“Think it’s still alive?” Trip asked, surprised.

“Yeah. It moved while she was eatin’. But she acts like it’s some sort of alien in there. Like she doesn’t want to admit to what it really is. Thinkin’ it’s just ‘cause her mind’s broken right now.”

Trip sucked a breath in through his nose, then breathed out a long, “Fuck.”

“Have a feelin’ she’s been up there a long time.” And that thought seared his gut. He’d done some long stints in prison. Some worse than others. But getting thrown in the hole was the worst. Being in a box by yourself could test your mind and your reality.

“Well, yeah, at least long enough to get knocked up. Unless they kidnap pregnant women. Which...” Trip’s jaw shifted. “For fuck’s sake.”

“They could be doin’ that, too. Who fuckin’ knows with those hillbilly inbreds.”

“Should get her to the hospital. We don’t need this trouble, Sig. Drop her off there, outside their doors all anonymous-like and let ‘em deal with her. It’d be better for her. Better for that kid she’s bakin’. And better for us, too.”

“She ain’t goin’ nowhere right now. Not ‘til she tells us the whole fuckin’ story. Not gonna drop her off somewhere only for the Shirleys to swoop in and fuckin’ take her again. Ain’t gonna happen. Not on my fuckin’ watch.”

Trip pursed his lips and studied Sig, who dropped his gaze to his empty glass again. “Why?”

Good question. Why? Why the fuck did he even care? Not once in his life had he given a real shit about any woman. Not once. They were all cheating whores like his mother. Why suddenly he needed to help Red, he had no fucking clue. “’Cause I know her.”

Jesus fuck. He didn’t know why he said that. The same that he said to Stella upstairs.

“What? How the fuck do you know her?”

“I just do.”

“You didn’t even know her name was fuckin’ Autumn!”


“You wanna explain what the fuck you mean?”

Sig shook his head. “Don’t know how to explain it. I just do.”

“Brother,” Trip started softly.

Sig raised his gaze.

“If she’s been through what we’re thinkin’ she’s been through...”


“That’s a lot of shit to deal with,” Trip finished.

“Yeah.” Sig’s mouth flattened out. “Just wanna help her and...” He drew in a breath. “I found her. I’m gonna help her.” Finders fuckin’ keepers.

“Brother, your head’s fucked up right now. You got bashed upside it with a club or somethin’ just a few days ago. You ain’t thinkin’ straight. And findin’ out you get off on beatin’ a woman like you beat that Amish girl... This chick up there?” He jerked his chin up toward the ceiling. “She ain’t ever gonna be into that shit. She lived that shit for real.”

“Yeah. Wanna help her, Trip. That’s it. Figure out what the fuck went on up there and then help her get to where she needs to go. That’s all. Swear it.”

“Don’t fuckin’ swear to somethin’ you won’t be able to hold yourself to. Especially when it comes to a woman you just found a couple hours ago.” Trip turned his back to Sig and stared out through the large open area of the barn. “Get ‘er story. Figure out what the fuck went down. We ain’t doin’ shit ‘til we know everythin’. Once we do, we’ll take it to the table and discuss it. Got it?” He turned and glanced at Sig over his shoulder. “You get me?”


“You don’t go up that fuckin’ mountain alone. If somethin’s gotta be done, then we’re plannin’ it right and doin’ it together. Like a brotherhood should. We all gotta stick together. Not just on this but everythin’, Sig. You ain’t alone anymore. None of us are. We’re stronger together than apart. Remember that. Everythin’s gotta be out on the table for this to work.”

Sig wasn’t sure if he believed all of that, but he nodded anyway even though Trip couldn’t see it.

“But still wanna kick your fuckin’ ass about that Amish chick. You let me know when your fuckin’ ribs are healed so I can do that.”

Sig grinned as he watched his brother snag his hat off the bar, slap it on his head and open the barn’s front door.

“Tell my woman to get her ass back to the house, too,” he threw over his shoulder. The door slammed shut.

Chapter Six

Sig opened the door and saw Stella cleaning up the kitchenette.

“Don’t gotta do that.”

She turned her head to glance at him over her shoulder. “Your place is a pig sty and I figured it would keep me busy while Autumn is resting and you two assholes were downstairs working shit out.” She turned and began to wipe the counter down with a sponge. She paused and lifted her light blue eyes to him. “You don’t have any new bruises, so I’m hoping you two did that.”