Another pig grabbed her, threw her to the ground and tried to pin her down, but she kept fighting. She was snapping with her teeth, clawing and spitting, too. Local 5-0 quickly jumped in and got her cuffed.

When the dust settled, his parents were both detained with their wrists and ankles bound, and screened hoods pulled over their heads. 5-0 dragged his father to a car, while a couple of them carried his mother.

She was still screaming but his pop was quiet as fuck, which was so unlike him.

Had they killed him?

One of the uniformed oinkers was yelling at Ox, “Double murder charge, resisting arrest, agg assault on several police officers, enough drugs in plain sight for a possession and intent to distribute charge. Illegal firearms. The list is fucking endless, Scott. You aren’t ever seeing your kids again. Probably better for them, anyway. It’ll give them a better future than an animal like you would ever give them.”

The pig loosened his grip just enough for Judd to catch his breath. “Lemme go!” he cried. “Lemme go!”

“Who can come get you and your sister?”

“No one!”

“If you don’t have anyone, Child Services will take both of you and most likely split you two up.”

That couldn’t happen. They’d run away first. He was not letting Jemma go anywhere without him. “No! I’m sixteen and old enough to take care of her ‘til they come home.”

“No, you’re not. And your parents aren’t coming home any time soon. Both will be going away for a long time.”

What? “Even my mom?”

“She’s getting charged with agg assault on a police officer, and there were enough drugs in the house to be charged for that, too. You probably won’t see her for the next five to seven years.”

Holy shit. That can’t be true! He couldn’t raise Jemma by himself for that long. He didn’t have money. He didn’t even have a damn job. He didn’t have shit. The only thing he had was what his parents had provided. Which wasn’t much but it was something.

Now he’d have nothing. How was he going to take care of his baby sister?

“Got family close by we can call?” another pig asked as he approached with a pad and pen.

Judd blinked. Who the hell would want to take him and Jemma in?

The only person he could think of was his pop’s sister.

But before he could tell the pig that, another oinker came out of the house carrying Jemma, whose face was ravaged from crying.

Holy shit.

Judd ripped from the pig’s grasp and as he got closer, Jem spotted him and screamed, “Judd!” extending out her arms to him.

He snatched his sister out of the pig’s arms, and she clung to him, snot running out of her nose and tears an endless stream down her cheeks. “It’s okay, Jem. It’s okay. Promise. Gonna take care of you. Don’t worry.”

The slam of car doors had him turning and watching the pig mobiles tear down the street, one carrying their mother, the other their father.

He squeezed Jemma tighter. He had no fucking clue how he would do it, but he’d do everything he could to take care of her.

He just hoped he didn’t fail.

Chapter One

Rubbing his dog’s ears was the next best thing to soothe his shit, right after the rumble of his straight pipes. Having that power between his thighs, the control of where his sled could take him in his hands, and the wind in his long beard was unmatched.

Jury, his American Bulldog, and his fucking kick-ass Harley were his saving grace. They kept him grounded when shit got a little twisted inside him.

It didn’t happen often, but it happened.

And everything that happened on that mountain when they’d dealt with the Shirley Clan a couple of weeks ago was still haunting him. But then it was still fresh. For all of them.

He had a hard time sleeping after seeing what he saw up there. What those inbred hillbillies had done to Sig’s woman, Autumn, had disturbed him to the core and he was having a hard time shaking it.

But Autumn had survived, was now safe and was sticking around to stay with Sig.

Hard to believe that fucker could hold onto a woman like Autumn—or Red, as Sig called her—but he was. But then, they were both fucked up, so maybe they were perfect for each other.

Sig was on the club run without her since she recently popped out a kid and wasn’t in any shape to join them yet.

But she would.

Now Trip had Stella riding on his sled as his ol’ lady and Judge didn’t doubt Red would be riding behind Sig. Maybe come spring since this was the last planned run of the year.

If Judge hadn’t been such a stupid fuck, he might have his own ol’ lady on the back of his sled, too. But he fucked up badly and even though it’d been years, he wasn’t ready to have another woman as his backpack.