Deacon was the second type.

Maybe he should let it be known he was available to be that for her for a few hours. He’d love for his dick to scratch a few of her itches.

Deacon turned on his stool to keep one eye on her while he sipped his beer and popped a few more French fries into his mouth.

When he took a big bite from his burger...

The burger shot its load, causing a wet plop to land on his chest.

“Fuck,” he muttered, putting the burger back on the plate and staring at the mess that was spreading even wider on his shirt. The grease was soaking into the cotton and would be a bitch to get out.

A giggle had him looking up.

“A little club soda will fix it.” Bambi lifted a gimme-a-sec finger. Not even a minute later, she came around the bar with a glass of club soda and a handful of napkins.

She put the glass down and when he held out his hand for the napkins, she shook her head. “I got it.”

She forced her way between his thighs, until she was standing wedged between them, dipped the napkin in the glass, then began to rub at the stain.

“Well, one place where you have piercings is no longer a secret. Or should I say two?”

The spot over his nipple was now drenched and it was hard to miss not only the hard tip, but the titanium barbell running through it.

He looked over Bambi’s head as she continued to rub, making sure to flick his barbell as she did so, and met the blonde’s gaze. She was watching them, her expression blank.

He gave her a half-smile and her eyes quickly dropped back to her laptop.

He continued to stare at the woman as Bambi finished molesting his nipple, while he wished it was the blonde instead.

Yep, that woke up his dick.

He pulled his attention from the blonde, put it back on Bambi and grabbed her wrist. “Think it’s fine now. Gonna rub a hole in my shirt.”

“I just wanted to make sure it didn’t stain.”

“My shirt’s now soaked.”

Bambi leaned in and whispered, “So are my panties.”

He tended to have that affect. “What’s she drinkin’?”

The bartender’s brow dropped low and she stepped back, giving him some breathing room. “Who?”

“The woman you called Reese.”

Bambi’s head spun back toward the blonde, then back toward him. “Why?”

“Wanna buy her a drink.”

“That won’t get you anywhere with her. I don’t think she likes men.”

Interesting. “Know that for a fact?”

“No. I just know that she always comes in here alone. She eats and drinks alone. Leaves alone. A few men have tried picking her up and all have failed.”

Fuck yeah, he liked a challenge.

Bambi plucked at the barbell she could see through his damp shirt. “But, honey, you’ve got a sure thing right in front of you.”

Deacon jerked his chin toward the blonde. Reese. “What’s she drinkin’?”

Bambi frowned. “A vodka tonic.”

“Get her another one and put it on my tab.”

Her face got hard and she stepped back even further. “I guess you don’t want me calling you later.”

“Only if you see William Warren.”

Bambi leaned in and warned, “She’s not going to want you.”

That was yet to be determined.

“You know what? Get her that vodka tonic and get me a beer. But deliver my beer to her table.”

“I hope she chews your balls off and spits them out,” Bambi sneered as she moved away from him.

He glanced down at his thermal. The mess was gone but his shirt still had a huge wet spot. He could hit the head and hope they had hand dryers. Then take a detour on his way back to his spot at the bar.

Chapter Three

Reese glanced up from the brief she was writing when Bambi set down her grilled chicken salad. She also placed another vodka tonic and a pint glass of beer next to her laptop.

She never ordered a second drink. She only allowed herself one with dinner and that was it. And she certainly didn’t drink beer.

“I didn’t order another drink, Bambi.”

“You didn’t, but a guy at the bar did.”

Reese frowned. “What guy?”

Bambi turned to point but dropped her hand. “He was sitting at the bar. I’m not sure where he went. I hope he didn’t skip because he didn’t pay his tab yet.”

“Well, tell him thanks but no thanks.”

“I told him you wouldn’t want it, but he didn’t believe me. I also told him you don’t like men.”

Reese blinked at that last statement. She didn’t bother to address it with Bambi, as they weren’t friends. What Reese liked and didn’t like wasn’t anyone’s business besides the person who joined her in bed.

Though, it had been a long time since she’d gotten naked with anyone. Most of the men she met were clients and she didn’t sleep with clients, even if they tried. It was unprofessional and could get messy. She also didn’t want to stain her business like that. She’d work too damn hard to get where she was and she wasn’t going to destroy all her effort just to get some satisfaction between the sheets.