He sighed. “Wallet.”

She glanced at the closed wallet in her hand like she was only now noticing it. She tossed it at him.

He caught it and dug out the one and only wrap tucked inside, relieved he had a box in his duffel bag... Just in case this night ended up being one long fuckfest where they christened every surface of her house.


He tore it open with his teeth, dropped the empty wrapper to the deck, then rolled the condom down his throbbing dick.

He sat back and waited.

She still stood there.

“Thirty seconds to get on my dick or I’m goin’ inside and takin’ care of this myself,” he threatened.

What was good for the fucking goose—

His thought disintegrated as she climbed onto the lounger just like she had his chair a little bit ago. But this time would be more memorable since they were both naked.

And, bonus, he’d get to come, too.

“What if he’s out there watching?” she whispered.

“Now you’re worried about that? You were just standin’ on your deck totally fuckin’ naked.”

“I know, but...” She chewed on her bottom lip.

Oh no. Fuck no. She was not leaving him hanging just because she suddenly became aware of where they were. “If he’s out there, he’ll probably be fuckin’ jealous.”

She slapped his chest lightly. “That’s not funny.”

No, what wasn’t funny was his dick throbbing, wrapped and ready for action.

“Jussie will keep watch. Right, boy?”

Justice whined in agreement and wagged his tail.

“See? Nobody’s gettin’ past him.”

“Apparently, pot makes me horny,” she whispered, but still not making a move to climb onto his dick.

His lips quirked. “Noted. But I got a good solution to help with that.”

She smiled. “What?”

Was she playing coy? “Could tell you, but would rather show you.”

“Show me,” she whispered.

“Just wanna make you aware of what’s gonna happen.” Especially since she basically drank a whole bottle of wine. By herself.

“I’m almost thirty-five years old. I think I know what’s going to happen. I’m going to fuck you.”

He lifted one eyebrow. Okay, then. The answer was supposed to be that he was going to fuck her. But he liked that little change in play. He could get on board with it if she ever got on board him.

“I want to touch your nipples.”

He wanted that, too. He grabbed her hands and slapped one over each nipple. “There you go. You don’t need to ask, just take the initiative.”

Her fingertips brushed over his barbells, and even though it wasn’t much, it was enough for him to bite back a groan.

“Why did you get them pierced?”

“So women like you would ask to touch them.”


That wasn’t quite the reason but it would work for the moment.

“Did it hurt?”

“Reese...” Christ, she was going to kill him before he even got a chance to fuck her.

She twisted one and his whole body instantly went electric.

“Fuck,” he breathed.

“That’s what I’m supposed to do with them, right? I’ve never been with anyone with pierced... anything.”

“You do whatever you wanna do with them. Ain’t gonna stop you.” Hell no, he wasn’t.

“I want to lick them.”

Before he could respond, she dove for him, knocked him back into the lounger and planted her lips around one of his nipples. She sucked it as deep as she could get it into her mouth, then flicked the tip with her tongue.

As much as he wanted that, he was already ready to blow and if he filled that fucking wrap up before he got to fuck her, he would be pissed.

“You’re supposed to be on my dick when you do that,” he ground out, the muscles in his jaw popping.

She didn’t let up on the torture of his nipple. She forced her hand between them, grabbed his dick, held it and lifted herself up.

Oh fuck.

“Oh fuck,” he grunted as she tucked him between her warm, wet, plump lips and shimmied her way down his length. “Ooooh fuuuuck.”

She released his nipple and he dug his fingers into her long hair, wanting to pull her face to his so he could take her mouth, but she went for his other nipple. He kept his hand wrapped in her hair as she planted one palm solidly on his chest and used it for leverage, along with her feet planted on the deck, to rise and fall on his dick.

She wasn’t kidding when she said she was going to fuck him.

He only wished they were somewhere where there was more light so he could see her clearly. He wanted to see every inch of her.

Next time.

He would explore every fucking crack and crevice. He’d taste, lick, suck, bite every bit of her. He’d make her toes curl, make her beg. Give her the best orgasm she ever had.

But for now, they were cramped on a deck lounge chair. He was just relieved it hadn’t given out yet with their combined weight as her slick heat squeezed him tight. She wasn’t riding him like a bucking bronco, but more like a pleasure horse out for a trail ride. Her pace smooth and steady.