“How ‘bout you take my truck to and from your office? This way I don’t gotta hide it and if I need to go somewhere in it, he might think it’s you drivin’. Windows are tinted dark enough he won’t know who’s behind the wheel. It’s no Beamer, but I’m sure you can suffer through usin’ it ‘til your cage is repaired.”

Her what? “Cage?”

“Car,” he corrected. “What time do you leave for the office?”

“I’m usually out of here by seven.” Depended on how well she slept. If she was tossing and turning, she ended up getting up and going in early. Staring at her bedroom ceiling was not productive.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “Okay, gonna head back to the motel and stay there for the night. At the ass crack of dawn, gonna grab my shit, check out and head over here. Need the code for your gate.”

“And my alarm system.”

“Yeah, and your alarm system. Gonna check that out tomorrow, too.”

“You know something about alarm systems?” Was he a jack of all trades? Bounty hunter, bail bondsman, security guard, lady’s man, and alarm system specialist? Maybe he could fix the leaky faucet in the downstairs bathroom, too, while he was squatting in her house.

“Nope. But you’re gonna show me how yours works. It’ll either help me or hinder me, we’ll see. Wanna set a trap for the motherfucker but need to give that some thought. In the meantime, I’ll settle in, just in case he shows up. Sooner I catch him, the sooner I’m outta your hair and the sooner your sister will be able to return home.”

“In one piece.”

“Yeah, in one piece.” He grinned. “Figured that would be the most important part.”

He moved past her, his arm close to brushing against hers. The room was plenty big enough, he could have easily given himself some space, but chose not to.

She assumed the interest he had for her back at the bar still remained. If he hadn’t known her last name when he bought her a drink, he hadn’t been making contact with her to find Warren. That meant he intended to pick her up, instead. Or try to, anyway.

He paused just past her, facing the opposite direction.

Reese held her breath, waiting for him to say whatever he was about to say.

But he said nothing.

A few seconds later he continued on toward the side door, where they had entered the house, the one that led to a stairway down to her driveway and his truck.

She remained facing the windows and as soon as she heard his hand turning the knob, she called out, “Deacon.”

Without looking, she knew he hesitated when the door remained closed.


“Thank me once that fucker’s caught. Set your alarm system and get some sleep. And, Reese...”


“You can call me Deke.”

Deke. “You prefer that over dick?”

She smiled as she heard him open the door. Then it closed behind him, a low chuckle left in his wake.

Billy Warren might not be the only man in this plan who could end up being dangerous. But not for the same reason.

Chapter Five

Deacon sat out on the deck with his feet kicked up on another nearby chair, balancing his steaming mug of black coffee on his denim-clad thigh. He could imagine having his coffee out here every morning. Or toking on a blunt while he contemplated life.

Now he was contemplating a stranger’s life. At a quarter to fucking seven in the morning.

“Once the fog lifts, you can fully appreciate the view.”

Deacon was already appreciating the view.

Just not of the valley. Of the blonde who stood at the deck railing, a travel coffee mug in her hand. She was once again professionally dressed, this time in another dark pantsuit, wearing another pair of crazy-assed high heels. Blood red, which were sexy as fuck.

Her makeup wasn’t heavy. She had the skill to make it look natural for the most part. If it wasn’t for the lipstick and mascara, he’d be wondering if she wore any at all.

The green blouse she wore this morning matched her eyes. However, even with makeup on, he could see the shadow of half-moons under them.

She’d gotten shit sleep.

He could understand that with the situation she and her sister were in. “She know I’m here?”

“Yes. She’s in the shower now.”

“She needs to pack. Soon as I make arrangements, want her moved.”

Reese nodded and turned to look out over the deck, giving Deacon another great view. This time of her ass.

Her hair hung loose around her shoulders and he was drawn to the movement when she fisted a thick handful and held it to the top of her head, blowing out a loud, most likely frustrated, breath.

She was a woman who liked to be in control of her life and Billy Warren was fucking that up for her.

A few seconds later, she dropped her hair and turned to face him. “Where’s she going? I want all the details.”