“I can’t—”

“No.” He lifted a palm. “The word can is a part of can’t. You can.”

“I can’t go to your salon,” she said quickly before he interrupted her again. “But I thank you for the generous offer.”

His head tilted sharply. “Why ever not?”

“Because... I... My doctor doesn’t want me to be out and about too much.”

His eye narrowed. “Your vagina doctor?”

Autumn’s eyebrows shot up her forehead. “Uh... Yes... My OB/GYN. I need to stay home and rest,” she lied, though it was somewhat true. Dr. Bryson didn’t want her doing too much since the pregnancy was still high-risk because of the baby’s underdevelopment.

“Your vagina doctor wouldn’t happen to be Dr. Carly Bryson would it?”


Teddy squealed and bounced on his toes. “Well, I’ll ask her if it’s okay if I can come to you instead. I’m sure she’ll be fine with it. She’s practically my sister-in-law.”

“She is?”

Teddy waved a hand round. “Yes. Close enough. It’s complicated. Just give me your address and a time and I’ll be there.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Honey, doing a woman’s hair and nails is always a good idea.”

Not in her case. She doubted Sig wanted a stranger coming to his apartment. Or knowing the address where she was staying.

Though, this man knew Stella and also was related somehow to Carly Bryson. And it would be nice to feel a little more human by getting her hair trimmed and her nails done. Oh, even her toenails which she could no longer reach very well.

“I don’t have any money.”

Teddy leaned into the window and gave her a great big smile. “You don’t need a dime. I can bring my stuff with me and we can get you fixed up lickety-split!”

“I... I would love that.”

His smile got brighter.

She saw movement heading toward the Jeep. “But I would need to ask him.”

“Him?” Teddy appeared confused and then looked in the same direction as Autumn was. “Oooooh. Him. Yes. Another handsome gorilla.”

The man actually licked his lips as they both watched Sig, his expression holding all kinds of unhappy, walking quickly to the SUV.

“What the fuck?” was the first thing out of his mouth.

“Hi there, handsome!” Teddy greeted, fluttering his eyelashes at him. “Ooo. I could do your hair, too.” He rushed over to Sig and when he reached up to touch his hair, Sig snagged his wrist and held it tight. “Ow. You’re a strong one.”

“Don’t fuckin’ touch me.”

Teddy nodded and, as soon as Sig released him, he stepped back. “Not secure in your manhood?”

“Plenty secure. Just don’t need you touchin’ me.” His dark eyes slid to Autumn and he moved to open the rear passenger-side door of the Jeep and put the bags of takeout inside. He slammed the door shut and spun on Teddy. “What’s goin’ on here?”

“I just offered to do her hair and nails, that’s all.”


Teddy ignored his answer and spoke quicker. “She said Carly doesn’t want her out and about so I offered to come to her place.”

“Her place is my place and that’s a no.”

Teddy frowned. “Don’t be a jealous gorilla. I’m gay, if you haven’t noticed. I just want to do her hair, not her.”

“Hard to miss it.”

Teddy smiled and wiggled his ass. “Oh, so you noticed.” He winked at Sig who scowled.

“Why’s your hat off?” Sig asked her.

“It fell onto the floor and I can’t reach it.” She had a hard time bending over now, especially in a tight spot like in the car.

“How’d it fall off?”

Her and Teddy’s eyes met. His were much wider than hers. “I... knocked it off accidentally.”

“So, aaaaaanywaaaay,” Teddy started, “I’m coming out to your place and fixing her all up. She looks like she’s been living in the woods like a wild child.”

Sig stared at Teddy for a moment, then at Autumn. “That what you want?”

She gave him a little smile.

He frowned and faced Teddy. “You do Stella’s?”

Teddy’s face lit up. “Yes! She comes in regularly.”

Sig pursed his lips. “How much is it gonna set me back?”

The hairdresser bounced on his toes. “Nothing. It’s on the house!”


“Whenever you want! Tomorrow?”

Sig turned to Autumn. “You sure?”

She smiled wider and nodded.

“Whatever you want, baby,” Sig grumbled, not looking happy about it at all.

Teddy squealed and clapped his hands together. “Oh, it’s a date! And I don’t need the address, I know where all you leather-clad, motorcycle-riding gorillas live out on that farm.” He dug out his wallet and pulled out a business card, handing it to Autumn. “I’ll be out tomorrow around five after my other appointments.” He clapped his hands in excitement again. “Ooo, I can’t wait to get my hands on that mane. He won’t be able to keep his hands off of you afterward. But by that big tummy of yours, seems like he already knows how to get the job done.” Teddy gave her an exaggerated wink and an eyebrow wiggle.