“If you’re makin’ more, like mine brewed strong.”

Just then, the microwave beeped, and she ignored his coffee order to pull out her breakfast. She grabbed a spoon and stirred her hot cereal but planned to let it cool for a few seconds.

“Your coffee order is noted, but I don’t take special requests. The coffee and filters are in the cabinet right above the coffeemaker. And so are the mugs. Feel free to use them.”

Instead of heading in that direction like she expected, he reached around her, his bare skin brushing against hers, lifted the spoon from her steaming cereal and shoved it in his mouth. She wasn’t sure if the face he made was because he burned his damn tongue or because of what it was.

He went over to the trashcan at the end of the island, lifted the lid and spat it out. “What’s that shit?”

She smiled as she grabbed a clean spoon from the drawer, added a little raw honey to the cereal and gave it another good stir. “Ten-grain cereal.”

“Feed that shit to the deer.”

“I like it and it’s healthy.” She glanced down at his hard-on, which seemed to still be at full attention. Unless he was a show-er and not a grower. But if what she could see was everything he had to offer, it still wasn’t bad.

“How long does that normally last?” She took another bite of cereal and tilted her head toward his crotch.

His hand automatically slid over his hard length as he moved around the kitchen. “Depends.”


“Pretty sure you can figure out how to get rid of a hard-on.” He opened the fridge door and peered inside. A second later, he closed it and began to root through her cabinets.

She had no idea what he was searching for.

He pulled out a box of muesli cereal, made a look of disgust and muttered, “Christ. More deer food.” He shoved it back into the cabinet. “Since you got my truck, can you do a grocery run?”

Oh sure, your highness, whatever you need. I’m at your service. “Make a list.” Maybe she should dip her head and curtsey, too.

He grabbed the magnetic pad of paper and pen she kept stuck to the side of the fridge and began to scribble some things down. Admittedly, it was kind of cute because as he wrote, his eyebrows were knitted together, and his mouth was slightly parted. All he needed to do yet was stick out the tip of his tongue as he concentrated.

When he was done, he ripped the top sheet off and came over to hand it to her. At least it gave her something safe to look at besides his nipples or his waning erection. She skimmed it.



Donuts (cream-filled, Boston – OK)

Rocky Road ice cream

Beer (no shitty lite)

Cola (no diet)

JD (Jim Beam- OK)

Captain Crunch (not store brand)

Real milk (no fake shit)

Sour cream and onion chips (waffle cut)

When she was done scanning the list, she went over to the stainless-steel trashcan, pushed her foot on the pedal to raise the lid, crumpled it in a ball and dropped it in from shoulder height. The whole time his brown eyes followed her every move.

His eyebrows lifted as she jerked her foot off the pedal and let the lid slam, then brushed her hands together as if wiping off some dirt.

“That wasn’t nice,” he grumbled.

“Neither is drinking from my mug or eating from my spoon. Or walking around my kitchen scratching your testicles and sporting an erection.”

“Will make sure to get rid of it before I join you for breakfast tomorrow.”

She closed her eyes and bit back a groan. Now she pictured him lying in one of the spare beds upstairs, working on getting rid of his morning hard-on by himself.

“If you didn’t notice...” Her words came out a little too breathless when she forced herself to return to the subject at hand. Oh God, she couldn’t get that image of him touching himself out of her mind. She cleared her throat and continued. “There are brown eggs in the fridge. There’s turkey bacon in the freezer, along with three pints of Ben & Jerry’s. I’m pretty sure there’s whiskey in my liquor cabinet if you look, but I prefer you keep your faculties about you while you’re here since we don’t know when Billy will show up. You’re welcome to eat and drink what’s already in the house since right now, I don’t have time to go grocery shopping and, anyway, I’m hoping you won’t be staying very long.”

One side of his mouth pulled up. “Got it. Make myself at home, but don’t get too comfy. My presence is only welcome ‘cause it benefits you.” Justice barreled through the partially open door, tail held high and wagging. He closed the door behind his dog.

“Well, of course. Why else would you be here?”