Why the fuck wasn’t he freaking out, too? If it was his woman, he’d be losing his shit. He wouldn’t be standing around just jawing.

Sig scanned the circle of Fury members, beginning to focus. Starting to realize once they had a plan they could move. “The first one we’re starting with is that inbred leader. That motherfucker Vernon.”

“The leader would be good. Cut off the head of the serpent and let ‘em scramble,” Judge agreed.

“And his cousin-son, Tomlin,” Sig added. “And that cunt Anna. Vernon’s wife-sister. She’s dead, too.”

“Sure you wanna take out a woman, Sig?” someone asked behind him and he didn’t care who.

“That fuckin’ cunt deserves everythin’ Red got. She’s lucky I don’t strap her down to that fuckin’ bench and rip her a new goddamn asshole.”

“Jesus, Sig,” Trip whispered. “Ain’t doin’ that shit.”

No, Trip would never let him do that shit but if it was up to Sig... That bitch would pay. Get the same thing done to her as was done to Red. “A fuckin’ quick death is too good for ‘em. And lettin’ their spawn live means they might do shit like this again. Thinkin’ they all need to die.”

“Can’t kill ‘em all. Gotta do it quietly. Takin’ out a couple will go unnoticed by the pigs. We wipe out that whole mountain and someone’s gonna notice,” Deacon said.

Judge nodded. “Agreed. We take two or three out, ‘specially the leader, they’ll think twice about fuckin’ with us again. Give ‘em a warnin’ showin’ that’ll be what they’ll deal with in the future if they don’t.”

“They fuck with us again, they’re all goddamn dead,” Dutch growled. “Ain’t playin’ a game of back and forth with those assholes. This is once and done. We show ‘em a taste of the Fury and make sure it’s a taste they don’t like.”

“Who’s goin?” Ozzy asked.

“Me,” Sig said. “I’m fuckin’ goin’.”

“Not if you don’t keep your shit together, you ain’t, brother. Can’t go rippin’ in there and gettin’ us all killed,” Judge said.

“Yeah, need to do this quick and quiet,” Trip agreed.

“Who’s got military trainin’ besides Trip?” Deacon asked.

“Nobody needs fuckin’ military trainin’ to go up there and slice some goddamn throats!” Sig yelled. They needed to move now and stop all this fucking talking.

Red was up on that mountain and who the fuck knew what the Shirleys were doing to her while they were down there jerking on their dicks.

“Dutch, you stay with Easy. Get ‘im to the hospital if it’s needed,” Trip ordered. “The rest of you are goin’ up there. Dodge, you’re stickin’ with Stella. You got me?”

“Got it.”

“Got one goal and three targets.” Trip the biker was gone, a Marine in his place. “Goal’s gettin’ Autumn out of there alive and in one fuckin’ piece. Targets are Vernon, Tomlin and Anna Shirley. Soon as one of us locates Autumn, that person’s gettin’ her the fuck outta there and to Stella and Dodge who’ll be waiting down by the road in Stella’s Jeep. Dodge, want you armed. Stel, you wait with him and need you to get Autumn the fuck away from there as soon as possible. You get her to the doc if you need to. Do not fuckin’ wait for us to come back down that mountain. You just go. She’s priority.”

“Trip,” she whispered, her face now pale.

“Gonna be okay, just need you to stick to your orders, yeah?”

Stella nodded. “Okay.”

“The rest of us is gonna fan out and then close in like a noose. One of those fuckers shoots at you, take ‘im out. They shoot, they die. Make sure you bring whatever weapons you got. Guns, knives, clubs, what-fuckin-ever. Don’t give a shit if it’s legal or not. You got shit I don’t know about on this property that’s illegal, grab it. Then after this is over, it’s gone. You get me?”

A few grumbled yeahs were heard.

“Try not to shoot anyone if possible ‘cause of ballistics. Unless you got a shotgun. Then it don’t matter.”

“We done talkin’ ‘bout this shit?” Sig yelled, his fingers curled into fists and pressed to his thighs. He was soon going to barrel through the circle of men surrounding him and head up that mountain on his own.

Trip grimaced. “Yeah, brother, we’re done. Know you can’t have weapons, but know you got some, go get ‘em. You’re ridin’ with me.” He began to walk toward the front of the barn. “No sleds. They’re too loud. Gonna park the cages at the bottom where there’s a pull-off, then hoof it up the mountain together. You hear me?”

This time a loud roar of yeahs went up and most of their brotherhood headed for the bunkhouse to get ready while Trip and Stella headed out the front.

“Everyone meet at the house in five. Then we roll,” Trip shouted over his shoulder.

Thank fuck.