Sig’s jaw shifted, his lip curled into a sneer and he barely refrained from spitting in the guy’s face. “Didn’t do fuckin’ either. Now lemme the fuck go before shit gets real.”

“She has a black fucking eye, a swollen face and a bruise on her neck. I can drag your ass in for that. All I have to do is see the marks and I have every right.”

She had what?

What the fuck! No one told him she’d been hurt like that.

He needed to get to Red but this fucking turd was blocking him, so he had to deal with him first.

His fingers coiled into tight fists, but he kept them pinned to his thighs, reminding himself if he hit this badge-wearing motherfucker it was agg assault. “Won’t be the first time I’d be accused of doin’ shit I didn’t do. Also won’t be the first time gettin’ my ass hauled in. Won’t be the fuckin’ last for either. Spent more time in a concrete box than out of it, so you threatin’ me with that shit ain’t nothin’. Can do time with one hand tied behind my back, so do what you fuckin’ need to do, pig. But you’ll be wastin’ your fuckin’ time. Now, lemme the fuck go so I can check on Red.”

Feet rushing towards them had them both pinning their lips together and Bryson released Sig’s cut when his wife in blue scrubs not-so-gently wedged herself between them, her expression not giving anyone any doubt she was pissed off.

That was when Sig noticed Stella standing not far behind Bryson and Dodge looking a bit antsy, like he was ready to jump in at any time.

Problem was, that fucker got out of prison not long ago, too. Sig was sure Dodge wasn’t anxious to go back any time soon. And fighting a pig would land them back behind bars especially since they were both on parole.

He wouldn’t be any use to Red if he ended locked up again.

“What the fuck is wrong with you two?” Carly, her eyebrows pinned together, pushed her husband back another step and jabbed a finger toward a closed door down the hall. “You think she needs to hear this shit right now?”

Carly’s head twisted and they realized hospital security was headed in their direction. She lifted up her palm and called out, “It’s okay, Sam. Everything’s okay here. Just a couple nervous fathers-to-be.”

Sig’s head jerked back and so did Bryson’s.

Sam the security guard gave her a raised eyebrow as if he didn’t believe her.

“It’s all good, Sam. I swear. I have it under control.”

“Okay, Doc, just call if you need us.”

Carly muttered under her breath to Bryson, “The day I need to call a security guard on my cop husband is the day I...” She shook her head. “Good lord, just don’t test me like that, Matt. Not today.”

“Baby,” Bryson started.

“Uh uh. No. Mouths shut. Ears open.” She turned to Sig and jabbed a finger at him. “You.” She then jabbed it at the closed door again. “You go in there and hold her damn hand and act like you’ve got a lick of sense. You.” She jabbed it at her husband, then at one of the chairs in the corner. “You go sit the hell down over there until I tell you otherwise.”


She lifted a palm, her mouth tight and her blue eyes sharp. “No. Not another word. That woman in there has dealt with enough shit already without you two boneheads causing more issues. And, dear husband, you screw this adoption up for me... Remember that fucking tent you used to sleep in? You better find it because it’ll be a long time before you’re sleeping in my bed again.”


“Oh no. Nope. Today it’s Doctor to you. I’m in charge here. Not you.” She spun on Sig. “Not you, either.” She clapped her hands sharply. “Go.”

Sig gave the Bryson pig a scowl but before he moved toward the door, the doc stopped him cold.

“Sig... Was it them?” she asked him quietly. “I didn’t ask her since she needs to concentrate on other things right now.” Her head twisted sharply to Bryson. “Like giving birth to our son. And I don’t want to upset her more than she already is.”

“Them who?” Matt asked, shooting out of his chair and back to his feet. “Who fucking did that to her, if not him?”

Sig ignored the pig and met his wife’s eyes. “Yeah. They took her because they wanted that kid. Thought I could protect her better than you. They proved me wrong. She shoulda stayed with you.”

“I’m pretty sure it was her choice to stay with you,” Carly said softly.

“Yeah, but it was the wrong one.”

“It isn’t wrong for her to stay with someone who cares deeply about her. Every week I saw how she flourished by being with you. That’s why I stopped pushing for her to come stay with us. Her ordeal up there could’ve destroyed her. It didn’t. You treated her like... Like she was your queen, Sig. You treated her like none of what happened to her happened. You didn’t treat her as if she was different or broken, you treated her with love and respect. I witnessed it and it was the best thing for her. She was dealt a really horrible and shitty hand, but Sig... everything you did helped her move forward and not stay in that past. You get that, right?”