She loosened her fingers from his braid and leaned back slightly. “Just as I thought. You know how to kiss.”

Uh. That wasn’t just a kiss. His dick was crying for relief right now as she wore a lazy fucking smile from using him to get off.

Like a piece of meat.


She rubbed at her cheek. “Your lips are soft, but your beard is really scratchy.”

“You don’t fuckin’ say,” he forced between gritted teeth as he willed the pressure in his groin to lessen.

She planted a bare foot onto the deck like she was about to dismount.

Oh fuck no. “That’s it? You’re just gonna use me like that?”

She paused. “It was just a kiss.”

Tell that to his dick. “That was it, huh? Just a kiss?”

She shrugged, the sweatshirt sliding down even lower on her shoulder, exposing the upper curve of one tit. She continued to climb off of him.

He had two options.

Fuck. He had one option. Let her go. He wasn’t going to force himself on someone who didn’t want him. Who only wanted to dry hump his damn dick.

That was all he was good for.

Surging from his seat, he lunged for her, snagging her arm and stopping her.

Okay, he was back to two options. He was liking the second one better than the first. Even though he wasn’t so sure she’d like it. But if she didn’t, she wasn’t the kind of woman who wouldn’t be vocal about it.

But the fuck if he was just going to be used, then tossed aside.

“No,” he growled. “That ain’t fuckin’ it.”

With a jerk to her arm, he pulled her into him, their bodies slamming together. He released her arm, but before he gave her a chance to escape, he captured her face within his hands and took her mouth.

Her hand found his chest and he expected her to shove him away, but she didn’t. She fisted his T-shirt instead, firmly enough he thought she might tear it.

But it would be worth it, because she had every opportunity to shove him away, to bite his lip or tongue, instead of returning the kiss. Or voice her objection.

She didn’t.

Chapter Nine

He growled into her mouth as she crushed her tits into his chest. The hand she had pinned between them, fisted in his shirt, flattened out and pressed.

She pressed harder, then began to shove.


He broke off the kiss and realized all the blood left in his brain had gone south and all the air had fled his lungs.

But, of fucking course, she wanted him to stop.


She planted both hands on his chest and shoved him backwards with such force he stumbled over the leg of the lounge and somehow managed to stick the landing with his ass on the cushioned chair instead of the hard deck.

His mouth gaped open as she yanked her sweatshirt over her head and flung it, then bent over and shoved her loose pants down to her ankles. Either she had worn no panties or she just shucked them along with her pants with impressive efficiency.



“Shut up and get naked.”

This had to be the first time in his life where he actually hesitated. Where he actually questioned whether he should or shouldn’t get naked.

Seriously, someone must have slipped something into his joint besides weed.

“You have thirty seconds or I’m going inside and taking care of myself with my vibrator... Thirty... Twenty-nine... Twenty-eight...”

“That’s not a whole second. You’re countin’ too fast!” he shouted as he scrambled back onto his feet. Then he groaned and sat back down to work on taking off his boots first.

“Move faster, then.”

Of course, his boot lace would fucking get knotted at a time like this.

He tried to slow his breathing and his spinning brain so he could work methodically at loosening the knot.


“What happened to twenty-seven?” he yelled in a panic.


“What the fuck!” The knot finally unraveled. Thank fuck. He shot to his feet, unbuckling his belt with shaky fingers and thumbing open the button on his jeans. He ripped the wallet out of his back pocket and tossed it at her. “Wrap!”


This woman did not know the length of a fucking second.

He didn’t even waste another one to see if she understood his order about grabbing a wrap from his wallet. Instead, he unzipped and peeled off his jeans, fighting with his boxer briefs as his hard as fuck dick got caught in that stupid opening. He winced as he jerked it free, from not only the cotton but almost from his body, too.

That crisis was luckily averted. He settled on the lounger and extended his hand to her.


Five? “I’m naked! Gimme the wrap.”

“You aren’t naked. You still have your shirt on.”

Christ! He ripped his tee over his head and threw it at her, then stuck out his hand again. “Wrap.”

The gorgeous woman, who looked a million times better naked than he could’ve ever imagined, stared at him blankly, then blinked.