“You don’t want to,” she said, sounding disappointed.

He hated to disappoint her so he usually made sure she got whatever she wanted. But this wasn’t like pancakes or loaded French fries. Or even a subscription to Netflix.

“Baby, want you so bad, you have no fuckin’ idea. I can come up with plenty of positions that aren’t gonna put pressure on your stomach. But are you ready?” Her wanting to have sex with him scared the shit out of him. He’d never been careful having sex before because he never had to.

He took what he wanted, how he wanted it and never worried about the bitch attached to the snatch. He’d always told them they were just getting his dick and usually some extra shit, whatever he was in the mood for.

He’d never asked a woman what the fuck she wanted because he’d never given a fuck before.

“I’m not going to let them control or destroy the rest of my life.”

And that was fucking great, but... “Baby...”

“And by you not trusting my judgement, then you’re letting them do that.”

Damn. There was that fiery attitude that turned him the fuck on. “No, just wanna make sure. It’s a big fuckin’ step. Not just for you but for us.”

One of her eyebrows rose sharply. “Oh, that’s what you tell all the women beforehand who you have sex with? How many times do you ask them if they’re sure? How many times do you tell them sex with them is a big step for you and her?”

Fuck. “Never.”


“But they...”

“Yes. I get it. Now can we not talk about that? In fact, I’d prefer not to talk at all and do other things instead. If you’re worried, we’ll go slow. If anything bothers me, I’ll let you know.”

“Not sure I can just shut shit down like that, Red. That’s my fuckin’ worry.”

“I’ve been here for a month and a half. Not once, Sig... Not once have you done anything to me I haven’t wanted. When we needed to stop, you stopped. Not once have I worried that you’d totally lose control and take it too far.”

“I’ve lost control,” he reminded her.

“Not with me.”

She was right. He’d never once pushed her farther than she’d wanted to go or could handle. Not once.

He never treated any woman like he had her. Not fucking one.

But then he had never been given a reason to.

There had been only one reason for him to deal with a woman. Okay, two. One had been just to bust a nut, the other was to relieve his mounting temper.

Red had never been either of those.

She still wasn’t. And never would be.

“Gonna take it really slow,” he warned, more to himself than her.

“Not too slowly.” She squeezed the hand that was cupping her tit again, then released it and he left it there. “My nipples are really sensitive right now.”

He hesitated.

“I didn’t tell you that so you’d stop.”

He grinned and began to knead her tit and brush his fingers over her hard nipple through the fabric.

“Help me take this off,” she said breathlessly, tugging at the loose nightie.

He helped her to a seat, yanked it over her head and tossed it to the floor.

She tucked her fingers into the top of her boy shorts. “These next and your boxers.”


“Just do it.”

He raised his brows but slowly helped peel her out of her panties and shucked his boxers, throwing them somewhere behind him.

“We gonna need a wrap?”

“A wrap?”

“Yeah, are we gonna...”

“A wrap... Oh... I hope so. So, yes?”

He didn’t quite like the question mark on the end of that, but his dick twitched at that news, anyway. He scrambled to his knees, leaned over her and reached for the nightstand drawer on her side of the bed. When he did, he jerked when she grabbed his hard as fuck dick and began to stroke it.

“Red... might not wanna do that.”


“Just... not now.” Because her touching it right now was like pulling a pin on a grenade.

She released him. “I’ve been jealous of your fist.”


“Yes,” she whispered. “I’ve been wanting to touch you there for a while now.”

“Wouldn’t have stopped you.”

“I know. But I know how hard,” she released a soft snort, “it is for you to be left hanging.”

He ripped the drawer open, grabbed a strip of wraps and moved back beside her.

He now had a string of precum hanging from the tip of his dick. Anticipation was a goddamn heady motherfucker.

And this had been a long time coming. Which meant it wouldn’t take him long to come. A wrap would help keep him from blowing his load in less than thirty seconds. Hopefully.

“Touch me,” she moaned when he pressed himself against her again, so he was behind her, both of them on her sides.

What Red wanted, Red got.

“Tell me if I get too rough, baby. If somethin’s wrong, if you need to pause, stop, whatever, just say the word.”