She wasn’t sure she liked that deal. “Sig...”

He kissed her again, his tongue sweeping through her mouth, then he said against her lips, “You listen, then you decide, ‘kay?”

He twisted on the couch and, settling against one end, put one denim covered leg up and settled his other foot on the floor, then pulled her in between his spread thighs so her back was to his chest and she was nestled tightly between his legs.

She wondered if he did that on purpose so she couldn’t see his face when he told the story he was about to tell.

But if that was what he needed, then that was what she’d give him to make it easier. And she didn’t mind leaning back on him, the arm with the injured hand across the top of her chest, securing her there, his other arm snaked around the bottom curve of her belly, supporting it.

She let her head drop back to his shoulder and he pressed his cheek against the side of her head and began to talk.

He told her what happened that fatal day when his real father was killed. What it meant to the club, what it meant for two young best friends. What it meant to all of them.

How that day was the beginning of the end of the original Blood Fury MC. How it tore them all apart.

How they all scattered. Trip taken by his mother to Wisconsin. And Sig being left behind with his own mother.

“Didn’t know Trip was my brother until a few days later. Not until we landed in West Virginia in some backwoods hole of a trailer park. My mother loved to party when she was Razor’s ol’ lady, but once both Buck and Razor were dead, she blamed herself and began to drink heavily.”

“She pitted two men against each other.”

“Basically, yeah. She was a cheatin’ whore.”

“Sig,” she breathed. “She’s your mother.” She assumed the woman was still alive but he didn’t say either way.

“Didn’t have a choice to come outta her snatch. Just did and had to live with it.”

Good lord, the bitterness he exuded when he talked about his mother was palatable. But she understood it. Her own would never be mother of the year, either. But her mother had been a good one while Autumn grew up, when her father was still alive...

“She was a lyin’ whore, Red. No other way to put it. Many a night, she’d tell me stories. Stories I didn’t wanna hear. Stories no son should ever fuckin’ hear about his mother. But she’d be fuckin’ stoned out of her fuckin’ gourd and soaked all the way to her bones in booze. She drank vodka like it was water. Began to trade her cunt for a bottle or drugs. Some nights more than one dick would come into our trailer and use her. Had to listen to it all. Even had some sick motherfuckers offer her shit for me...”

Autumn’s heart raced as she waited to see if Sig went any further with that, but he didn’t.

“Late one night, drunk as fuck, with the cum from three dicks runnin’ down the inside of her thighs, she cried and confessed how she’d only ever loved Buck. Said she only pretended to love Razor, who I always thought was my father. She only stayed with him to remain in the fuckin’ club, so she could be close to Buck. If she’d lost her ol’ lady status, her ass would’ve been kicked to the curb because there was no way Tammy—Trip’s mom and Buck’s ol’ lady—would’ve shared her ol’ man if she’d known. That salty bitch didn’t take shit from no one. Her man was the fuckin’ prez and she acted like she was his damn queen. Though, in truth, she held no power. She just thought she did.”

She squeezed his thigh as he paused to take a couple of breaths. But this was his story so she tried not to interrupt.

“Another night, Silvia was so fuckin’ blitzed she let it slip that Buck was my real daddy and not Razor. That she’d been fuckin’ Buck even before Razor claimed her as his ol’ lady. She had kept it quiet since she didn’t want Tammy to find out. Because again, she woulda had her ass kicked and been tossed from the club, if not killed for sleepin’ with Tammy’s ol’ man. Trip’s mother was no fuckin’ joke. Neither was Buck. Buck had a fuckin’ temper that was unmatched. Never saw anyone who could fuckin’ flip a switch in a second flat. He didn’t like what you said...?” Sig shook his head. “Seen some bad shit, Red. A lot of bad fuckin’ shit. That’s why it surprised me Trip came home and wanted to do this shit all over again.”

“But not like Buck.”

“Fuck no, not like Buck.”