Right now she felt helpless, that the control she normally held onto was just out of her reach, and she hated every second of it.

Fingers wrapped around her wrists and pulled her hands away from her face. She took a deep breath to slow her spinning world and stared into his brown eyes. Concern. Confusion. That was what she saw in them.

His fingers remained circling her wrists when he said, “Look, I’ll get the word out no one’s to fuck with her. That she’s untouchable.”

“You probably think I’m overreacting. And maybe I am. But... She’s the only person I have left. She’s it. She’s everything. I’ve helped her her whole life, since the day she was born, and now... Now I feel like I’ve failed.” She didn’t even like admitting that out loud.

“You didn’t fuckin’ fail. Failin’ woulda been not doin’ shit and hopin’ that fucker didn’t show up. You’re doin’ the only thing you can do right now. Helpin’ me set a trap for that asshole.”

His words should make her feel better, but they didn’t. The only thing that would, was to get Billy Warren out of their life for good. Put him in the past and move forward. Then get her sister set up again so she could continue building on the foundation Reese provided for her.

Then Reese would have to, once again, let her go. But this time, she only hoped whoever Reilly hooked up with in the future wouldn’t knock her back down again. Physically, mentally or financially.

But Reilly might not have a future if Billy got to her. That bastard needed to be dealt with first.

She stared at the man whose goal was to do just that.

She needed to let him do what needed to be done. She needed to let him take control of the situation.

She also needed to fight the temptation of the almost naked man in her kitchen.

“I have to get to the office.” She grabbed her leather tote, which was sitting by the side door, and paused. “And don’t you dare ruin that steak by defrosting it in the microwave. Seal it in a Ziploc bag and put it in a bowl of water.”

She rarely ate red meat, but when she did, she paid a premium for a good cut from a local farm. The cost of that steak—one he would probably slather in ketchup and cook until the center was gray instead of a perfect red—was nothing compared to what Reilly’s life and happiness was worth.

So, if he wanted to eat that steak, he could eat that damn steak. It was a small price to pay.

Before walking out the door, she let herself take one last glance at the man who was searching the drawers and cabinets to do what Reese suggested.

Now, what would letting a man she wanted, but shouldn’t, into her home cost her?

She was afraid to find out.

Deacon had set up a spot at the built-in bar in her lower level as his temporary office space. He had his laptop, a comfy chair and his cell phone. It would keep him from getting too bored, plus it would keep Judge off his ass. Especially since he didn’t know how long he’d be holed up in this house.

Reese was right. She had plenty of booze behind the home bar, most of it unopened. She also had a small wine cooler which was half full. No beer, though.

But he wasn’t downstairs to drink, he was there to get the plan rolling and hope it worked to draw out Warren.

Judge had sent him Reilly’s username and password for her Instagram account. Along with a photo of the two sisters standing on the deck of Reese’s house with their arms around each other’s shoulders and huge smiles on their faces.

They looked a lot alike. And Deke had stared at that photo for way too long. Reese looked happy and stress-free in that picture.

Judge said it wasn’t recent but since it was taken at a distance, it was hard to judge how old either of them were in the photo. Even so, it would work. It would be the perfect bait for Warren.

Especially when he posted, “Staying with my sis at her awesome house! Those who know me know why. Watch out, women! Don’t fall for con artists and violent criminals like my ex,” to go with the picture.

Being blatantly called out would infuriate Warren. And if, on the slim chance, he hadn’t been looking for Reilly before, he probably would be now.

He scrolled through his phone to find the contact he needed and pushed Send.

Judge answered on the second ring. “Justice Bail Bonds.”

“Trap’s set.”

“Want me to send someone else up there to sit on the house with you?”

“No.” He didn’t want anyone else crashing in Reese’s house. She didn’t even like him being there. It would create more problems than they were worth.