So, unless she was unconscious during one of those “breedings,” there was no doubt whose kid was in Red’s belly.

It was that motherfucking clan leader who needed to die.

Tomlin, too.

And that fucking cunt, Anna.

Not to mention, a trip to Ohio might be in order. But right now his parole terms wouldn’t let him leave the state. And crossing the border to commit murder might not be really fucking smart right now.

She moved to get up. “I’m going to make you something to eat. I’m sure you haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

“Red...” He kept her pinned against him. “Ain’t done.”

“I have nothing else to say.”

“Saw where you were kept. Saw that fucking shed. Saw the blood on the door. On the floor. On the wall.”

“I was desperate.”


“But Anna left the door open that last morning with the excuse I made up for her. She was supposed to tell Vernon I attacked her when she was bringing me my breakfast and I escaped.”

“The mornin’ I found you.”


“Did she tell you about the booby traps?”

Red twisted in his arms and he loosened his hold so she could do it. Her hazel eyes were wide and her face paler than normal. “No.”

“Not sure what they got rigged through those woods, but word is, they got somethin’. You were fuckin’ lucky.”

“Maybe she was hoping I’d die escaping.”

“Yeah, that would be best for her. ‘Cause if you escaped and went to the pigs, those mountain goat fuckers would have a shitload of problems on their hands right now and it would all be ‘cause of her bein’ a jealous bitch.”

Red shook her head. “Never in my life had I lied like I did to her. But I didn’t care. I would have told her anything to get free.”

“You were smart.”

“I was desperate.” She shifted again to get up and he tightened his hold. “I need to make you something to eat.”

She wanted to be done talking about this and, though he didn’t blame her, he needed to hear about one more thing. “Red... I saw the bench.”

Her body jerked in his arms.

“When I found the shed, found that, too.”

A sharp breath hissed out of her and her nails, which weren’t as ragged as when he first found her, dug into his arms.

“Not wrong thinkin’ that’s what they used, right?”

She still said nothing. That right there confirmed it.

“Don’t gotta say nothin’, just needed you to know I saw it. Went up there ‘cause I needed to wrap my head ‘round it. What we’re dealin’ with. You’d told me nothin’. Had to assume too much shit. Not knowin’ was eatin’ at me.”

“It isn’t about you.” Her voice was thin and it made a sharp pain shoot through his chest.

She was right but she was also very fucking wrong. “Yeah, baby, it is. The second you took my fuckin’ hand at the bottom of that mountain and trusted me, it became about me, too.”

That morning he couldn’t walk away from her even if he’d wanted to. Her desperation had pulled at him, drew him in. And now he was unable to let go.

“I was treated like an animal,” she said in a shaky whisper.

“Yeah, baby, I get it. Know how that feels.”

She grabbed his right wrist and pulled it away from her, asking, “Is that what set you off?”

“That fuckin’ bench finished me off.”

“What did you hit?”

“Unfortunately, not one of those motherfuckers. A fuckin’ tree.”

“Sig,” she whispered.

“It’ll heal.”

“I’m sorry you saw it.”

For fuck’s sake, she was sorry. “So am I, baby. Not ‘cause I didn’t wanna know. I did. But ‘cause it happened to you. ‘Cause they hurt you like that. ‘Cause they treated you no better than one of their fuckin’ livestock. ‘Cause your fuckin’ cunt of a mother betrayed you like that.”

“I need to face you,” she whispered.

He released her and slipped from behind her, off the couch and onto his knees on the floor between hers.

He lifted his face to her. “Sorry for callin’ your mother a cunt, but she’s a fuckin’ cunt.”

Red pressed her lips together.

Sig grinned. “My mother’s a cunt, too. We got a lot in common.”

Her lips pressed tighter but the corner of her eyes wrinkled.

He took a breath. “It’s over, baby, you’re done with them. They ain’t ever touchin’ you again. They ain’t touchin’ this kid. You’re good.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I’m right. Brysons are gonna help with that. Once it’s born, you can move on. Forget this shit ever happened.”

“I don’t think it’ll be that easy.”

“No, but it’ll be easier.”

“Again, I hope you’re right.”

“Until then, you’re here. You got a key. A place to stay. Protection.”

She reached out and brushed a knuckle down his cheek. “And you.”

“Yeah, Red. And me.” He stared at her lips, which had a slight upward curl to them. “Now... gonna kiss you again, yeah?”

That curl lifted. “Yes.”

He leaned in, she leaned down and their lips met in the middle. She tasted so fucking good.