Yeah, definitely reminded him of one of those goth chicks. He’d had a couple of them in the past and they tended to like to play hard.

“Who’s that?” Sig asked.

From behind the bar, Rev set his elbows on it, leaned forward, and looked in the direction Sig was. “Dunno. Must be a new sweet butt. Never saw her before tonight and she wasn’t with us on the run.”

That piqued his dick’s interest and also made his fingers curl around an invisible belt. “Yeah?”


Sig strode over to the corner where the sweet butt was still dancing, lost in the song. He stopped in front of her as she swayed her rounded hips back and forth with her eyes closed, the tips of her nipples pressing against the thin, almost see-through top. Yep. Pierced with barbells. Wearing no bra, it left him no doubt.

She was getting more promising by the second.

He waited and watched. Once her eyes slowly opened, she smiled at him and he gave her a chin lift. “What’s your name?” Not that he cared, because he really fucking didn’t.

Her smile became knowing. “Billie.”

“Billy?” That was a guy’s name. “You got a dick?” Because he needed to be sure she didn’t, otherwise he was stopping the conversation right there.

Her eyelids got heavy as she ran her hand from her waist down the front of her short skirt. “Want to find out?”

“Just tell me.” He needed facts, not bullshit flirting games.


“No, you don’t got a dick? Or no, you ain’t tellin’ me?”

“No, I don’t have a dick. I have a really wet pussy.”

Jesus fuck. Just like her name, he didn’t give a shit about her pussy. That wasn’t what he needed tonight. “You drunk?”

“Not yet.”

She didn’t stop him when he dipped two fingers into her exposed cleavage. “Those real?” Her tits were way too big and perky without a bra to be natural.

“It matter?”

“Nope.” Because he didn’t really give a fuck about those, either. He just wanted to know whether he could whip her there. Women with implants didn’t always appreciate it. “You got a load in your cunt right now?”

Her smile widened. “Sure do. You into that?”

Now, that shit might be important. “Whose?”

Her heated dark brown eyes slid past him and Sig glanced to where she was looking. Which was at one of the two new patched members. Whip. Before tonight, known as Sparky.

As a prospect, he wasn’t allowed to fuck any of the sweet butts, but he must have popped that cherry as soon as he was handed his cut with all his new patches earlier. An unofficial celebration before the official one.

His gaze landed back on the woman who was still swaying to the music but now stood toe to toe with him, her bottom lip tucked her teeth. Time to get down to business. “You like it rough?”

Her eyes glittered. Fuck yeah, she liked it rough. But she played the game like a pro. One he had no time for.

“How rough?”

“Rough enough you’ll remember it for fuckin’ days no matter how many loads you take in that cunt afterward.”

She pursed her dark red lips and a flush ran up her chest and her nipples were now rock hard. Those barbells were tempting him. But they weren’t done with negotiations yet. Otherwise, he’d grab one and use it to pull her somewhere private.


Sig raised an eyebrow. “On?”

“On if you know what you’re doing.”

A corner of Sig’s mouth lifted as he studied her parted lips, wondering how deep he could fuck her face before she’d gag. “Know what I’m doin’.”

“And you stop when I tell you.”

“Not a problem.”

“You got a place to go?” She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, then stuck it out so he could see it was pierced. Fuck. That always made head better. He could already feel that barbell in her tongue sliding up the underside of his hard-on. His dick was starting to get more and more interested.

He and it were finally going to get what he needed badly. “Can find one.”

“Find it,” she whispered, an excited tremor in her voice, the flush now reaching her cheeks.

Even with Whip and Rev moving into their own rooms, two still remained empty in the bunkhouse. He could take her into one of those. They didn’t need a bed, just privacy. And with the loud music playing in The Barn, no one would hear them unless they were listening on purpose.

Sig brushed his hand down his now throbbing hard-on and smiled when Billie’s dark eyes followed the movement with another lick of her lips.

A hand on Billie’s arm abruptly created space between her and Sig when she was jerked back. Whip’s gaze, which wasn’t holding a whole lot of happy, jumped from Billie to Sig. “Brother,” he greeted, then dropped an arm around the woman’s shoulders, pulling her into his side.