And, fuck, that was hot.

He slowed the pace of his hand until every last ripple was gone, then slid them out of her and right into his mouth, tasting her for the first time. “Fuck, want you to ride my face.”

She sounded breathless when she said, “I’m not sure if—”

“Not now. Later.” After the kid was born. When she wasn’t so awkward. When he could eat her out, then throw her to the bed and fuck her hard, while she was on her belly, on her back, on her knees. When that pussy was all his to do with what he wanted. When that ass was, too.

When he wasn’t worried about her having a possible setback, when he wasn’t worried about her pregnancy. When it was just him and Red.

However long it took for all of that to happen.

“I want to come again. I missed... I forgot...” She took a big inhale and simply finished with, “I want you.”

“Want you, too, baby.” He grabbed the wraps, ripped one off the strip and then tore it open with his teeth before rolling it over his throbbing dick. “You sure?” This was her last chance to say no before he made her his.


“Tip your ass, baby... that’s it, like that.”

He slid the latex-covered head of his dick back and forth through her slick folds. He was so close to having her. So fucking close. “Don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”

“I do, actually. I just wanted to make sure I wanted it as much as you.”

“And you do?”

“I do.”

She did. Damn. “Don’t give a fuck who I am?”

“I said ‘it,’ not you. And I know who you are, Sig.”

No, she didn’t. She only thought she did. “Don’t know everything.” This was his last warning to her before he went further.

“I know enough.”

“Hope you’re not wrong.” He hoped to fuck she wasn’t wrong.

“I’ve been wrong a lot.”

That made him almost smile. Not a lot of people admitted when they’re wrong. “Yeah, baby, me too.”

“But even so, I’ll risk it.”

He wasn’t sure if she was trying to be funny, but funny or not, he was taking her at her word.

“Need me to stop, you say it.” But for fuck’s sake, please don’t say it. Let me have this. Let me have you. Let me show you I can be better. For you. “All you gotta do is say it, Red.”

“I want you.”

He’d heard those words from plenty of other women through the years but they’d never had the same meaning as when Red just said them.

He slid his dick through her folds again until he found that spot. “Want you, too, baby.” He pushed his hips forward and took her slowly, giving her plenty of time to change her mind.

Automatically, his eyes closed as her warm, slick sheath surrounded him, squeezed him and once he couldn’t slide any deeper, he stilled. He could barely ask, “’Kay?”

“God, that feels good. I’ve missed this... This type of intimate connection between two people.”

He didn’t miss it because he never had it. Sex had always been sex for him, nothing more.

“Glad I can give it to you. Gonna move now.”

“It’s okay, Sig, I don’t need a warning for everything you’re about to do. Just do what you know how to do.”

That was the problem. He didn’t know how to do this. Not this.

He knew how to fuck hard and come harder.

This gentle shit, this “connection,” was so fucking foreign to him.

So, he kept his mouth shut and fucked her as gently as possible until she complained he was being a little too careful with her.

He gave it to her a little harder and she responded just as he hoped. And as she threw her head back against his shoulder, as she played with her own nipples, as her mouth gaped open and sounds escaped that drove him deeper and harder, he found her clit again and did what he knew women liked. What they craved. That touch there.

And for once, he cared how he did it.

For once he cared if she was enjoying it.

For once, the woman in his bed would remain there afterward.

This wasn’t a bust a nut, then ghost situation.

This woman wasn’t going anywhere. At least, not yet.

As long as she wanted to remain in his bed, he was keeping her there.

Even if they didn’t have sex again until the kid was finished baking.

He could wait. Because she was worth that fucking wait.

He’d waited so long for this, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last as long as he’d like. But he needed to last long enough to make it good for her.

If it was, maybe they’d do this again. If it was, she’d ask him to fuck her again.

While the kissing and touching had been great, this was better.

And all three would be perfect.

“Give me your mouth,” he growled, his hips pistoning in and out of her.