She had walls up all around her. Like a fucking fortress. Deacon suddenly wanted to be the battering ram that knocked those fuckers down.

For fuck’s sake, he should get his goddamn head examined. Too many women out there who weren’t this difficult. Women like Bambi. Or Tina. Or any of the other women he’d scored with since he lost his fucking virginity at fifteen.

“You’re right. You wanted to know my plan. Need to talk about that.”

“Make it quick. I need to get an early start in the morning.”

“You ever just take a break?” She went to get up again and he yanked her arm, pulling her back down. “Sit.”

Her eyes widened, then narrowed on him.

“Got it. Here to deal with Warren, nothin’ more. Let’s talk about that for a second.” The muscles in her forearm loosened a little, so he released her. “When I looked for your sister’s social media, I found nothin’.”

“That’s correct.”

“When I asked her about it this mornin’, she said you made her take it all down.”

“Yes.” Her answer was short and clipped. Like her patience was at its limit.

It wouldn’t take much for his to get there, too. “I need it back up.”


“I need at least one account up and also need access to it.”


“We’re gonna set a trap.”

“A trap,” she parroted.

“Yep.” With a muscle popping in his jaw, he got to his feet, strode two paces away, then spun. His blood was pounding in his ears. “You know, told you that you needed to fuckin’ trust me. Know that’s gonna be hard for you. But this questionin’ my every move is pissin’ me the fuck off. I don’t have to fuckin’ help your goddamn sister, but I am. I’m puttin’ my family at risk by hidin’ her somewhere safe. I’d at least like a little appreciation for that. But if that’s too hard for you to give, then I’ll tell you where she is, you can go pick her ass up and you two can deal with Warren yourselves.”

“Basically, you’re telling me to trust you or fuck off.”

“Not ‘basically.’ That’s what I’m sayin’.”

Reese slowly rose to her feet. He half expected her to head inside and slam the door behind her.

Instead, she moved to where he stood with his body tight as fuck. Not just from anger, but now from how close she was. Practically toe to toe.

So close, but still out of reach.

Even after smoking pot, he could detect her scent. It was faint, but it was there. His nostrils flared as he inhaled, trying to draw more of her in. His fingers curled into his palms in a desperate attempt not to grab her and do whatever was necessary to loosen her the fuck up.

Because if she gave him that shot, he was pretty damn sure he could pull that stick out of her sweet ass. Even if it was only temporary.

Fuck. He just needed a shot at it. At her.

Without getting his ass stun-gunned again.

She turned her face up toward his and said, “Explain the plan. I’m willing to listen. I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to keep my sister safe.”

“And you,” he added. It would be stupid for her to sacrifice herself for her sister’s safety.

“My sister comes first.”

“Judge is gonna get me her username and password to one of her social media accounts. We’re gonna post like it’s her postin’. Hopin’ that fucker’s keepin’ an eye on her account, so the post I make draws him here. To this house. Not likin’ that you’re here, too. So, I need to make sure you keep your eyes fuckin’ open. Every time you’re walkin’ anywhere, want your stun gun in one hand, your cell in the other. Pay attention, keep vigilant. Don’t underestimate that fucker. He won’t hesitate to use you to get info on your sister.”

“When will you post it?”

With no argument coming from her, he relaxed a little. “Tomorrow mornin’. Soon as I get that info and we decide what we’re postin’ and on which account. Whatever she was most active on and, hopefully, one he knew about.”

She nodded. “Instagram. Before I made her disable it, she was posting on it at least once a day.”

Good to know. Thank fuck Reese was on board. “We’ll use that one, then.”

“That’s how Billy found her. Reilly had mentioned he made a few comments on some of her pictures, then slid like the snake he is into her private messages and began working her.” She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Stupid.”

“We all do stupid shit, Reese. He’s an expert at suckin’ in women. She wasn’t the first.”

Her eyes opened and even in the dark, he could tell they’d become hard. “I want her to be the last.”

“Can’t promise that. Even if I catch his ass, he won’t be locked up forever. He lives off women’s hopes and dreams... ‘til he crushes them.”