With one hand, he fisted her hair into a ponytail, tugging it away from her face hard enough to pull at her scalp. “Fuck... Not comin’ like this... Not this time.” His breath was broken, and his words sounded like he had difficulty forming them.

He also didn’t stop her. However, she didn’t want him to come this way, either.

She enjoyed being on top the last few nights, but now, she was ready for him to take over. Her panties were soaked, and her nipples peaked to painful points.

She was ready.

He jerked his cock out of her mouth with a hiss and when she glanced up, he was grimacing as he stared at the ceiling, a muscle twitching in his cheek. He was fighting his orgasm. She released him to give him a minute or two to gather himself, even though she was impatient to have him inside her.

After a few moments, he blew out a loud breath and dropped his head to stare at her, still on her knees. “Fuck, babe, nothin’ I want more than to come down your fuckin’ throat right now. And it came close to happenin’ but I’m thinkin’ you’re only givin’ me one shot tonight and that’s not the way I wanna end the night.”

True. She was giving him one shot. Because anything more could be risky. Any kind of lingering could lead to something other than what this was. Something she wasn’t looking for and neither was he, she reminded herself. Being sexually attracted to each other while living in close quarters was just a convenient situation they both were taking advantage of.

He offered his hand and she grabbed it, his long fingers gripping hers firmly as he helped her to her feet.

“Turn around,” he murmured, using their clasped hands to guide her until she was facing away from him.

She could feel the heat radiating off him when he stepped closer, his fingers working the clasp of her bra. Within a second it was loose, and she let it fall down her arms and to the floor. His hands spread along the sides of her ribs and he skimmed them around to her front until he cupped her breasts while thumbing her aching nipples.

His broad chest pressed to her and his erection was a hot steel rod against her lower back. He squeezed her breasts, kneading them with his fingers, and she leaned back into him, resting the back of her head on his shoulder.

Her hands covered his and he drew them from the upper curves of her breasts, over her peaked nipples, around the undersides and down her belly.

Her fingers fell between his longer ones as he dove down the front of her panties and found how wet she actually was. How sensitive her clit was.

When he pressed it, she jerked against him and gasped.

“Fuck, babe, you’re so wet,” he growled directly into her ear, sliding one of his fingers along with hers through her slickness. Testing, teasing, playing.

Still connected, both of their middle fingers slid inside her and he worked her a few seconds before pulling them away.

She wanted more of that.

But then, she wanted more of him and didn’t want to wait.

“Wanna do so many things to you, but...”

But he probably wouldn’t have the chance, she finished for him in her head.

They had tonight. It was foolish to think beyond that. As soon as Billy showed up, Deacon would be gone.

Another reason why this should only remain a convenient opportunity.

“Condom?” she asked, her question catching at the back of her throat. He hadn’t grabbed the one sitting on the deck table.

“On the table there. Was hopin’ we’d get this far.”

He’d thought ahead. Like the wine. Like waiting for her in only his underwear. He’d put a condom on the deck and another in her great room. He probably had one on her nightstand. Maybe his, too.

Just in case.

He was a regular Boy Scout.

“Grab it,” she told him.

“Need to take your panties off first.”

“Yes, you do.” She almost didn’t recognize her own voice, it sounded so husky.

He grinned and stroked his cock once. “Then I’m gonna eat you ‘til you come.”

She had wondered what his beard would feel like between her thighs. She was about to find out.

He jerked his chin toward the leather couch that sat perpendicular to the fireplace and faced the windows. “Sit on the edge.”

Holy shit, the rough timbre to his order made her pussy clench. But she didn’t argue, she moved to the couch and sat on the edge of the cushion. He moved between her knees and dropped to his own, leaving enough space between them to wiggle her panties off when she lifted her ass to assist. He took his time sliding them in a sensual way down her thighs, over her knees to her ankles. She lifted one foot, then the other as he removed them. Once her panties were gone, he placed both of her feet wide on the coffee table behind him so her knees were bent and her thighs open.