sisters. What the fuck made you the way you are? And I’m not talkin’ about your lyin’, cheatin’ ex, either. You said you came from shit beginnings but never told me the details.”

Suddenly, her mouth went dry and she needed to escape. Yes, it was a mistake coming down here.

“It’s not something I want to share with anyone. Or even remember.”

“Why? Whatever it was made you the way you are.”

“Why are you turning this around?” She was getting loud again. She was sure if the rooms near Deacon’s were occupied, they could hear their conversation.

“Ain’t turnin’ shit around, Reese. Wanna know why you are the way you are.”

“Why do you care? And why would you even think you have the right to know?”

His head jerked back, and a couple veins protruded near his temples. He stared at her, unblinking, as he growled, “Get the fuck outta my room. Use your own fuckin’ fingers if you need to get off.”


“No. If your own hand ain’t good enough,” he jerked the door open, “then Easy’s down the fuckin’ hall. Hook a left, last door on the right. He’ll be more than accommodatin’. Just make sure he wraps it tight first, since you probably ran into him while he was headin’ to wash off the last snatch he fucked.”

“I don’t want Easy.”

He leaned in real close and grumbled, “No? He ain’t good enough, either? Then what the fuck do you want?” roughly enough it vibrated against her chest.

“I want you to close the door.”

Chapter Sixteen

I want you to close the door.

If he wasn’t so fucking stupid, he’d kick her ass out right now.

But that wasn’t what he wanted. He wasn’t telling her that, though. Fuck no.

He sighed, cursing himself out for being so fucking weak. Reese was so fucking wrong for him and he couldn’t give a shit.

He still wanted her.

“I didn’t come down here to ride you like a dildo,” she said with a grimace, then her fingers went to the cut on her lip.

The reminder of what Warren did to her got his temper flaring again. “You didn’t?”

“Well, that’s... No... I mean... I need to talk to you about tomorrow.”

“It’s tomorrow already. Couldn’t wait ‘til the sun came up?”


“Is that the only reason?” Of course it wasn’t, otherwise she would’ve brought it up earlier or in the morning when most people normally discussed shit.

She blew out a telling breath.

“Didn’t think so.” He reached behind him and pushed the door shut, flipping the lock on the knob. He didn’t bother to turn the deadbolt Trip had installed on the rooms since he wasn’t sure how this conversation would go.

She was either going to end up in his bed down here with him or his bed upstairs without him. If she didn’t want to give him the piece of her he needed, then it would be the latter.

Because of that, he laid it out. “Watched you totally melt down in front of me earlier. Never saw a woman lose her shit without sayin’ a fuckin’ word. Truth? Kinda made my asshole pucker. Most women just let their shit fly. But you? You pack that shit tight and deep. Figured it’s as volatile as gunpowder. One mistake and it’ll explode. I’m not gonna be one of your casualties when it does. So, here’s the thing... You ain’t gettin’ what you want ‘til I get what I want. You ain’t gettin’ the D ‘til I know the shit you don’t share.”

She reached past him for the doorknob. “Last door on the right, you said?”

“Woman,” he growled.

Grabbing her waist, he lifted her up and shuffled the few steps to his bed. He dropped her in the center, her arms snaking around his neck as he followed her down but not completely. Instead, he went to his hands and knees, caging her in.

He did his best not to touch her and also ignore her nipples pressing against that silky fucking material. They were so hard, every bump stood out even around the outer edge. If he touched them, it would be like reading Braille.