“Brother,” Sig muttered back.

Whip pressed his lips to Billie’s temple before saying, “See you met my girlfriend, Billie.”

Sig’s eyes closed. Fuck. When he opened them, he grunted, “Yeah.”

“The answer to your question is a big fuck no.”

Sig cocked a brow at him. “And what question would that be?”

“If I mind sharin’.”

“Yeah, that question.” Sig leaned in closer to Whip. “Don’t think she minds it, brother. Offered me her pussy while it’s full of your cum. Not all guys like to double dip like that, brother.”

“You mustn’t mind, then. Shot a big fuckin’ load up there earlier.”

“Wasn’t plannin’ on usin’ her cunt.” Sig straightened. “Maybe you should’ve attached a shorter fuckin’ leash to that collar of hers. Because it came close to my cum leakin’ out of her ass on your sheets tonight, brother. That woulda been one fuckin’ uncomfortable wet spot to sleep in.”

With a tight jaw, Sig spun on his boot heel, headed behind the bar, grabbed a half-kicked bottle of tequila, and shoved Trip out of his way when he tried to step into his line of escape. Then he headed out through the open double doors into the night.

Her heart was pounding, her lungs struggling for oxygen, her bare feet cut up and in pain as she ran over sharp rocks and twigs. She slipped on damp leaves, barely catching herself in time to keep from crashing into a tree.

But she couldn’t stop. Not even for a second. Not even to catch her breath.

She needed to ignore the sharp cramps in her back and stomach.

Needed to run faster.

Needed to get away.

Needed to escape.

She couldn’t go back.

Not ever.

If she did, she’d no longer exist.

Hidden away, a sliver of her old self remained, that shard was what she needed to cling to. That was where she needed to run to. To the life she used to have, not the one she was living currently. That glimmer of hope was what she needed to focus on.

The woods were dark, the path dangerous. She quickly zig-zagged through the brush and trees, branches pulling at her, cutting her flesh, scraping her skin, grabbing at her like a monster’s claws.

Trying to capture her and hold her until they could come find her.

Escape was her only chance for survival. If they found her, she would die.

Because, if they found her, she would make sure of it.

They couldn’t have her. They couldn’t have what they planted.

She refused to give it to them.

Fuck them.

Fuck them.

Fuck them.

She would take away what they thought belonged to them.

She would make sure they didn’t get what they wanted, no matter how she had to do it.

They had broken her... broken her... broken her... Snapped her in two.

They wouldn’t benefit from that. Not ever.

They thought she would submit. They thought she would willingly go along with their plans.

She would never.


Fuck them.

It wasn’t a choice she’d ever make.

It wasn’t a choice at all.

They had stolen her choice and she needed to steal it back.

Her belly was expanding more and more as she ran down that mountain, through those woods.

Expanding to the point it felt about to burst. Like whatever was growing inside her was also trying to escape.

Trying to be free.

A sharp pain shot through her like a lightning strike, making her gasp and stumble. The next one made her pause, pressing a palm against the rough bark of a nearby tree, using it to keep herself upright. To keep from doubling over.

She forced her feet to keep moving.

She needed to keep going no matter how much it hurt.

She looked for a path. There was none. She’d had to make her own.

Until she saw something. Ahead.

A pinpoint of light. Like the beam of a flashlight in the distance.

As she headed for it, it widened and got brighter, now like a single headlight from a vehicle.

And a silhouette standing in front of that light.

The shape of a man.

She needed to head toward him.

He was there to help her.

Not hurt her.

He would help her find her way out.

Then the light became blinding, making her shade her eyes with one hand.

She couldn’t see his face, but she could see something else as she got closer...

An outstretched hand.

“Red...” A deep voice. A man’s voice. “It’s me or them.”

He wanted her to take his offered hand. Accept his help.

She wasn’t sure if she should.

It could be a trap. A trick.

Someone sent to capture her.

“Red,” he said more firmly. “Me... Or them.”

Oh God, oh God, oh God. Not them. Never them.

Once again her choice was taken from her.

She had no choice.

“You,” she whispered and grabbed it tightly, hot tears rolling down her dirty cheeks. “You.”

A gush of warm liquid rushed from her, covering her inner thighs, splashing on and around her feet.

She glanced down as she grabbed her stomach as everything inside her twisted in agony.




Hot. Slippery.

Even in the limited light, she could clearly see what it was.